1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

I assumed gems were gonna be used in tournaments too now that they added the quick choice thingy, especially with all the bashing of the smash community a couple of years ago for banning items.

I’m living in Japan at the moment, the online scene for this game is really, really weak compared to AE. It’s not even close.

I can’t see many people paying money to play in an event that allows Assist gems. The other gems could happen but Assist gems will probably never make an appearance offline.

Ok. There’s close to no offline scene here, so I wouldn’t know.

…I really wonder why

Man, this game had such promise. Such an epic crossover to be completely ruined beyond repair. This games more out of it than Marvel 3, I find it almost sad that it could have been such a great game and Capcom just completely shit all over it.

Still has it. If they are going to keep doing balance patches, this game is going to start booming. When people realize the game is getting -real- support, they’ll come back.

Doubtful, y’know the saying, first impression is a last(ing) impression? When people see how awful a game is at the start, its incredibly hard to get them to come back, even harder than if a good game goes to shit, people will still have a tendency to flock back to it out of nostalgia or whatever. I guess its a case of reverse nostalgia.

I mean look at MMOs, a lot of them start of TERRIBLE, then the devs wise up and start fixing the game and improving it a ton hoping to get subs back. In the end though, it never works, no matter how good of a game it becomes, that 1st impression is ingrained for eternity.

Final Fantasy XIV is a good example of how a game can survive despite a bad start. It had, arguably, the worst start in MMO history and its still doing well and is set for a rekindling this November when the PS3 version hits. Trust me, the game’s going to come back in a big way and will likely do well with the Final Fantasy fanbase and do, at least, as well as FFXI did in the long term.

SFxT is still kicking. The start of the game will hang over its head for a long, long time, but its not so heavy that it will drag the game down into the grave before it has an honest chance of survival.

It’s pretty much gone for me sadly, they arn’t ever going to get rid of absurdly good assist gems and without a local scene I don’t have an environment where I can play this game without the supreme bullshit. I honestly believe it can’t be salvaged into playable or watchable game, there is just something about it. The lack of hype… good thing Capcom put in hype charts. #kappa

Errr…what? You mean the game that literally had to go F2P to get people to play and still tanked pretty hard? Maybe I havent been following XIV enough but just because Sony is putting a lot of work and drive into it, doesn’t mean its doing well. Games been out for like a year or 2 and its still trying to get back on its feet? If anything it just goes to show how hard first impressions last.

I mean whatever, sure maybe years down the line FF14 might stand up on its own, and maybe SFxT will have the same happen. Thats a really long time though, and with all the new and upcoming FGs that are being cranked out I wouldn’t hold my breath on it.

No matter how balanced or fair or how many frame changes they make to SFxT, this game at its core just isn’t fun to watch, and its barely fun to play. There needs to be major system overhauls and Capcom is far too stubborn to even appease that thought. Just look at gems man, all the ridiculous backlash that came from it, and they’re still in the game, with even worse additions to the gem lineup to boot. Even post release, gems are still awful, and theres no signs that they’re going anywhere.

The list of problems is honestly too long to even list.

As a point, FF14 is basically back in Beta for an improved launch later this year… Different scenario than going F2P.

From there, all games have problems. Marvel players, even ones deep into the scene, constantly talk about all of the problems that Marvel 3 has and yet its still a popular game. The excitement of some of the top matches in SFxT is proof that the game still has great hype potential – everyone’s just too down on it to see it.

It’s just going to take some time and open-mindedness for the game to take off – it’s going to require people actually giving it a chance as opposed to just writing it off like the red-headed step child nobody wants. I frankly think that Capcom putting time into improving the game prior to the DLC launch will bode well for the growth and development of the scene and I expect EVO will show a lot of new technology that will excite a lot of people about the game’s future.

Its a popular game because its hype to watch and to play, SFxT, by popular opinion, is not. Balance is not the key to the longevity or success of a game. This is why no matter how much they balance SFxT, things are likely to not change.

And why would people give in and wait for this game to get good, when there are already excellent games being churned out? People write off SFxT for a reason.

Anyway we’ll just have to agree to disagree, as this discussion will just loop in circles.

When are you guys going to realize that Capcom doesnt give a fuck about the tournament scene and only cares about casual gamers? Casual gamers bring the $$$. Not the tourney players.

SFxT is a casuals game. Play AE if you want an SF tournament worthy fighter.

I guess so.

There are plenty of good games coming out, but not many more 2D style fighters outside of Persona. I just don’t think Capcom-heavy players are going to switch to games like VF and TTT2 if they don’t already play them, especially when you have guys like me who can not touch those games then body people with little effort on a whim just by virtue of having played them of the majority of my childhood (same way it works with me trying to learn 2D ones and getting roflstomped by people with the properly trained muscles).

Not everyone’s going to switch to games with completely different mechanics and skill set requirements out of nowhere. VF and Tekken aren’t really games you can just pick up and play a high level just like Marvel and Street Fighter take diligent practice to play at tournament level.

If Capcom left it as it was shown at the preview a year ago rather than trying to force shit no one wanted in the first place then you know, maybe people wouldn’t hate your stupid game so much. I wish I could cancel my pre order until they fix the glaring issues with this game since I won’t be having much fun it seems for a long while.

I think this is often true, but not always. Players really did not like ST of SF3 when they first where released. Trust me, I was literally there at GL everyday when the games dropped. But, over time they became some most the most loved games in the series.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy SFxT, but I am not saying its next ST/SF3. I am just saying, that there have been instances where a FG has worked its way back into the the FGC. However, its occurrence is very rare.

People keep saying go back to AE…after playing SFXT, I never wanna play SF4 again. THIS game has the mechanics I love. A better combo system, no “knock your opponent down once and win the match” BS, etc. I still remember when I first started SF4 and not understanding why only specific moves juggled a person or even hit a person who was in a juggle state (AA a guy with SRK, and watch your hadoken whiff unless it’s EX for example). Don’t get me wrong, SF4 was a lot of fun. But I’d rather play this.
And for the people who say go play SG/KOF/whatever else fighter, guess what? I have the amazing ability to be able to play more than 1 fighter.

Ironic. At least SF4 doesn’t have “get meter and life lead and win the match by time out BS”.

I seriously hope something happens that knocks some sense into Capcom before they completely ruin this game, because it really is fun except for its problems.

Both games have its pros and cons… Can we stop with the “this game is better” nonsense? The reason we have a ton of different 2D fighters instead of just one is because different people like different things. I met a guy at locals yesterday whos not into fighters and he said he enjoyed playing SFxT a lot more than SF4 and Marvel 3 because it just felt better to him – not every one has to play everything. Not everyone has the reflexes to play Marvel or the patience to play Street Fighter. Doesn’t make any of those bad games – just means they are different.