Zangief Beginners Thread

Do not use vskill to anti air. Jump attacks are so plus they will be at major frame advantage when they land. Rbg will absorb the hit and throw too early most of the time.

I am having some great results with air spd as AA. I’ll have some vids with it in the vid thread later today.

Mostly when they telegraph a jump in i catch em at the top of their arc, also had some great results with “tiger knee’d” spds catching them on the way up or down depending on soacing.

Air SPD as AA sounds great, but I do not have the reflexes. Could use a video, make sure you have inputs showing.

I mostly deal with cHP and use Lariat only for crossups. sLP is for when people decide to jump neutral just next to you, but other than that I prefer cHP.

I agree with this sentiment. I’ve been training myself to react to jumps with air spd and it’s been giving me good results in matches. It sends the kind of message that makes sure ppl get scared to jump at gief. When they realize that you’re able to do this consistently, goodbye scrub jumps.

Even if I get hit before I can do air spd, getting air to aired is a whole lot better than eating a full jump in combo

You can train your reflexes to an extent. Set up a dummy in training room to jump forward and stick out a normal. Practice using instant air SPD on reaction.

Vids posted in vid thread. I’ll put em here for ya too. (I will try and reupload with inputs tonight) Would have owned her with the air spd at 2:03 as well (laura vid) but I borked the input.

Practice doing 412369 or 412368 jumps instead of just hitting up or up/forward. it makes it much easier than spinning it in the air.

I have a really dumb question that maybe you guys can help with.

I was in training the other day, and one thing led to another, and I basically started just practicing cr. LP -> st. LK over and over again.

If I force myself to only hit LK once, I cannot do the combo, my execution is maybe 15%, if that.

If I mashed LK I was more like 95%

I got it to the point where I had the timing down if I double tapped LK. No mashing, but I had to hit it twice. Probably around 90%

My questions:

A. Is this bad? Does this affect my ability to execute or react to things in a high level way?

B. What am I doing wrong? Am I just a spaz? Does anyone else have this issue?

Will post vids if needed, let me know.

When you hit st.LK once, what usually happens? Does nothing come out or do you do it too late and it doesn’t combo? Links in this game are much more lenient, unlike SF4 which often required fast inputs.

Try doing it slower. Also, double tapping isn’t bad and most pros use that technique. You really shouldn’t need to do that though since cr.LP , st.LK is a really easy link; but if it helps, you’re certainly not doing anything wrong or developing a bad habit by double tapping.

This part is upsetting. Its both. My natural instinct is to do it too fast but if i do it slower its way too slow.

Its good to know that its not going to be a massive detriment to my game.

It also doesnt seem to help that i have i noticed i have two different “speeds”. If I’ve had a hard day at work or its late and i’m tired, its like im in a lower gear. My reactions, inputs, everything is half a beat slower than normal. It makes it hard for me to get the muscle memory for tight links. I notice it like sometimes i’ll go for the AA jumping spd and meet them at the top of their arc like I always do and I wont get to the button in time, but when im focused i always get em and its not even close.

Pretty sure this is just called being human. Consider that it takes literally thousands of repetitions for something to be committed 100% to muscle memory. Don’t sweat it and keep churning.

Try this; as soon as you see Gief extend his arm/hand all the way out on the cr.LP (right before he retracts it), press st.LK quickly. Once you get it, do it over and over until you get the rhythm. Then it should be no problem.

Also, I have the same problem with having near flawless execution in training mode but mediocre/bad in live matches. What helps me with that is putting the training dummy on the hardest CPU. You can’t lose, so the pressure isn’t there; but you can practice your reactions and hit confirms. If you have good understanding of footsies, you can even make your own training dummy with the Playback feature.

Both of the above are great advice. Thanks! I’ll let you know how it goes once i can wrangle the tv away from the lady lol

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! All this time i had been doing 41236412369 to do a standing spd, i had no idea i only needed one hcf, its so much easier! Is there any shortcut for doing the CA? Im having a hard time churning the butter fast enough to get it out of most normals.

For 720 you can do say, 4123698741236. Basically a 360 plus a half circle forward, maybe with that half circle forward ending in up forward+punch. Either way you don’t need to do a true 720 just like you don’t need to do the true 360. The input is so lax that the damn thing will come out sometimes when you don’t want it to. Just get into training and figure out the touch of the move, it’s pretty easy.

Key things to practice with 720:

Headbutt to CA, either as a cancel or as a hit confirm link.
F+mk to CA. Very easy and confirmable.
Dash in CA.
V skill flex hit to CA link. 1 frame link but definitely a nice hit confirm.
Jump in attacks to CA. Body splash to CA works, to CA works too.

More advanced
2x c.lp link to CA
c.lp, link to CA

Gimmicky stuff
Full v-trigger juggle, dash,, CA when they land. Absolutely massive damage but they can jump away and punish you.

Can’t forget cr lk, cr lk, ca. Gotta swing for the feet sometimes.

I have trouble sometimes with the dash in, not sure why. Was it SF4 that let you dash by hitting two buttons? I was so much better with that.

Anyone running Gief on a Hitbox? I’m been messing around with him today and can slide the SPD on the ground and air super fast 95% percent of the time, but I’ve pulled off the CA maybe three times. The double slide they recommend on youtube doesn’t seem to work in SFV, at least in my experience.

My buddy just picked up Gief, so I’m doing my best to learn him so I can teach. Got some good tips in here :slight_smile:

guys how do I deal with Zanigief charged st.HP ? I am not Zangief player, but I have big problems fighting Zanigiefs who use to charge st.hp a lot… any tips/help ? thanks

It only has armor high, use low attacks