1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

the gems sucks. hurry up capcom and release the 1/8 autoblock, free throw tech, and 1/6 all in one gems.

The 1/6th meter block gem is ducking stupid. If you have full meter(3stocks), you get 18 auto blocks, not to mention all the meter you get when you block attacks or when you actually do attack. That’s a lot of times you opened up your opponent to only come up empty handed. That’s insanely broken. 18 successful openings is probably more than enough to win 2 rounds… Do the math. Gems a fucking busted

These gay ass gems made me rage quite a bit too. What was Capcom thinking?!?

You do 400~500 on the average opening.

That means the new auto gems are worth approximately, 3000 damage per bar.

yes, 3000 damage, as in, 3 full life bars.

New gems=FREE

lol no, you only wasted your time browsing, reading, and talking about it in the subforum. Way to show us all how its done champ.

Seriously? Is it common practice to go into message boards and talk shit about games you have no interest in buying? I know I’m getting on in age, but this isn’t really the cool thing to do now is it? wtf?

I just wanna be hip like all the other hipsters so let me know, cause I got a whole list of games I wanna let their respective communities in on how much I don’t care about and am so glad I didn’t purchase. /sarcasm

Rolento with the new block gem, so ugly haha.


Don’t let him fool you - he:

  1. plays the game with the Auto win gems and considers himself good.

  2. plays the game and is just as upset as the rest of us, just too emotionally immature to show it properly.

you can always try Persona 4: Ultimate Mayonaka Arena :coffee:

Lol you think post counts and join dates for SRK matter. Ever wonder why top level players never post on here unless it’s to clear shit up? Because the FGC rejected SRK a long time ago and I’m talking about the actual FGC not stream monsters incorporated.

I still love how Stance characters can auto-block when they can’t normally block in their tekken stances. Auto-block literally break all rules…

Honestly I don’t know for sure that assist gems are broken. I just think they are the worst easy mode mechanics invented by Capcom in recent history. Easy mode is meant to be training wheels, not fucking legit tactics. Oh well. I suggest people just don’t support what they don’t like.

We still have AE. Sweet, glorious AE.

I definitely hate that game less after seeing SFxT.

To summarize how I feel about the new gems…

I played AE last night for the first time in months. Had a lot of fun! Messed around with the low tier characters, and it was still great seeing as they still had a bit of a fighting chance even with their bad match ups.

Not so in this game. Balrog against autoblock and auto-tech is pretty much unplayable once your opponent gets a life lead. Really no answer for downback. Can’t overhead (huge negative frames on block, leaves you right beside opponent for 400+ damage punish), can’t throw. No cross up. Even worse if he’s Guile since you have to give an arm and a leg just to get within poking range… And then all he needs is a fraction of his bar to get you out of range so he can start zoning you with sonic booms again. Instead of 4-6 against Guile, gems make it more like 1-9.

Not to be an ass but this isn’t MvC2 you’re working with, this is Brawl. The developers are not trying to make a solid fighter, they are working in the opposite direction and kind of shitting on everything you guys are doing.

You guys develop great setups to beat the ability roll or not on wakeup and other strong mixups, they made auto block cheaper.

Aww yeah Ass Edition here I come…wait


I know you guys don’t care about the details…

But, in case you didn’t notice…assist gems aren’t the only ones that got improved.
The boost gems also got improved, along with the assist gems.

I just went through my current boost gem setups, and noticed better gems in pretty much every category. And, so I upgraded all my characters for free.


Basically, Capcom just buffed EVERYTHING IN THE GAME…not just assist gems.

But, as soon as you saw the assist gems getting improved, everyone just stopped reading right there. No one stopped to think WHY the assist gems were improved.

So this game is to be treated like the campy, over the top fighting game? Say what NBA JAM is to basketball games?

I looked at all the gems, not just assist. Let me spell it out for you. The new auto-block gem costs 1/4 a block. That means for a mere one block of cross gauge, you are protected from four attacks that would have normally opened you up. Lets say each attack lead to an average of 300 dmg. That’s 1200 dmg that one block of cross gauge saves you from with the new auto block gem. Do you think your new and improved boost gem that gives you an additional 10% dmg over your last boost gem is enough to overcome this? It’s not.

I have to wonder why they thought something like this was a good idea anyways. I’m not 100% willing to totally give up on this game, but, I’m starting to find the cons are really starting to outweigh the pros now/ smh. I just hope Capcom come to their senses, and, very soon at that. Just give us a option to make rooms that disable assist gems, or, just axe auto-block/tech altogether. Seem like that’s asking for way to much with the way things have been going lately though. I swear it almost like they’re trying to sabotage this game now.