1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

LOL no worries, I feel ya’. Definitely let me know, always up for a good session online, but gotta’ do what works for you. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Ah, I think you’re talking about the “you’re dying too much want help?” mode in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. I’m still iffy on that but it does require you to die a lot to activate it and it’s more of a “here’s a decent way to do it” thing than outright removing a function. Still, good point, I’d forgotten about that.

guys guys guys. calm the fuck down.

the real question here is, whos the bigger douchebag producer. sakurai… or ono?

Holy crap, that Cammy part made my eyes melt. The faster those autoblock/autotech gems are out of the game, the better. Hurry up Capcom!

Longer it takes from capcom to fix these shit gems, more players we will lose. ^ Hurry up Capcom!

Pardon me? I come from Smash, and don’t you dare compare Ono to the Dark Lord.

Man, that Arturo video was sad. Well, I’ve got another gem for you (pun intended). Here’s my conquest against a gem user, and an A+ one at that. I believe it was the 2 slot 1/4 block auto block. I shot it with my phone so bear with me. Enjoy.


p.s. You most likely won’t see me rematching these people for further vids. I keep a list written of all the assist gem users I encounter so I don’t ever have to play them again :slight_smile:

I keep a written list of people with neon characters so I don’t ever have to play them again :wink:

My thoughts as someone new to this game, but who was (is) pretty big into AE:

I initially held off buying the game because I didn’t like the idea of the gems, plus the DLC bullshit, plus the recycled art direct. However, I caved on Friday when I saw it on sale. Anyway, got it home, jumped into training and I found out that this game is actually pretty amazing. Ryu and Rolento and some other characters are a lot of fun to play and the game mechanics in general are really interesting. Spent most of that day in training then jumped online this morning. This morning was also the first time I messed with gems and after one game of using the auto-block/tech gems I could tell it was broken.

What I don’t understand is, yeah if Capcom wants to put something in the game that lets noobs ease into it, then that’s fine, but why is there no option in Endless to disable gems? The logical thing to have done would have been to have an option to start an Endless lobby with gems enabled so noobs could use them against each other while they’re learning, but then you would have intermediate and advanced lobbies with gems disabled. And the fact that you can have such a skill-less and broken thing such as auto-block/tech gems in a ‘ranked’ matchmaking system is a joke. So you can advance up the ‘rankings’ by using auto-block/tech gems? Capcom, what the fuck were you thinking?

For now I’m just going to play against people not using gems in Endless lobbies until they patch that garbage out and if they don’t patch it out then I’ll just go back to AE or KOF or something else.

^ Nice idea m8 but dont put all gems in the same basket cause game is balanced around gems. There should be a filter for assist gems. But yeah as much as I like the gem concept if the only way to avoid playing ppl with assist gems is to have a mode that bans them all then I don’t mind.

Btw since I dont care about BP I consider ppl with assist gems as harsh training but having half matches I play a day being with assist gems then it spoils the all the fun

There are some points missing about this gem, and I agree with Laughter 7 that there would be a restriction for n00b users, maybe disabling assist gems when you reach C+ Rank.

Another idea that came to mind is to add to the searching menu if you want to be matched with someone that is using all kind of gems / only boost gems / only assist gems / no gems.

And the last idea is to switch this auto-block gem from assist to boost, this for putting time restrictions for the gem, making it a 20/15/20 seconds depending on how much bar it needs to activate, like all other boost gems.

I don’t like to play against assist gem users, but there’s a lot of satisfaction when u beat them.

^ a cool fix would be not being able to block for the rest of the round when autoblock activates 15 times:P

Quit forcing the concept of GEMS to us…

Also lets remember there are still more gems on the way. Maybe and EVEN Better Autoblock gem that cost double the price.

I really like the gems concept. I just don’t like assist gems. For example I like Cole but his health is so low. With 2 fort games and 1 life he becomes decent

Same, I actually like the Gems concept, it’s just these stupid, stupid stupid assist gems, that are, quite frankly… dumb.

I could understand the existence of those gems maybe if they increase the cost alot stat lol. You can get meter quickly in that game, seriously don’t understand why they never tested this out for balance before throwing new gems into the mix with colors as a diversion. I don’t play this game often (don’t own it, not my taste of gameplay, but scramble mode is fun with friends locally) but they need to fix these issues before the hype dies and Capcom can only artificially keep the hype alive for so long with its* long-term support *statements. TTT2,Persona 4 arena ,Doa5, are coming this fall (thats when their “dlc” characters come out) so its all fun and games now but there is a limit to this amount of nonsense and the final nail in coffin would be whenever TxSF comes out (might be a year or two from now but I have a eerie feeling it will stomp out sfxt) Props for the game sales since they can bank off the title alone using whats considered two big fighting series for each respective 2d/3d playstyle (even though they did not reach where they hoped) And see the casuals as the bigger market then the no nonsense fgc (buisness 101).
All in all if they want to salvage this mess (tourney streams has no hype at all) either balance the game out more,tweak with the gems mechanic (too late to get rid of them you already invested too much on that gimmick),or DLC to remedy the situation (releasing the additional 12 characters at fall is not the smart choice just to promote the vita).

yea im sure a lot are fine with the gems concept except just the assist gems. it’s just really good and above any other gem combination.

If it wasn’t for the PS Vita the game would have received a major balance patch by now. I think capcom doesn’t wanna do any major balance changes until all characters are available for the crowd to test. So expect this game to be balanced in 6-7 months lol. I dont mind that but assist gems have to be balanced NOW!
I have faith in EVO that the assist gems will ruin the tournament. I bet you now that 90% of the ppl there will use them and there are gonna be tons of timeouts.

Simple (and necessary) fix: no assist gems in ranked play, gem toggles for lobbies, and tournaments should be boost-gem only (not on Capcom, but still.)

That’s really it.

Assist gems should be available for beginners, and beginners have no business in ranked or using engine assists at tournaments. (In before “ranked doesn’t mean anything anyway”, well yeah, feel that way, but it’s provided to be the competitive angle of online play and dismissing it’s seriousness doesn’t change what it’s there for.)

Now that I’ve had a bit more time to play SFxT online, I’ve realised just what gems and the DLC fiasco have done to this game. It’s currently Sunday afternoon. If I was to hop on AE and search for an Endless lobby there would be probably around 10 UK lobbies and dozens Euro lobbies to choose from.

I’ve just done a search for an Endless lobby in SFxT and it’s returned 4 lobbies. One in NZ, one in Canada, one in Spain and one in the UK. The connection quality on the first three is ass so I joined the UK lobby and the cunt is using autoblock gems!

Sorry to say it, but fuck this game. It’s been out a couple of months and it’s already dead. What a shame.

  1. No gems being used at EVO…

  2. balance patch has been announced for mid May, has what seems to be significant balance changes, not just glitch patches. They’ve only announced changes for so many characters but I suspect there are changes for a lot more than what they announced (I hope anyways)… IMO it will be the opposite of what you said, we’ll be getting continuous patches until the vita version comes out, and then very few after probably only for any remaining glitches and not really for balance. I’m betting they hope to balance the characters we have as much as possible while still balancing the DLC characters on the back end, hoping to solve as many problems as possible before vita version goes final.