1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

I have suspected this for a while. For the most part he is much less vocal about the game since its release compared to how vocal he was the months before the release. I suspect he knows how the community would react.

In fact , Capcom should not be surprised. The community has frowned on concept of the gems as soon as they were mentioned. The community said they didn’t want them and warned of the consequences. Yet, Capcom chose not to listen, and whala! Everything, the community said would happen, happened. And now, they seem surprised. :confused:

Maybe that’s true.

But, for whatever it is worth, in past interviews Sven, Seth, and Ono have all said that gauging the sales of older games as they release them does have some influence over wether or not they should green light a new product. It gauges people’s relative interest in the series.

So, I want VS4 so bad that, for me, if there is even a small chance that my purchase can make a difference… I am willing to take that chance.

That is how bad I want the series to come back.

Unfortunately I made the mistake of pre ordering the game (not at full price) on PC before knowing about this. I didn’t like the gem system but whatever I have friends who will play without gems with me. Watching some videos, ranked didn’t seem that bad with gems so I thought I would give it a shot. Now unless something is done about this I am no longer going to support this game further with their DLC plans.

This is what I expect to happen though. Capcom releases lvl 3 autoblock and autotech. Now costs no meter. Then Capcom releases DLC anti-auto block/autotech gems. Trolololol. The ultimate test in game theory right here.

I played a good Sim player who had the old Auto Block gem and it was tough. Im talking about a good player that knew his range, had good defense and teched 95% of his throws. Now give him a 1/4 bar Auto block gem. That would be a nightmare. How many chances are you going to get to get in on him? How are you going to get damage on him?

Fighting a good Sim already takes great patience. The new gems are too much BS imo.

:lol: Smash :lol:

This game is playable, and most of us are always playing it and enjoying it without an issue or headache. What we are trying to do is get/keep others interested in it so it can grow, particularly newer players who will take one look at these auto-douche gems and say ‘what the fuck is this shit? I can’t do ANYTHING!’

Auto-gems don’t break the game for a very small percentage of us who have friend lists we have built up of non-randoms, offline gatherings to play, or tournaments/events to go to where gems are banned. Unfortunately for the other 90% of the people playing this game, these gems are gonna cause hell and turn them off from the game completely. That is what needs to be addressed by Capcom (not the gems themselves they are obviously staying), If they are going to introduce this level of retardation, they need to give all players a wider option of rule sets for match making so they can choose to disable the nonsense.

I hate hard headed JP developer assholes that get a stupid fucking idea in their head, and continue to try and ram it down players throats.

^ Okay I lol’d. :tup:

Lol, just thought of something that would be stupid, entertaining, and very productive all at once. Seeing as how streamed tournaments generally feature some of the best fighters out there but they never allow gems, they should have one tournament where everyone is forced to use the the 1/4 block auto-block gem. That way, we get to see how expert players play with these gems and how the gameplay is affected. This would truly show how flawed these gems are. My guess is that the majority of matches will end with timeouts where roughly half of each character’s life has been depleted at most.

I don’t play this game anymore. I’m just hoping it gets better so I can come back.

he woke up and thought EUREKA im going to use the auto block auto tech gems.

Capcom haven’t got a damn clue how to make their games more accessible to beginners, this is a prime example. They’re clutching at straws now.

Lol, this sounds like you are describing a normal gem-free match…

… sigh*

oh it’s going to get only better. when you come back it’ll have a 1/8 auto-block and free auto tech.

I figure this is a good place to say this.

I traded in my copy of SFxT today and got Beautiful Katamari for it. Best trade ever.

I just remembered that in SFXT 3 (not 4) bars make up a full super meter. I thought that “1/4 bar” just meant 1/4 the super meter because obviously a free block for a quarter of a bar is just retarded.


Personally, I’ll keep playing this game as long as there’s legit players playing this game on my friendslist and as long as assist gems are banned in tournament play. That’s all that really matters to me.

The game’s still fun and I have yet to lose to auto-block/auto-tech gem users so I don’t really care about them. Even if the ultimate guard for 1/4-1/6 is broken as fuck, so far it seems to be a minority of players that use that gem combo so it hasn’t really affected my online experience.

I just hope Capcom adds a no-gem mode eventually.

Everybody is complaining about auto block assist gems but nobody has nothing to say about the rolls that make escaping pressure/mixups free, that Capcom has put into the game? If you’re not playing this at a very high level or going to a tournament anytime soon, then you really shouldn’t be complaining about gems. It’s a videogame, stop taking it so seriously and just have fun, it’s not like it’s your day job. I don’t care much for assist gems either but I use the ultimate defense(whatever it’s called)gem for my Asuka and her only because she is very limited and has short range, add to that her footsies are terrible. She barely has any options to open up anyone in the cast. If I make one mistake from her mid to close range then it’s a wrap for her and that’s pretty unfair because the damage she takes can be pretty unforgiving.

I usually play Nina/Raven anyway and I would never put an assist gem on them. Being that I played SF4/SSF4/SSF4AE hardcore and was pretty good at it(Beat some of the top 10 and top 20 players on PSN and XBL), I never would have even fathomed something like an auto block gem, let alone using one. When I booted up this game and played online all the flaws came to me immediately, the free roll to escape pressure(especially corner pressure), the gems I didn’t even touch until like the 2nd week because I looked at them like o_O, the sound was messed up, blocking attacks was useless, the animations chewed at the clock, throws were shit, and everybody I played had a crappy connection. After my first session I had the urge to go and get a refund but I said maybe it will get better down the road, so I just put it back nicely in its case and didn’t play it for another week. I came back with a brand new attitude, I said to myself "I’m just going to play this for fun from now on because clearly Capcom is trying to attract a different crowd now. It’s all about maximizing their profit. Maybe by early 2013 they will get it together when they release “Super Street Fighter X Tekken Maximum Ass Whooping Arcade Edition”.

I had a dude message me earlier because he was mad my Asuka had on an assist gem, he beat me by two time overs against my one victory by basically just spamming hadouken and jumping back but I wasn’t mad at him. I didn’t even send him an angry message back because somehow I had felt like I had won anyway and the reason why is because I wasn’t worried about some point total on the side of the screen. I just had fun and played. I will say this though, if everybody really wants to see some results from Capcom then maybe you should do less complaining and take action, and by action I mean when Capcom releases it’s next fighting game or another iteration of SFxT, just go to your local gaming store and just look at it, then look down at the name of the company who published and developed it, and if you see that Capcom logo at the bottom just lift one eyebrow at it and walk by it and get the next best thing. Once they start seeing less $$$$$$$$ then maybe they will listen but as long as you keep buying it guess what? They won’t find any problems with their business model.

You won’t find any respect for your opinions on this board if you claim to lose to hadoukens being spammed.

The roll is not a problem. If you’ve ever played any sf game beyond sf4, knockdowns were not about getting a free random, try to guess which way to block, vortex loop. Games like 3s and the alpha series had rolls as well, which didn’t allow for crossup shenanigans over and over. It’s more about after a knockdown, you sit at the proper spacing to where if they roll or not, you off the offensive advantage, or bait them into rolling and create a hard as fuck to block situation.

Aside from these ridiculous Assist gems, I think people are bitching too much about play mechanics rather than trying to figure it out

Learn to play? Rolls are not a safety feature, you roll wrong, good luck blocking the followup

I stopped reading there.

Sorry but you’re way off. Tech roll isn’t a problem at all. In fact, it’s a great thing to have considering some characters have no good wake up options and poor backdashes. Plus I can still mixup people no matter if they quickstand or roll. I just have to guess if they roll/quick stand or get up normally. So basically I have a 50/50 shot at a 50/50 mixup. I call that fair not bad design. It just makes the oki game more interesting and not so braindead/cheap.

If you like hard knockdowns, vortexes, 50/50 guessing games and option-selects that cover 90% of your opponent’s wake up options, then AE is still out there. That’s the game you need to play if you like guessing/feeling helpless on wake up. :slight_smile:

Why do you feel the need to repeat the same thing over and over in every thread? You’re waiting for the pc version to be released, so why don’t you wait until you actually have the game and then get back to us after a decent amount of time spent playing vs assist gem users.

I’m so bored of this theory fighter bs from scrubs who are in ecstasy at the thought of being able to stand a chance vs good players because of their smart gem management. Any competitive game does not work if one player operates under a different set of rules than his opponent. For this game to be competitive you have to both run the same assist gems. Running auto block gems results in the gameplay being simplified, you cannot simplify and remove 1 option from a 3 option rock paper scissor game without ruining the game…think about why that 3rd option is required… Let that sink in… If you don’t understand that you are a stupid fuck.