My solution was to stand just at the edge of Claw’s c.RH range (which happens to be about the same as his c.MP range) and spam fast c.LP slaps, with completely random c.RH of my own interspersed hoping for a psychic sweep trade in my favor or a clean knockdown.
The spammed c.LP is a great defense for lots of things, Claw’s c.MP in this case (so he won’t try that, then will go for sweep and you can nail him w/ sweep of your own), but it’s also great against Honda (usually clean stuffs 100 hands, headbutts, even super), Balrog (usually stuffs dash punches), Blanka’s horizontal ball… generally any ground attack that isn’t a projectile, it’s great defense.
No, I was just wondering at work (unable to test it) if you could use a negative edge Double Suplex to option select (i.e. throw or block if they reverse) with no wiff.
I agree with OJ, all Zangief’s command grabs have whiff animations. The way I think of it is, if you’re in range for a Double Suplex, and the opponent neutral jumps, you will get the Running Grab that will run underneath the opponent. No option select for Zangief, only Honda.
my favourite thing to do after crossup splash is s.strong s.short low roundhouse which is a 4 hit combo that dizzies.
the other common thing for zangief to do is crossup splash low forward xx lariat which also dizzies.
I myself like the hit confirm of the 4 hit combo to either spd after the second or the third hit on block or continue with the combo. I can’t hit confirm lariat after low forward, but I suppose the lariat/spd mixup exists there too. The only problem is that s.strong gets ducked by most of the cast if someone decides to block your splash crouching.
What else do gief players like to do after xup splash? and why?
This combo right here is, by far, the easiest to hit confirm. Here goes…
Crossup splash, cr.:lp: (x4)
From there, you can either link a cr.:hk: or a Spinning Pile Driver. The former dizzies and does just under 50% damage. The latter…well…it will dizzy, too and…ummm…whoa…yeah…GGPO.
Maybe I missed it in the thread, but whats a good strategy for attacking a jumping Sagot thats directly in front and using RH’s each jump. I’ve tried spamming lariats but those didn’t seem to work… I haven’t tried messing around in practice but I’d assuming a standing Jab would do it. I know a jumping Strong would do it also…
Ah yes…the old jump up roundhouse trick that got me past many a CPU Zangief. In my opinion, the AI that handled that the best was the Hyper Fighting AI. Super Turbo AI handled it pretty well too. Anyway, I say that to suggest looking at the things that the CPU did in that situation that worked.
As you suggested, rapidly spammed standing jab can work there. Jumping strong. Jumping fierce if you space it properly. If he’s jumping at you from max range, it’s going to be very hard to Lariat him. Usually, this would be the time to try crouching and then using the Lariat.
Of course, what would really be nice is if you can somehow make him whiff that jumping roundhouse because you know what to do next: Break out the ol’ MvC2 Character Select Theme and take him for a ride on the SPD train!
Reversal SPD (or any reversal throw, for that matter) beats any tick throw attempt as long as they are within your throw range. So, if you think he’s going to try to throw you, reversal SPD. Any reversal special move that makes you completely invulnerable or otherwise unthrowable will either counter or escape tick throws, as well.
(For more information, either go to Sirlin.net and watch the Super Turbo tutorials he did for Capcom Classics Collection Volume 2 or…read the “Tick Throw” sub-section under “What is a combo?” in my HDR Combo FAQ on GameFAQs.com.)
By the way…doesn’t your standing forward outrange his crouching forward? Doesn’t standing short hit low? There are plenty of ways to either avoid or get out of that situation.
No one should ever have an easy time tick-throwing Zangief.
What would be a good way to handle a Dictator thats very good at spacing and timing with standing Forwards? He keeps good enough distance so I cannot jump and HK or FP at all, his forward kicks me outta the air. And if I try to green glove to close the gap, back to more forwards to the chest
If I understand correctly, Dictator is just spamming st.Forwards and not letting you breathe, right?
Lariats should hit it. Also try reversal Running Grab or SPD. Also I believe reversal Green Hand will either stuff the next Forward attempt, or at least trade while leaving you within SPD, sweep range.
Edit: I just played as Dictator vs a good Zangief and spammed st.Forwards. Punch Lariats definitely beat it, as well as sweeps trade with it.