I’ve been told on numerous occasions there is a glitch in Online Edition regarding Genijin not scaling after Zenpou. I tested it on xbox and it seemed to be normal (compared to ps2).
Maybe it’s online only? Ps3 only? Ps2 is also glitched? Only vs some characters or stages? Myth?
Anyone have any idea about this? I’m very curious to know.
Well… perhaps Capcom will test it and find out it’s not ready yet - and in that case, they could try and change it.
I know it’s a longshot, but this is a fix I’d really like to see, so I try to be optimistic ):
We have lots more time to test it to give them more info if they don’t want to test the patch until after SF4UltraCombofiend version over there, as is the current timeline.
So, is their a probability of it happening or does ithappen every time?
It is pretty game changing… But if youre getting tagged with zenppo kudos to your opponent.
But wait, does this affect the scaling on Yun’s other super arts? I assume it would.
I was gonna say. No reason to give kudos for zenpou when I’m probably giving it up for free most times. Taking the zenpou is a successful outcome I think.