this usually happens when im cornered knocked down and as im getting up the low forward comes and then tornado so i shall try that and if i get a reversal and i still get hit with the lowforward then tornado then im just gonna SPD the tv
you can reversal spd on wake up to tag him out of the low forward, and if that fails you can still reversal spd after the low forward hits to tag him before the typhoon hits you.
you can also try not getting cornered and knocked down in the first place.
I’ve seen a lot of vids where after a knock down, Gief and Hawk players simply walk up to opponents and cr.jab to tick into SPD. I really don’t like cr.jab as a set up for SPD, as there’s zero risk to players who decide to pull back and piano a reversal throw. I much prefer cr.roundhouse, which requires perfect timing to reversal. If they don’t reversal perfectly, you get the knockdown, so repeat. If they block, SPD. Works great meaty, as it messes with their reversal timing after blocking. Obviously, this needs to be mixed up against Gief and Hawk opponents.
I don’t use cross-up splash, cr.jab into rh/SPD too much, as I find comboing the jabs very difficult in GGPO. Don’t play offline. From a tactical point, I could SPD after one, two, three or four jabs, which mixes things up. Guess I need to work on my timing.
I need help with Zangief’s super.
I’ve got no problem doing SPDs, and depending on the situation, I do my SPDs differently;
Walking forward/backward SPD, I do a 225 degree motion - basically yoga flame with the last bit of tiger knee added on
Standing SPD, I do a yoga flame motion, return to neutral and push up.
From a cr.block position (on the left hand side) I do a full 360.
Does the super motion have to be a full 720 in ST? Are there any tricks to pulling it off? What I really need is a training mode, but there isn’t one in MAME or GGPO. I can see how I’d set it up e.g. hop into super, cr. roundhouse into super, banishing fist into super, to start with. Then perhaps I can do what’s done at 24 seconds in this video.
I do Tiger Knee motion twice. I also had the hardest time doing Super before I stumbled upon this, but now it’s as easy as pie.
Cool, I’ll give that a try. So using that technique, do you think you can do what the Hawk player did in that vid and tick standing jab into super that quickly?
Anybody else have any other tips on doing the super?
Yep. I can now do Super after st.Jab, st.Short, Green Hand, Hop, you name it. The only thing I can’t do is walk up Super as the TK motion ends in up, so I have to buffer it. But not bad considering I couldn’t even do Super a month ago.
Cool, you’ve given me a few ideas on how I should buffer the motion with a tick of some kind - I’ll try yoga flame motion, medium kick + tiger knee bit, then my standard standing SPD motion. Just need to figure out its range now. When I saw that vid I was like WTF! I’ve seen a lot of ST vids, but I’ve never seen anyone do a quick standing tick into super.
The range is the problem tho. You have to be point blank range to do the Super, which means that a lot of ticks won’t work like cr.RH (st.Forward, maybe, idk). But for st.Jab or Short it has to be the close version and not the far. Even for Green Hand, Super will not work from GH’s max range. But once you get good enough with buffering the Super, if you’re out of range you’ll just end up doing SPD, which is still great.
The thing about Hawk is that his Super has more range than Zangief’s (about the same as his Typhoon), so his Super is a lot more fun to use. My fave tactic is reversal Super on wakeup to catch those players trying to meaty Hawk. It’s such a WTF moment when they’re caught by it and they weren’t even in range to do their meaty attack yet lol.
Loaded up GGPOFBA and practiced against the 2p and was able to pull a few supers off using your technique of buffering in the middle of 2 yoga flame + the last bit of tiger knee motions. Thanks. Tried but as I was pushing forward, that resulted in a throw, but it might still work if an opp blocks it. Hard to tell in the limited training mode I was in. Does st.lp tick crouching opponents (Blanka very unlikely), or is that a little beside the point, as it’s the lp that keeps Gief from jumping…? I’m going to practice buffering in a crouching lk/mk, when I get more time.
This may sound crazy for some, but I still do the giefs super in HD Remix with the old 720 motion. I’ve always done it this way, because I’ve gotten used to it. If you are playing on a stick instead of a pad, this might actually be an easier option for some, due to you not having to pay attention to hitting all the required directional inputs…simply do two full circles and hit punch. Also when using it in ticks, I never buffer the tick move; I actually input an extremely fast 720 motion IMMEDIATELY following the tick set up.
I can consistently (95% success rate) jumping l.k (light drop kick or double knee press) into the super; even under pressure. I actually used to be able to do cross up splash, crouching l.k, into the super when I used happ competition sticks. But due to their increased lack of reliability (long story) these days, I switched to the X-arcade sticks in my cabinets. they us a smaller circle than happ, and it’ much harder to pull of that combo now, but jumping lk into super is still just as consistent. Sorry for the rant, but if anyone has a stick, the old input method (which still works) may actually be easier for some of you gief practitioners.
Unfamiliar matchups i need to get better with.
Dhalsim - ok his keep away game is pretty tough for gief. The problems im having is Dhalsim low attack moves like standing fierce punch. What move should i use? Also spamming fireballs, what should i do? Where in the screen should i be at to be most effective against Dhalsim in getting in.
Akuma - Probably the most frustrating match-up. The jumping up fireball, its really hard for me to get in. Akuma usually counters with standing fierce kick or dragon punch. What are my options, what is the best attack button to use when jumping in?
Deejay - I was having a hard time for awhile but im starting understand the matchup more. Is very similar to Guile. The thing that bothers me the most is Deejay’s slide. What’s the best counter to that.
Blanka - I love this matchup, but i played this dude name Emperion…I did pretty good but i notice he played differently compared to most Blanka’s i usually play. He he pretty much stuff a lot of my moves by just playing defense. Like strong punch button. Just wondering what are some Giefs moves to use to counter the strong punch.
I think that’s pretty much it. Someone help me out…
Emperion is the only Blanka I’ve played that shows me why the match-up is so heavily in Blanka’s favour if played right. I’ve played him 15+ times I guess and only beaten him maybe 3-4 times. His reaction times seem so damn fast.
Blanka’s stuffs all of Zangief’s jumping attacks from the right distance. There’s a couple of ‘tricks’ that get me the odd SPD or knockdown against him but he is quite good at reversal back hop and I rarely have him cornered.
For akuma, green hand can get through air fireballs as well. I do out of habit but j.hp has slightly longer range.
DJ can be tough since his normals are so damn good. However I find him easier than Guile to get in and SPD. But you’re right, his slide is damn annoying.
Regarding Dhalism, I was watching some Eggo vs Haru clips on youtube a while ago and you can learn a lot from him. Personally I find if Sim gets a knock down then it can be pretty much all over for my poor 'Gief because he can start zoning. I try to get in right from the start and get some kind of knockdown (usually a lariat). But I don’t know the match-up that well because I hardly get to fight any.
Just saw in a match that crouching jab beats DJ’s slide if you find that help at all.
Anyway some Honda advice. If they start the round with HHS, what can 'Gief do other than block?
How can I punish Vega’s Aerial Claw Slice? I find that if I don’t block it, it pretty much always hits me. Is there a consistent way to counter attack if you know it’s coming??
Lariat works, I believe.
J. mp (chop) can beat/trade when you know its coming. The earlier you do this as he jumps off the wall the better. If he knows you are going for that, he can claw early to trade with you. If claw does this, then meet him with a sweep as he will whiff up top. If he tries to aerial claw/throw anywhere towards the mid-top of your body, you can fast lariat as he makes contact. He can also mix in some horizontal claws so counter with cr. lp/mp/hp.
Can Gief get close to vega at all? I keep getting owned by Vegas who just hang back and poke non-stop. Its damn annoying.
Check out TheGreatMole’s response. The ground game with Vega is tough when it comes to guessing the sweeps and claw pokes. Fast lariat can take out the pokes as well as the dives and cr.roundhouse can take out the sweeps.
On reversals and tick throws, are you supposed to piano the punches for the SPD?