1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

I just quit this game after having lost to a guy who´s auto block gem activated like six times per round. Given the shitty throws in this game, there are really no offensive options against such a player. Back to SF4 for me…

Gems are completely irrelevant to the meat of this game… bringing them up every 5 seconds when they aren’t even used in competitive play is asinine. Yeah, there are people to abuse them online – but as I’ve said before, there are also people who lag switch on SSF4, which is fucking annoying and unfair as well.

Gems will get sorted out eventually. We all understand that they are stupid now, but they have nothing to do with the core functionality of the game.

Eventually isn’t good for the longetivity of the game. I mean, every day you’re going to have new players try out Ranked or Endless for the very first time, and promptly get turned off by the proliferation of auto-block. Getting beat down by superior tactics makes some people want to get better and such (which is great for extending the life of a game), but getting beat down by a gem selection is something else.

The ‘meat’ of this game is online play, if gems screw this up then the game is deader than the dodo.

The opinions on what the meat of this game is will differ between online and offline players I guess. Someone who likes to gather those bps and never go to tournaments would consider the assist gems a huge blow to the meat of the game, while players who use online play to prepare for offline tournaments won’t feel the exact same way. Sure they need put in some work to avoid the assist abusers online, which limits their online training, but since online isn’t what they are playing the game for, but rather using it as preparation, it won’t be the end of the world.

Anyway, Capcom are looking into the gem problem, so calm down people.

More details please, I’ve been out of the loop for a while. What ‘gem problem’ are they looking into?

This is Capcom’s Christian Svensson answering a question about the gems:

The addition of the new Auto-Block/Auto-Tech gems has led many players to find them to be extremely overpowered and imbalanced, and that they completely break the game. How does Capcom feel about this? — iAskTheHardQuestionsSvensson:

“I’ve asked a few folks here more knowledgeable about this situation than I am. All I can say is that there are discussions about this topic happening. Unfortunately I can’t provide any more detail than that at this time. Sorry.”

I might be getting the PC version next week. All I want to know is is there any way of knowing what gems your opponent(s) are using before you accept a match? In ranked or endless? I’m thinking I’ll just remove or leave anyone who uses assist gems.

I don’t know about 1v1 but on endless lobbies with 3+ people when you’re spectating the menu allows you to view the players gem setup for each respective character they use.

If there was a time for Capcom to not play their cards close to their chest, this would be one of them. Japanese mentality, man.

Ran into my first new-autoblock gem user, and yeah, it straight up robs you.

This isn’t something that’ll make me stop playing the game though. I don’t understand why you’d use them for the same reason I don’t get trash talk or dropping out in the middle of a match. So a guy gets more BP with them - so what. Eventually he’ll meet a wall and he won’t have developed the right skills to beat people on the expert level. Also, is a high level player really going to use them? I don’t think the points matter more than whether it was a good match or not.

I agree with you, but let’s just hope they listen to the right people.

That gave you a sense of security, did it?

The knowledge that they are aware of the problem and that it is being discussed does give me some security, yes. I could, of course, choose to stay negative and whine, but I choose to wait and see what happens.

See my sig. It will save you time.

I think its lame that event hubs posts a video of “high level sfxtk play”, so I watch it, and they are using assist/auto block gems. What is high level about that? Scrub level.

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They are playing to win.
Gems are powerful and a big advantage, if both players can use it, then is fair play regardless being “cheap” or not. It somehow similar to how people bashed players using Sagat on Vanilla SF4 or Yun in SF3 3S.

The problem of those assists gems is that are hugely superior to any other gem in the game and anyone who don’t use it is at a large disadvantage so it ruins all the gem metagame since there is only one good option.

Now they will release an assist gem that nullifies the opponent´s assist gems, just for 5$.

I apologize, my bad!


I was largely unimpressed with the play in that video even without the assist gems. Lots of players falling into bad situations because of lack of familiarity with game mechanics, their character, or their opponent’s character. Lots of poor meter management/decision making.

And they aren’t ‘playing to win’ really either. What competitive player would train themselves to be good with assist gems when they know they won’t be able to use them in anything other than online play?