Zangief General Thread: Our Russian Skies Are Protected

Well if thereā€™s only 3 characters left, we know 2 of them will be new.

Wonder if the last one will be a 4th character from sf alpha. Guess this kinda cements that the brazil reveal will be a new brazilian character, not sean or blanka.

So, no green hands in sight? Hm~

It doesnā€™t mean itā€™s gone. They excluded Bisonā€™s Devilā€™s Reverse from his reveal trailer but it was in the game.

Green hand seems like a thing that would have been in the trailer if it was in the game. But who knows.

Considering they werenā€™t willing to make it usable outside of EX in SF4, Iā€™ve previously said I expected it to be gone if there was an SF5 Gief. I think that headbutt that breaks projectiles, and his VT are supposed to replace it.

It will make things harder for those who got used to playing footsies with normal xx greenhand, for a little while. Donā€™t think thatā€™s the style theyā€™re going for.

Iā€™m pretty sure Zangief players are happy right now, Iā€™m ok with this reveal, sure Iā€™d prefer Alex but Zangief looks satisfying, I wonā€™t play as him but Iā€™m sure playing against him will be interesting enough, looking forward to gameplay vĆ­deos from the russian event.

Well I wouldnā€™t mind if it was gone. I never felt glowing green hands belonged on a character like Gief.

Also they have given him other tools to nullify fireballs which hints at GH removal

Lack of GH would hurt, but as @R-D said ā€œConsidering they werenā€™t willing to make it usable outside of EX in SF4ā€, Itā€™s not entirely gonna be missed. They seemed to have no idea what to do with it in SF4, and all his new shit weā€™ve seen seems to just replace itā€™s Projectile nullifying function.

Well, they have 4 alpha characters already: Nash, Mika, Karin, and Birdie.

Looking at the trailer again, Gief seems to beā€¦ more basic, which isnā€™t a bad thing. Seems like he rewards good footsie play, so Iā€™m curious to see more from him.

So with Mika and Gief I guess itā€™s confirmed that comboing into command throws is going to be a thing for grappler types finally? Or only during crush counter?

Iā€™m hoping thereā€™s a way to cancel Giefā€™s pelvic thrust early so we can talk about the new Russian Dick Cancel (RDC) mechanic.

Im disappointed that they didnt change his look like the other characters. I know he is Iconic, but surely they could have made him look a bit different.

Street Fighter II V animated series:

or KOF Raiden (But with Red Cyclone Motif obviously)

Oh well, DLC.

As for the character himselfā€¦ I like Zangief and I think he is the most fun out of all the 360 grapplers, but I hope this doesnt stop Alex from being a day 1 DLC character or even in the game at all.

Although I would have liked to have seen someone who that hadnā€™t been seen in a while like Alex , Sodom or even giving Mike Haggar a chance, I guess it was a sensible choice to include Zangief among the starting roster for veteren Grappler players.

Although his critical art is kind of an anti-climax for me ā€¦ sure you get three camera angles ā€¦but only one suplex ā€¦ I mean Ryu got to keep his old super , which is boring as itā€™s ever been , but Zangief isnā€™t allowed to keep his usual super which looks way more interesting ?

Also the cyclone lariet looks a little weird to me. Is his head staying in place and his body spinning ā€¦ hurts just looking at it. Although I did only watch the trailer at 30fps ā€¦ so maybe Iā€™m not seeing it right.

Lots of Armored stuff though ā€¦lol ā€¦ do I see a Hulk/Marduk(SF x TK) command medium punch in there ? ā€¦ Do we have an armoured normal in SF5 !!!

His head technically does spin, but its very hard to see. Almost as if it only turns during a few frames of the spin.

Iā€™m beginning to wonder what his movelist will look like. Will he retain his 360s or get simplified like the rest?

He could retain the 360 motion, but I got a feeling they will simplify it to half circle

What I want to know is whether thatā€™s an air-to-air grab or just a ground-to-air special. It looks like air-to-air from the trailer.

Also, command for lariat.



Underwhelming, very underwhelming