1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

1000% doubt it. They seem to be running the “this is the timeline of stuff, minus anything game breaking we wont patch it” model.

Autoblock and tech really needs to be limited as to how many times you can block using it. After say 5 autoblocks the gem should be disabled.

Its not “impossible” to exist if command grab is one way for it to exist.

You can beat something indirectly, so far people are only thinking of direct ways and giving up.

Also if you have allowed your opponent to be in the situation you have described(life lead with full meter), then you may have already lost whether or not they have autoblock.

Autoblock just becomes your “best excuse” for losing if they happen to have it.

There needs to be strategy brainstorming or else we will be forever defeated.

Time needs to be used more effectively.

Actually, I’m still surprised it doesn’t have some sort of time limit. I might - key word is MIGHT! - be able to stand it if those auto-think gems had a similar timer to the boost gems PLUS the meter requirement. That would at least make it more about strategy than just literally erasing half the casts’ options.

Example: if they had say, a ten-second time frame after the first auto-block and still cost a fourth of meter. Then it becomes more of “okay, this is my one chance to get ten seconds of mixup protection” and part of a strat that has a clear drawback, similar to the boost gems.

The fact they just sit there doing their job with such little drawback outside of meter drain (in a game where meter is pretty abundant) is the problem.

Iono’, I’m just theorizing at this point. I’d obviously rather they didn’t exist, but at the very least adding a timer to them along with the meter requirements would make them… less… ugh.

In no other game (except arguably vs Dark Phoenix) have you lost with 40 seconds on the clock and your opponent having full meter. It’s just unthinkable for a game to apply that across the board to all characters who picked a certain gem. So no, “you may have already lost” is silly. If I manage to hit you, how much meter you have is irrelevant, and 40 seconds (in most games) is plenty of time to do that.

“Time needs to be used more effectively” I agree, except that there’s basically no time when the opponent doesn’t have 1/2 bar except in the very first opening few moves in round 1 (not even round 2!). After that, autoblock is virtually self-sustainable for the remainder of the match if you don’t use meter for other stuff… and why would you? And if you don’t manage to hit the opponent with a non-whiff punish before he builds a FEW bars, then it’s pretty much lost unless you have the life lead. In which case, unless you’re using gems, YOU can still lose. But the instant it goes back to his life lead, your chances are very slim.

If assist gems are not banned, I can see no scenario where autoblock is not a required gem to be competitive in a play-to-win scenario. There is simply no gem as good as it, and no gem that has a permanent effect on your ability to win the match. And you might say “so both players use it, who cares?” and in any other scenario you might be right, but I don’t think I need to explain why both people being required to use autoblock is horrific for the game long-term.

EDIT - By the way, I’ve been one of the people most hopeful that SFxT would be amazing. Even when the launch had problems, I stuck up for on-disc DLC and hope that Capcom learned from the AE vs 2012 situation and would commit to fixing SFxT the right way. I really want the game to do well, because I think the characters are awesome, and the online is good. That’s why it kills me to see Capcom sabotaging their own game like this. I want to continue holding out hope that Capcom will see what they’re doing, but it’s getting harder all the time.

I don’t play ranked other then on an account where I play only with a team mate, just for the lulz and giggles, and in player matches it’s not that much of a problem. in case of emergency you can always kick an auto-block/tech abuser. tho, you should build up a solid friends network and should do trainings sessions with them for the most part anyway. that said, I do think auto-block/tech are too strong and ruin the gameplay, but it just doesn’t really have any impact. on tournaments/offline you play without gem anyway and in player matches with friends you can write em to pick another setup / no gems. as long as tournaments keep gems forbidden, I have not much of a problem.

TL;DR they only affect ranked. and who cares about ranked? it’s “only” a partial problem. capcom should remove them nonetheless.

How is Capcom Unity responding to these emeralds? Do they like them?

So I’ll summarize the current situation-

Auto block, throw tech and ultimate defense Gems pretty much eliminate Mix-ups in general. They completely take out the guessing and overall effectiveness of so many high level techniques all for very little cost. This combined with timeouts is a deadly combination that really kills the long lasting appeal of this game.

Finding ways in defeating auto gems is not impossible but highly unlikely and very character specific, some characters literally can’t do anything safe against a auto gem’ed opponent holding downback. This in term makes the player use unsafe tactics and can ultimately be punished accordingly. Currently only command grabs can outright beat Auto-Gems, however this makes it harder to land said command grab as they’ll be looking for it. The alternative method is to drain their C.Gauge completely but with the decrease in meter consumption upon activation, it makes this task all the more harder to deal with.

Looking into the future, in how Auto-Gems are going to effect the Online and Offline longevity of this game is hard to say but I can see a few possible outcomes. First dealing with the games online community, ranked matches have and will continue to lose it’s appeal, players will most likely migrate to using endless battle. As for Offline, the game is still widely played without gems at all, and it’s tough to say if Boost-Gems will ever be widely used in offline competitive play, but with the recent backlash of these assist gems, it’s going to be alot harder to get Boost-Gems to be passed off as the norm for this title.

ways around and preventing the usage of these Assist Gems are few and far between. Offline full-Gem band is one way to avoid it completely, but Offline tournaments can still manage and oversee if players used Boost only gems by using the dial up system. Online this matter is harder to deal with as all gems are fair game online. In ranked it will continue to be the norm unless Capcom restricts the usage of assist gems in ranked. In endless battle, the host can request players not to use Assist or Boost Gems, but it can only be suggested…but they have the right to boot whoever out the room.

The basic premises for assist gems were to help inexperienced players get into the game and have fun, instead what ended up happening is that experienced players are using it as a tool to fill the small holes in their already solid defense and in turn making it a very powerful tool(some would argue it being broken as their is no real clear way in beating it). Capcom should have installed a fail safe for the event that this would happen.

I never said play skullgirls. I said don’t play games you don’t like.

I think there’s lots of good games out right now (even really old ones) and that people shouldn’t force themselves to play something that they clearly don’t like. If you like SF4, play SF4. Don’t play SFxT if you think it’s bad. Pretty simple. If you don’t like Skullgirls… don’t play Skullgirls.

Thanks for attacking me on a point I never made though, I’m glad all those people liked you for arguing against something I didn’t say.

If you’re trying really hard to make this game playable, maybe everyone should think about what SRK has continuously attacked the Smash community for doing: trying to make a playable game out of one that isn’t. If you’re forcing yourselves this hard to enjoy SFxT, just put it on your shelf and do something else.

To anyone that enjoys SFxT: Rock on, have fun.

Jesus, finally someone came out and said it. Thank you.

@ ratio: also Darkstalkers 3 just dropped on PSN for $6, it was on eventhubs page but SRK didn’t deem it news worthy as there were 37 more of maximillian’s videos that needed uploading.

I know it’s the PSone “omg it’s missing frames” version, but it’s still pretty fun and hopefully supporting it will send capcom the message that the Vampire Savior series is worth a reboot/sequel. Personally, I’d love to see a VS4 game before I get much older lol.


i dont want to see another lol smash post for a good long while

Buying a shitty game in hopes they make a good one doesn’t send that message to the business, it’s saying you have a really high tolerance for bullshit.

there are some situations where I’d love to see an auto block gem

3s Yun for instance

I am gonna keep punching that dude in the face and I’m never gonna see a Genei Jin for the rest of my life

Capcom seems to be all about ruining things these days, 3s Gems Edition could totally be a thing

But will you cross the line?!

No game has ever had an autoblock feature like this(has it?), so it is new technology and it should be embraced rather than banned.

The same tools are available to both players, so if you feel that IS the best option, then use it. If you see a fighting game as a series of guesses and baits and reads, then sure you will “auto lose” some of these, but you are still playing a human - you can become better at creating more of those situations AND winning them.

It can 1)make us better, or it can 2)make us reject it and remain where we are, in our happy little fighting game comfort zone playing the same game forever.

The choice is yours.

This new game aspect poses a different challenge than what we are used to, it IS as simple as that.

Banning them is giving up on technological advancement and that can seriously prevent growth.

If a fighting game is a series of guesses and reads…

… Then these gems make SFxT into something that is no longer a fighting game.

Rollback this patch.

Cps2 Capcom arcade fighters had autoblock options if it was enabled in the diswitch menu, and you could select it before you picked your character. Bit they all came with drawbacks. The most popular method was that every attack caused chip damage, and the moves that already did chip damage, did a massive amount of chip. Like in xmvsf, you could do half life chip damage easy.

But then you got games like a1, that don’t have any real way around autoblock, as og legend,Mike Watson displayed years ago to me, how broken autoblock is. He’s unstoppable as it was, and this mode made it more apparent. IIRC, the mode only allowed him to fill the entire gauge and get a single level 1 super. But it didn’t matter, you could not open him up, while he weared you down with fundamentals, no meter was needed for him, cuz he was landing way more attacks than you possibly could.

It’s a broken function. For the naysayer scrubs that think its not bad, just wait til you deal with it vs a competent player. Good luck landing a hit. They have no need to spend meter or ever jump, insanely limiting your options to only counter hits. Pretty fucking stupid. Tekken characters especially fucked

lolwut? Auto block does the exact opposite. It encourages people to play the characters that work the best with these gems and evidently renders any other character that relies on mixups to do damage essentially worthless. Ok you might have a handful of characters that have command grabs that can get around this but what about the rest?

People have already stated there are only a few ways to get around this:

  1. drain their meter which is not an easy thing to do given that these gems use up so little AND they can keep building meter while in use.
  2. Use characters with command grabs. Not everyone uses these characters like me.
  3. punish their whiffed normals. Once again not easy and not a guaranteed way to win. Even if I got a KD on every whiffed normal of theirs I cannot pressure further due to rolls and their autoblock/tech.

You haven’t even tried the game yet since you are a PC player and so am I. Imagine if you had auto block in AE against the likes of Seth Viper Akuma and Ibuki. Guile would be the best character in the game and would give little incentive to even use those characters. You’re telling me having this prevents growth? How about you actually learn to make good reads and block mixups rather than playing on easy mode. How is it a game even more if it does half the stuff you should be doing for you.

Hey why not add gems that anti air for you, or punish whiffed normals for you or perform combos for you. Fuck it lets just have auto everything gems that just play the entire game for you.

Having good defense is not optional, it’s a requirement if you want to win.

C2Q. I agree 100%.

it was one thing when the initial gem use an entire stock of meter. But this one is just extreme