st.HP nullifies projectiles?
fw. HP - Headbutt nullifies Fireballs
Charged St.HP / V-skill uses armor to go through (Still take white life damage)
Buffering Cr Lp into V-Trigger while in V-Trigger seems absolutely OP. You can confirm whether hit or block by tapping and holding V-Trigger again if you see a hit (this is a bit tight) or letting it just drag them in if it’s block. I’ve set my PPP button to V-Trigger so I can plink the buffer easier.
I’ll try it out; In footsies its pretty dangerous if they know you’re doing it. They can counter poke the V-Trigger if you’re not careful.
Its good, but I’m not too sure how good using it all the time is. I understand that it essentially make a slow poke safe but I’m not too sure the upside of it. I’ll continue to try it though. No one knows anything yet.
You can combo into super. I think we already know this but you can essentially hit confirm into super.
ie. Headbut, st.LK, super
or CC HP, headbutt, super
Or I guess cr.MK since that is cancelable.
Basiclly, any ender that would be lariet can but super and it will connect.
Its actually kind of degenerate.
What are some good crush counter comobos that don’t use VT or CA? I’ve only been using 5Hk into EX Air SPD, but I feel like that can’t be optimal…
HP, Headbutt, xx Lariet is nice.
You can do HP in Sweep for the knockdown also.
Off of HK its really just sweep, EX spd or some kind of normal for a reset. LP (reset) into headbutt hits meaty so thats good to know.
If you’re close enough, CC HP combos into HP SPD, or LP SPD if you’re further out
i dont know if u guys already know this … Gief can combo his 720 on trade.
Combo I like using when I have VT is Jump HP/HK-Standing HK- V trigger Cyclone- Air ex SPD… pretty easy convert. basic bnb seems to just be f+HP-LK-Lariat this being used whether I jump in or not. Really fun backing people into a corner then just tick throwing them with SPD. Also for those who might be having trouble doing the throw just know that you can just start from back and circle around to up and forward and then activate it (like going from 9o’clock to 1o’clock)
So, it seems that Gief can use 2 V-skills back to back to fully absorb certain combos that are more than 3-hit (like in 0:45, 1:27, 1:34 and 1:50) without V trigger active. Is it just as simple as inputting one V-skill after another or is it more complicated than that.
Thanks for the information guys. Keep them coming. I’m uploading a video of a fee matches. I’ll post it up on the video page later on. Nothing great but may be you might see a few things? I did manage 8 wins in a row. Lost to a Sim. That was my first Sim opponent too.
I have to learn more combos. Already hard getting in so learning that would help a lot.
I saw someone> and xx into ex spd, but I am struggling to even attempt it… Any tips??? And thanks for the info you guys have been a tremendous help.
Non of that combos if that’s what you’re trying to do.
It is essentially a combo sense Gief grabs you in hit stun. I saw the link on event hubs, Snake Eyez swears that you can EX cancel into four of his normals.
Was that in the beta?

It is essentially a combo sense Gief grabs you in hit stun. I saw the link on event hubs, Snake Eyez swears that you can EX cancel into four of his normals.
c.LK > c.MK cannot link. c.LK is +4 on hit, +6 on CH; c.MK has 8F start up. Not possible.
You can’t combo into EX SPD anymore. You must have been watching an old combo video from the beta.
Man. Try playing on the ps4 controller. It’s hard. My fight pad should come in today and I’ll be hoping to practice with that.
I’ve been watching combo vids. Pretty insane. But I feel he needs some pretty good combo. The ones I see do good damage but compare it to other characters, he has nothing.
Either give him some health buff or something. I hate playing against fireball spammers, or spammers period.
EX SPD cannot grab an opponent in hit stun.
here have gimmicks and also a safejump