Viper was the LAST person who’s normal trial I got thru. I’m working on her hard now, it actually doesn’t seem impossible so far, just a matter of training, but hell the stuff actualyl at least seems USEFUL.
This combo is damn near useless and not worth the effort to pull off in a match. I tried pacing and I only get three linked, then they are too far away (sigh so much liek the rose 4xc.lp, special, super combo). I figured the hard part would be getting the EX GH to combo, but thats fairly easy.
And wtf is Plinking? Why are you using a jab in an all kick combo?
I’m just frustrated with one combo thats virtually useless in match and am only doing cause I want to clear all the trial combos - not because…ya know…I plan on using it.
God this forum is filled with dicks. :lame: Sorry if everyone isn’t as godlike as you.
Execution in smash is easier to me because you don’t have to combine as many motions to do a single action, I wish street fighter used smash’s control scheme
i can do the final trial pretty consistently and my secret is that the knees are separate from the following kicks, the thing about it is you have to hit the first lk just after landing, so its knees, quick cr. lk then you start rhythm tapping out the other cr. lks. The best way to do this is do all the ground stuff first, when you can do that relatively regular add the knees. if you trained the second half it should come out pretty fluid after knees. That is where I broke it up. also if you do knees super deep you can tap the cr. lk.s in a rhythm so the button presses are almost all the same time apart.
I think i did a bad job explaining but try to go super deep on knees and tap out the cr. lk’s. They have to be fast, but not jamming on the buttons fast. just nice and quick. Btw, I can link these after about 10 minutes in training mode and I can do it for the next 20 or 30 minutes and the next day, my hands are all retarded again and i can’t link the first cr. lk into the 2nd, the hardest one imo.
I’m having a hard time going into the EX Banish portion of the combos. I can pound out 3 or 4 cr.lp or, but for some reason, the final hit won’t cancel into Banish for me. Is this a link or does my timing just suck?