You guys might just want to demand refunds. I ordered 2 copies of a PSP game from someone on eBay a couple weeks ago, and he only sent me one. I’ve sent dozens of emails about the other one, and he never ever responded. I just filed a complaint with eBay/paypal and they got my money back on the second copy. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so hooked at buying things online.
But yeah imo just get your money back. Anyways hope everything works out for you guys.
I have to say that I’m starting to reach the end of my thread as well. I didn’t order this stick for myself. I ordered it for a friend of mine who wouldn’t have been able to find anyone to offer a mixed Sanwa joystick and Happ Competition button setup otherwise. If the stick were for myself, I would be able to have a lot more patience to dish out. However, having a friend who’s been eagerly awaiting this thing since November asking where his stick is makes my heart sink since I simply don’t know what to tell him. For me, I’m in two different areas of risk since not only do I risk losing credibility with my friend, I paid for the stick out my own pocket so that my friend could rest his head at night. Now I can’t help but wonder if my money’s actually going to make it back to me in any form whether refunded or in the form of a new stick.
I said before that communication with the customer is a very important thing to maintain for any business, large or small. So far Zal, I don’t see you making good on this adage. It’s not as if you are absolutely unable to either, quite the opposite. You seem to be online quite often and for a good amount of time. I do not contemplate any possible reason you have not to come by to at least give us a regular update. And even for the times you have dropped by in this thread, a pattern not unlike the one DominoLogic has presented occurs time and time again.
Zal, if you simply weren’t prepared for the responsibilities you took when you offered to make us all arcade sticks, you could have saved face and a lot of our time if you were to simply admit that you were incapable of following through on your offer. I would imagine none of us would have minded it at all. However, what I personally mind (which is the same that DominoLogic has already claimed) is that most of us could have taken our business to another stick builder and probably would be playing on them right now in the gap of time that you kept us waiting. My friend could’ve been happily been playing 3S with me on a stick for a long time now if I took my business elsewhere.
I declined your first offer for a refund with earnest because I believed that you would pull through and make and deliver everyone’s sticks. But after this many delays and broken promises, I can no longer give you any more chances.
I opened up a dispute on paypal for my 7 sticks that I ordered in the beginning of Nov. I am hoping zal can fix the situation by mailing them off or something, which is all I want honestly. Oh well. I hope things work out for everybody else as well.
Maybe you guys should try to call him or something it’s sad cause he should be contacting all you.
Come on Zack give me a call if you need help, dude you know I’ll help you with any of this anytime. Even if you don’t have time to send stuff off give me the money and I’ll send out the stuff for you if you strapped for time or anything else.
paypal sucks. they only give you your money back if they themselves can retrieve it. if they can’t, your SOL. believe me, i’ve been left in the dust before. unless you buy through ebay (which we didn’t), nothing is guaranteed.
edit: also, just called Zal, went straight to voicemail, left him a message saying everybody here is upset and needs his input ASAP.
heh, my situations a little different i suppose. its not fair for zal if i take back all the money, but its not fair for me if zal keeps all my money and does nothing.
Great, it gets better… I trusted Zal enough not to open a dispute earlier, only to see that my dispute has been closed due to it being older then 40 days. It will be 2 months tomorrow since I sent my payment. I am going to give him till the weekend before I file a police report and IFCC complaint. This is sad.
Anybody who hasn’t opened a dispute should keep the deadline in mind.
Already tried once, though I couldn’t get ahold of him. I am going to try and give him another sometime soon seeing as he could be at work or something. I have given Zal plenty of time, and honestly, I just would like an update as to the status of my sticks, which I last recall were ready to be shipped and were just waiting on magnets.
I think that he seems like a trustworthy member judging from my IMs with him and whatnot, so I am going to hold my judgement for now, though I have found that fighting hard is sometimes necessary in situations like these.
I dont want to be a pushy prick, and I apologize if the holdup is due to something like time constraint or personal issues. I just think that as of right now we are left hanging and just want some closure. Again, despite the last message I am going to hold my judgement.