1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

Just chiming into the thread to express once again how bad this game is and how grateful I am for quitting it after 3 days.


people who do this kind of shit need to die in a fire…

Ok kid, enjoy your auto block. I’m sincerely happy that you found a game where you can win a few rounds. Have fun

you don’t get it, I’m not going to fucking give up on a game when the shit gets rough…if this game can survive through this then it will survive till September when those vita characters arrive.

people like you who spew out negativity make me sick and your shit isn’t needed…we got more then enough people saying the same old tired shit…be original for once and stfu about it.

I wish I had more experience fighting people who use the auto gems so I could make a more fair judgement on them. As is, I’ve had very few such matches, but haven’t had any real troubles. And since tournaments ban gems because of the game’s crappy UI, there’s no high level (if high level even exists for this game yet) match play to go off of.

Wakeup rolls exist to avoid the vortex game as it was in SF4. With how high the damage is in this game (60% off 1 opening with no real meter requirement), vortex would be too much to deal with. You’d get opened up once and potentially die 2 seconds later before you could even bring in your other character.

If they do patch in time (which I have a strong feeling they will if they do a balance patch before the game dies), PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t just make the seconds tick slower like in MvC3. Add a third fucking digit to the clock.

Me too. Capcom can work on some of the other problems with the game, but instead they just introduced more problems which they have to fix before looking at the OLD problems.

I wish Capcom had the guts to step up and admit that the autoblocks were a bad idea and are being used in a capacity they didn’t intend, to the great detriment of their game, and just get rid of them. They THINK it would look bad from a PR point of view, but in actuality it’s the best thing they could do and they would get a lot of positive response, not negative.

They did it with AE twins… why can’t they do it here?

As alot of people have been saying this as of late and my personal experiences also relate to this, But Time is not really the issue…people are not managing their time well in this game, nor are they maximizing damage either. This combined with Auto block gems making defensive players never wanting to press a button even after a small health lead with 70+ seconds on the clock, this is one of the more legit reasons in why it’s really bad.

the autoblock gem on it’s own isn’t bad in fact counter hits happen almost too often in this game so people maxing out the amount of damage they can do when they actually do land a hit is key…most often then not…everyone cross rushes and unless it’s going into a super or team super…its not doing alot of damage and or its eating alot of time off the clock, then usually afterwards it’s the highly punishable raw tag…that usually doesn’t get punished in online play.

The problem with it, is all the small things adding up to form this huge BS that we want to pin down as one general problem…which isn’t right because if that one thing was fixed…we will still have the same problems…example:

if the timer was extended…matches would just drag on longer…people will have the incentive to just sit there to drive on someones patience…this will just make already long matches…longer, with assist gems still in ranked…your salt levels will just rise even further because you have to wait twice as long to be timed out then before…so not a good solution to the problem.

Why shouldn’t I give up on a game that sucks? It’s not about things getting rough, it’s about the game being ass from day 1 and becoming even worse after a few months

Someone actually complained about rolls in SFxT again? Rolls are fucking godlike and they are a huge improvement over SFIV. Vortex needs to stay far away from fighting games.

Make a thread about the subject and stop buying the game to boot goddamit. Companies care more about our money than they do about our tweets or threads. Buy a copy of Mahvel if you guys haven’t. X-factor is bad, but they aren’t making us pay for it like they are planning with gems and the custom BS.

I’m so torn on this game. It brings some good stuff like rolls, GGPO rollback(on a big retail title to boot), online training mode, chain combos and a large roster, but it came at a heavy cost. Gems, 12(waaaay too much) on disc DLC characters and the shittiest 3D fighting art style I’ve seen since MK.

I would’ve bought the game by now if it weren’t so ugly and it had a default “no gem” mode for ranked(alongside a gem toggle for player matches). Capcom makes it hard for me to support them.

Replace 3S with Guilty Gear Accent Core+ and we good. I like me some 3S, but we got all the Street Fighter we need with ST.

personal opinions =/= facts. it’s true that this game has problems…but to go as far to as degrade the game because you dislike it is childish, ironic as you tried to talk down to me…funny how that works out o_O

marvel had it’s rough patches too, to neglect that is to be ignorant…or that grace period when Twins ran the AE online scene…your going to ignore that too? just stop…

Online twins were super ass, it’s your problem if you were losing to them. Matter of fact no one in the US played the twins remotely good enough for you to bother about it (hsien’s yun was probably the only good example). AE with godlike twins was still much better than this messed up shit.

If the FGC as a whole supported the idea of them being nerf then obviously as a majority vote, your fucking wrong. I’m not sure if it was the same with Vanilla Sagat being beat with the nerf bat when going into super but shit obviously changed. My personal opinions on them nerfing said characters is irrelevant because they changed them(and for the most part, for the better). The whole point of bringing it up was to show that the communities voice does have a say so, that is the point in all this. Hopefully we can change SFxTK for the better…

lastly please for the love of god don’t go assuming I wanted any character buffed/nerfed without knowing for a fact, it makes you look like an ass if you didn’t get that before from assume shit about me before.

Ah superlollo, when will you understand that your opinion isn’t worth shit and that nobody gives a fuck what you think?

so like

it seems like ~90% of the community hates this game.

why are we still playing it? they can’t just slide SFxT out of the Evo slot and throw Skullgirls in there instead? Or do a 3s or CvS2 revival tournament or something? it doesn’t sound like American pro players like it any better than everyone else. is this another one of those “this is where the competition is” kind of things? SFxT has received nothing but negative feedback from the majority of the community from the beginning. at no point before or after release were we like “actually this game seems legit.”

stuff like this is why people say “ST/3s/CvS2 are really fucking good” and then the major tournaments show up with SF4/SFxT/MK9. not trying to hate on new games. but it seems like the majority of the community isn’t happy with the game at all and the sooner they drop it the sooner everyone can get on with their lives.

A majority of people posting here love the game. Why do you think people are pissed? They’re pissed because the game they like is getting ruined by dumb assist gem combos. People see a lot of potential with this game but that potential seems overshadowed by the gems. Which is why people are angry.

So again, the overall hate is toward Capcom and the gems. Not SFxT. The game is good and very fun to play.

…and you are? Oh ok.

Wow, you sure got him.

Yes, but dumb people pick their scapegoats poorly. (As you can tell by this thread) Hopefully the patch will get a translation and be worth it.

Haven’t read the entire thread, but wouldn’t this bump up grapplers a lot in the tiers, since command grabs aren’t affected by either of these gems?

Japan bailed on the game a while ago.

…the online Ranked match tier list?