Not gonna lie, getting a bit irritated now. Month and a half since he said he was “assembling stick tomorrow” and about the same since I gave him my shipping address for what he said was a completed stick. =/
Did you guys get your sticks today?Or at least updated?
Nothing came in the mail, and no updates that I know of.
Anyone come in contact with him?
dear everyone,
i’m sorry i’ve not come trough, and i’m sorry things have taken so long. i feel like a fucking con man.
but since its taken so long, i thought that i’d offer a refund of 12 dollars for every box on this current order, thats all of the money i would make per box anyways, and this isn’t a money venture, its about the game for me.
the last semester has been one of the hardest and most trying times in my life. not that it has to do with your sticks, but it hasn’t made it any easier. i jumped straight out of finals week into my first full time job. i’ve had delays on part shipments. all of the plexi i was using started cracking whenever i’d get through it. and then i was snowed out of two work days in the shop
while it has been difficult, that does not stop all of this from being my fault. i made a promise i failed to deliver on, and i am sorry, i understand if you are angry or frustrated with me, i would be too.
but i can refund the cash on the labor, and you’ll still get your box. its the least i can do.
after this order i will be going on a stick building hiatus so that what has happened here, won’t happen again.
thank you all for trusting me, and i’m sorry that you got fucked for doing so, i feel like shit and i hope that a refund on labor can right who i’ve wronged.
i hope you all have a wonderful christmas. my internet got reconnected yesterday so i won’t dissapear like this again
Dude, relax, don’t refund the labor, keep the money. I knew something straight out of hell was cooking for you, so don’t give me the refund.
Happy Christmas Zal, take it easy. =)
Honestly, it’s not that I mind the wait; the lack of updates is what got frustrating. I don’t want a refund either, just some idea of when I’m gonna get the stick. Try to enjoy your holiday. :bgrin:
Hey now Zal, I keep saying this, but don’t try to do everything in the world at once. Take it a step at a time. As consumers, it’s not so much that we worry about whether our product will arrive on time as whether you’re still working to get the thing to us as fast as you (the producer) can get it to us. And as consumers, we understand that you’re a one-man business and on your end, things don’t operate like clock-work as it does in a larger corporation. If we didn’t have that sort of understanding, then I doubt MAS Systems or a good deal of custom stick makers on this site would have any business at all. Relax man, all we want is to make sure that you still care for getting our product to us and that you can give us a bit of notification on any sort of delays. We’re all human, so don’t beat yourself up.
And like MRGAY and Logos beat me to saying, I don’t want a refund on my end either. I gave you that $100 for a stick and I don’t intend on taking any of it back just because I have to wait another few weeks or so. Anyways, Merry Christmas Zal. Enjoy your holidays and good luck getting everything sorted!
I echo everybody elses thoughts. We don’t care about the money, we care about being updated. However long you take to do this, please don’t disappear on us. I’ve bought custom sticks before, and sometimes these things take time, we understand. But please just don’t disappear on us! Take the time to come here and keep us updated. We don’t just wanna hear good news, we want to hear bad news too.
I know things happen, please just give us a new ETA (a realistic one) and please keep us updated on a regular basis to let us know how things are moving along. Also, a personalized update letting us know the status of all our sticks would be deeply appreciated!
I hope things are getting better for you, man, and that you had a good Christmas.
What a good group of guys. (Both Zal and the people who don’t want their refunds back and are understanding)
Well everyone already said what there is to be said.
and yeah i dont care about the money.
Zal, post here or send me a PM when youre ready to ship my box, I need to tell you the right address depending on when you ship it. Thanks.
Zal you should thank the Christmas Angels. These guys have 999999 times more patience than I do, ha ha.
Either way glad to see everyone’s doing okay now that it’s all ironed out.
Still awaiting some sort of status report on my stick…I’m sure others feel the same way. Please let us know how far along you are and when you expect to be finished!
Bumping for an update. Got any news for us Zal? If you’ve got any time, maybe update the first page status? I’m still waiting on parts apparently…
dude, zal, I am beginning to get a bit anxious with the waiting now. At the very least, can you provide an update a bit more frequently?
not going to lie, im starting to lose patience. i hate to be the guy who breaks the train of “understanding patient people” but i really dont like where this is going.
i realize the following will probably make me kinda unpopular. internet forum popularity is very important to me so plz dont make me cry too hard ok guys
whats happening right now is:
- zal says ok these people’s stuff is ready, going to ship.
- people rejoice
- nothing happens for a while
- people start complaining
- zal says sorry i havent been able to get your stuff to you because things are a mess right now
- people say sorry to hear that (boy dont i feel like a douche now) take your time zal
- nothing happens for a while
- people get start complaining again
- zal says something like sorry things are still a mess…etc. still no ETA
- people say oh ok i understand
- nothing happens…and we repeat the cycle?
come on zal, this could potentially turn into a bad situation if you let it. please just ship my box, or tell me you dont have it and refund me some money so i can go buy another one. i have been passing on other boxes for sale because supposedly i have one coming to me from you. i appreciate all the effort you have spent on the stick i have, it just has some issues that need to be addressed. as one of your first customers i should be writing a post in the feedback thread about how much i like our business transaction, but sadly i cannot do that.
from my experience, slight delays aren’t a problem as long as there’s communications, but man, this has got to suck for everyone. I’m a stick builder myself and have had slight delays but i always keep everyone updated. they deserve at least that.
not to bust in on your thread or anything, but man…that’s f’ed up.
dominologic, you’re not unpopular in my book. I was about to post the same thing.
I’m getting pretty upset here. I just need an update. An apology is not an update. An apology is not an ETA. Zal, can you either post a very specific update or either refund my money? I’m worried, because i didn’t just send him money, I sent him actual joysticks, buttons, parts, etc. Lots of them. So I wouldn’t just need a refund if he can’t do the sticks, I’d need all the parts back too. My brother still asks me to this day when he’s getting his Christmas present and the best I can tell him is “…”.
EDIT: i fail at not double posting
Damn this is horrible :tdown::sad: