1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

I find it funny/not surprising that you have this opinion with Juri and Yoshi as your forum pic. Assuming that’s your team then yeah, your characters need the extra help and rolls help their gameplay more than hinder it. For characters that revolve around mixups though it damages it. I have no for or against about it, I do wish it cost a meter or something but It’s not a big deal. I just find it interesting to note the two different view points probably stem from your own character choices rather than an overall view of the game.

Are rolls vulnerable at any point? The reason I ask is because in Alpha/CvS2, performing a tech roll made you vulnerable to low attacks or attacks period (respectively).

3S i am pretty sure is safe, but crossups are rarely an issue there because Parry OS is always there to save you (you either block or parry if done right).

No. But his point is your opponent can get you in an ambiguous setup that’s hard to block if he correctly predicts your roll.

yeah. but even without parry/block OS, crossups aren’t really a huge issue in 3s even on wakeup. and the rolls aren’t primarily functional as a roll. pretty different overall. quick stand is never a free escape from anything, and you rarely have to be worried about ambiguous stuff.

Not trying to be a dick, but I mixup people to death with Yoshimitsu and Yoshimitsu has no fucking mixups. And guess what? It doesn’t matter if they roll or not, I still fuck people up. If I can do that with Yoshimitsu I don’t see why a Heihachi or Hwoarang player couldn’t do the same. People just need to learn how to play if you ask me.

I can’t believe people still have no clue how to deal with wake up rolls…

Simplest solution is to limit them to Endless, and allow Endless hosters to ban them from lobbies.

They just need to release a gem that disables the other guy’s auto-block and auto-tec gems.

Anyone else remember playing those old DBZ Budokai games, and how you could run the Goku’s Heart Disease + Antidote capsule and pretty much auto-win against anyone that wasn’t running Antidote?

This is pretty much how I feel about these new assist gems.

Or it should have a cool down time.

Either way, you shouldn’t be allowed to use them above D-C rank, though frankly I don’t think they should be allowed in ranked.

Sounds like you might be a little threatened by these “auto block using scrubs in ecstasy” you speak of.

All you did there was state something extremely obvious and try to semi-insult my intelligence. Thats not helpful to anyone. You are choosing to let your PRIDE(aka not being an “auto block using scrub”) get in the way of the actual rules set forth in the game.

If you don’t understand that you are not the one making the rules, and YOU are the one that cannot simplify and remove one option from a many option game, then you have some control issues that you might need to work on outside of online message boards.
Didnt realize these things are always active. They should only be used to get new players interested in SF.

Not even that. They are supposed to be for training right? How about just enable them in online training mode and offline vs. FUCK THIS SHIT.

So what characters become next to worthless against someone with autoblock?

  • Hwoarang
  • Heihachi
  • Bob

Who else? Maybe Balrog, he kinda relies on distant footsie wars and the opponent doesn’t have to push buttons. Plus his rush overhead is punishable on autoblock.

A lot more than just those. Anyone who relies on footsies and pokes but doesn’t have fast chains with them (i.e. any footsie poke character other than Vega or, rather, on the Tekken side)

I twittered Seth asking about the possibility of making assist gems unusable in ranked (as they shouldn’t be – if you’re using them to train and get better you shouldn’t be able to rank up with them), hopefully we get a good reply.

Cammy and Poison should be pretty much dead as well - though Poison could probably be one of the characters that can abuse autoblock.

I ran into someone using auto-block, but since my use grapplers I didn’t have any trouble against them. I’ll say it pretty annoying.

I don’t actually have a problem with auto-tech, though. I feel like it shouldn’t give you free tech, but make it easier (you can do it a little late, for example) at the cost of gems. That way if you know you should tech but just aren’t quick enough you get credit for the proper guess.

Autotech is just as equally distructive, IMO. It’s just that the effect isn’t as widespread as autoblock. Autoblock hurts anyone that isn’t a grappler, autotech hurt characters that actually need their grabs to open up some characters - again, Cammy and Poison being big examples.

Yeah, I can see that.

I don’t get why assist gems are usable online… I really don’t get it…

Maybe they are doing it on a trial basis? If that’s the case the need to let people know…

Autoblock X Autotech confirmed.

Xiaoyu against anyone with an invincible reversal/grab, but that might just be me. I’m still adjusting to her and King when it comes to frame data.

I played a bunch of ranked matches last night and found only the usual culprits of the older auto-gems (and naturally, mysterious lag appearing if I managed to get a good life lead, but that’s another whole issue) which are always a pain in the ass but arguably manageable. “Oh, you got a meter again? Time to throw you so I can drain it and have a chance at a mixup.” Has anyone played, or better yet captured replays of, a player abusing the new gems?