1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

Yo I ran the Infinite Ki capsule and whichever super-combo-thing had the longest animations/time to finish. Win by Timeout OR by KO :sunglasses:

With autoblock and autotech Grapplers became the top tier in this game, because they can still frametrap your jump startup and throw you if you defend too much.

I guess that Capcom will need to put in an auto-jump gem to balance things out :smiley:
It automatically neutral jumps when opponent starts a command grab (Thatā€™s why command grabs are now 5 frames startup at minimum! So the netcode can have some time to make you jump! I got it!!) :stuck_out_tongue:

I lolā€™d

pay to win bro, plain and simple

The gems are free.

and if the free ones are that good, imagine the ones that you have to purchase :open_mouth:

Why do you need a gem to shit on regular throws that are already shitty to begin with? People donā€™t need help with that.

Whereā€™s Darkstalkers 4 (would have inserted play Skullgirls but everyone knows if they wanna play that or not by now)?

Actuallyā€¦since Iā€™m going through a couple pages and realizing that Skullgirls is being mentionned hereā€¦just play what you like. Of course some people are going to tell you to play Skullgirls because they like it and well nothing wrong with that. Back when I was playing regularly in the scene Iā€™d have people tell me to play MVC2 and CVS2 all the time even though I didnā€™t really like them as much as 3rd Strike. I still bought them and played them and at least acknowledged them. The game is only 15 bucks so itā€™s hardly that much of an investment even if you canā€™t stand it.

Hellā€¦Capcom THEMSELVES told people to buy Final Fight Double Impact just to support GGPO for future titles (since that was the first and only Capcom game other than 3S OE to use the GGPO licensed technology). Try it out 15 bucksā€¦like it wanna play it more great. Not, oh well.

People are going to tell you to buy plenty of other games besides Skullgirls you guys should be used to this by now if youā€™ve actually been in the FGC. I know somebody is gonna tell me to buy Persona4, TTT2, Darkstalkers 4 etc and theyā€™re all gonna cost way more than SG.

I probably wonā€™t buy any of them except Darkstalkers 4, but Iā€™m not really going to tell people not to cheer their games on thatā€™s what brings out the spirit of the community. The diversity of the games. Fuck this only playing SFIV shit. Letā€™s play other shit and tell people about other shit like the old days.

Actually only the first paragraph was directed at you specifically, the insulting intelligence part in the second paragraph was meant for everybody.

Anyway I can very much remove one of the 3 options of this game with the assist gem, thatā€™s what this thread is about. Also Itā€™s not a many option game, itā€™s throw > block > attack game like every other streetfighter game. Auto block with no penalty (meter drain is negligible) means sitting on down back with a life lead is a win button when coupled with how crap throws are. If you post something stupid Iā€™m not going to bother replying.

Hey guys, itā€™s not actually that shitty because everyone can use them, right? Who doesnā€™t like a game of Rock and Paper?

Wanna talk about it champ? :frowning:

Anyway I think the gems are just a way for Capcom to never balance the game.
They help weaker characters become strong in areas they lack. I could have done
without them but oh well, theyā€™re in the game so I got to deal with them. I wish they would
have made an option to avoid people online who use them, they should have known people
were going to complainā€¦like in every videogame that involves online play.

Went ahead and cancelled my PC pre-order, going back to AE and checking out KOF.

I hope Capcom has an epiphany and fixes some of their utterly stupid design choices, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be buying one of their games again.

play Skullgirls
play ST
play 3s
play KOF 13
play CvS2

I think that covers all the bases

You forgot

play Aquapazza
play Chaos Code
play Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code
play KOF98UM
play KoF 2k2UM
play SCV

Any assist gem users I just avoid for unsporting conduct (not playing the game right)

I never wanna hear anyone say shit about Smash.

I never said shit about smash, If shits unbalanced it gotta go one way or the other.


They did mention some paid gems coming down the line, though I cannot recall the details. Iā€™m hoping theyā€™d have the intelligence to at least only charge for the pre-order gems (which is fair to those who pre-ordered as much as I hate that crap tooā€¦ but thatā€™s a whole 'nother discussion), because if not, they are clearly more idiotic than I give them credit for.

Eh, not to go too far off topic (re: is about to go far off topic) but thereā€™s a difference - or rather, a difference in the amount of it I suppose. Itā€™s one thing to actively hype and advertise the game you love to people - sure, thatā€™s always been there and itā€™ll never go away because hey, weā€™re human and we all want everyone to play our favorite game. I still go around talking about TMNT Tournament Fighters to this dayā€¦ :sweat:

Er, moving onā€¦ the point that gets irritating - and itā€™s not really something I run into in the forums as much as it is article comments and the like personally - is when people who have never even played one game (or barely played either game!) jump around screaming ā€œplay [insert game here]ā€ because a) itā€™s what everyone else says is cool and b) to ā€œstick it to Cashcom!ā€ or something along those lines. Itā€™s lame, and it doesnā€™t help either game.

If the game is awesome and you want to get more people to play it, cool. But going around and shouting it at people playing other games whenever you see an issue crop up (uh oh, thereā€™s a new infinite in SFxT, better go running and leave this clever two-word reply telling them to play SG because uhā€¦ itā€™ll look cool!)ā€¦ itā€™s not going to make that person drop the game heā€™s enjoying, itā€™s not going to help that game improve, and its just not a good look.

Again, speaking only for me, itā€™s actually a good way to turn me away from a game.

I do agree though, there are a lot of damn good fighters out there right now, and I wish I had the time to play them allā€¦ or maybe if I could split myself into three different clones and have one play each gameā€¦ anyway, people should expand their tastes if they actually are forcing themselves to play SF4 or SFxT or all Capcom fighters just because theyā€™re the most popular. But hey, if that floats their boat, then honestly fuck it, stick to it.

I was the biggest skeptic of auto-block being that good, but my Law has been butchered. Sometimes I do his low kick and get some chip/switch cancel damage off of shaolin kicks, sometimes I go for his overhead or chains into dragon charge overhead or empty jump into lows into chains into overhead but auto block doesnā€™t really care. My only damage (because the opponent ALWAYS has enough meter to auto block) is from whiff punishes (and they dont have to throw out moves anyway theyā€™re just being stupid) or when I switch to Sagat and play keepaway as much as I can. Sagatā€™s anti-air game accounts for most of my damage vs auto block users.

Itā€™s lame and it ruins a lot of characters. Iā€™ve been contemplating throwing Law out(character Iā€™ve used since day 1) and switching to Marduk just for the command grab.

Also because Sagat and Marduk make great orcs with green skin color.

Unrelated, Xiaoyuā€™s loop is stupid to me. It isnā€™t broken by any stretch and as a Smash player Iā€™ve dealt with far worse, but I was actually considering picking up Xiaoyu but using her as a combo character with that loop isnā€™t fun in the least for me.

If gems actually made weaker characters stronger in areas that they lack (without causing all sorts of bullshit along the way), it would be just fine.

But the fact is gems (in particular the new auto gems) do the exact opposite. They actually amplify the weaknesses of already weak characters because characters that are more solid get to abuse them more easily, while weaker characters donā€™t really get as much benefit out of them.

In regards to your first rebuttal, dashing, walking, baiting, jumping (oh god, especially jumping) and countering doesnā€™t really beat passive waiting with an auto-tech/auto-guard assist. Command throws are the only viable means of opening up turtles in this poisonous environment, but what happens to all of the poor characters that donā€™t have said option?

SaBrE pretty much had the best response as to why allowing auto-block/tech in a game without a serious penalty kills the most important aspects of Street Fighter.