Still very much a work in progress. Going to continue editing over the next couple of days to make sure every combo is notated which its damage and meter gain displayed accurately. Left out some combos from the other combo thread that didn’t have a video for them for right now. I’ll manually record some with my pad tomorrow. After that’s done I’ll just make sure to keep updating things regularly as they come to light. Cheers.
Move List
**Splash Libido: **:f:
Deep Crescendo: :f::h:
Soul Fist (air OK): :qcf::atk:
Soul Drain (air OK): :qcf::s:
Shadow Blade (air OK): :dp::atk:
Vector Drain: :hcb::atk:
Flight (air OK): :qcb::s:
Finishing Shower (air OK): :qcf::atk::atk:
Shadow Servant: :dp::atk::atk:
Astral Vision: :d::d::atk::atk:
Darkness Illusion (air OK): :qcb::atk::atk:
General Tips
Morrigan is a versatile character with many combo options. She is quite possibly the best zoner in the game, while also having some nasty rushdown tactics as well. Her mobility and high/low mixups are on par with characters like Magneto and Storm. On top of that she has some of the most easy and effective hitconfirms. Unfortunately all of this versatility comes at price. Morrigan’s damage output could be considered average at best compared to the rest of the cast. To maximize you’re damage youre going to have to work hard and break some bad habits and pick up some new ones. Here are some general tips to keep in mind
**1. **Use her c.:l: sparingly. It does not hit low and hits two times, meaning it scales her combo more. If you need a quick move her s.:l: hits low, comes out in 4 frames, and only hits once. However it can be useful if you’re opponent uses a an attack that hits high because Morrigan will duck the attack while performing her own. Some specific examples of when this might be useful is when Dante is attempting a boxdash + j. or when Akuma uses his air tatsu
**2. **Use her s.:h: sparingly. It hits 4 times and it probably scales her combos harder than any of her other moves. Only time I would consider using it is if a character is right above your head and you got caught off guard.
**3. **Use her j.:s: sparingly. Morrigan’s j.:s: is a great move no doubt. It starts up incredibly fast, hits overhead multiple times, has great priority, and is easy to hitconfirm with. However as with her c.:l: and s.:h: it hits multiple time which lowers the overall damage of the combo. Her j.:l: is a great alternative if you want a fast overhead, and her j.:h: is good option if you’re going to contest against another character’s attacks.
**4. **Learn the correct time to cancel Shadowblade into Finishing shower and how to aim the missiles. Do not aim up immediately after the super flash. Allow the missiles to go straight until you see the character start to move upwards on their own. Once that happens then aim up. For big characters (Hulk,Nemesis) try to cancel with them slightly below Morrigan’s feat. For normal size characters (Wesker,Dante) try to keep them level with Morrigan. For small character you don’t want their feet to past Morrigan’s stomach. Also mash, mash, mash, mash, mash
**5. **You can TAC or use Shadowblade H for extra damage in the corner after a Finishing Shower. Put characters like Doom or Magneto after her to give her access to some high damaging TAC combos.
**6. **Use Soul Fist to cover your approach. Not only does this make Morrigan’s rushdown safer, if the Soul Fist hits you have an easy hitconfirm that actually boosts her combo damage.
**7. **When experimenting with Morrigan’s Soul Fist loops, remember how each version of Soul Fist effects the opponent. Soul Fist :l: and cause the opponent to drop in the air while, the :h: version will pop them up.
**8. **You can connect Shadow Servant after the end Darkness Illusion. The timing is somewhat tight, but not to difficult after some practice. It is worth noting that Morrigan will always appears on the opposite side she was on if you do the air version. If she uses the ground version she will appear on the same side she was on
BnB Combos
These are the combos that will work on every character from any grounded hitconfirm. There are many, many variations of these combos, but these are good places to start. There are many ways to alter these combos to you’re specific needs so feel free to experiment. Also note that the meterless version of these combos assume that you end in j.:h:, Shadowblade :h: in place of Finishing Shower
BnB Combo 1 (405K meterless, ~520k for 1 meter)
[details=Spoiler] s.:l:, c.:h:, f.:h:, (normal jump) j.
:h::s: (land), c.
:h:, f.:h:, (normal jump) j.
:h::s: (land), c.
:h:, :s:, (super jump) j.
:h:, Shadowblade
, Finishing Shower
The basic Morrigan combo that everyone should learn. Very easy and does decent damage. This combo is probably her best option after a Happy Birthday as well.
BnB Combo 2 (484k meterless, ~610k for 1 meter)
[details=Spoiler] [media=youtube]D3bOegjmB-s[/media]
s.:l:, c.:h:, f.:h:, (normal jump) j.
:h:, Soul Fist :h:, Fly, (ADD) j.:h:, Soul Fist :h:, Unfly (land), (normal jump**) j.
:h:, Soul Fist :l:, Fly, (ADD) j.:h:, Soul Fist :l:, Unfly (land), :s:, (super jump) j.
:h:, Shadowblade
, Finishing Shower**
A bit tougher than the other combo, but it introduces flight cancelling which is the heart of good Morrigan gameplay. Damage and meter gain is better as well.
BnB Combo 3 (522k meterless, ~700k for 1 meter)
s.:l:, c.:h:, :s:, (super jump) j.:h:, Soul Fist :l:, Fly, (ADD) j.:h:, Soul Fist :h:, Unfly (land), (normal jump) j.
:h:, Soul Fist :l:, Fly, (ADD) j.:h:, Soul Fist :l:, Unfly (land), :s:, (super jump) j.
:h:, Shadowblade
, Finishing Shower
Morrigan’s most damaging combo that can be considered a bread and butter.
Corner Combos
650-700k combo
UMvC - Morrigan Corner Combo
TAC Combos
Morrigan TAC Infinite
Soul Drain Combos
Morrigan has the unique ability to steal an opponents meter with her Soul Drain attack. Each Soul Drain that lands steals around 1/3 bar of meter and gaining it herself. However it is a slow moving projectile with an equally slow startup which makes it difficult to hit with. Still with certain assists and/or Astral Vision, Morrigan can link multiple Soul Drains in one combo. Note that if your opponent has less than 1/3 bar of meter, you will only receive the amount they had.
UMVC3 - Morrigan Soul Drain Combos with Rocket Racoon
UMVC3 - Morrigan Soul Drain Combos with Dr. Strange
Air Hitconfirms
Normal Jump Hitconfirms
Super Jump Hitconfirm
X-Factor Combos
Morrigan X-Factor lvl 3 loop for small characters, 1.2million damage, 1 bar
Full Combo Videos
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Morrigan Combo Video
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Morrigan Combo Guide
Seductora: A Morrigan Combo Video
Other Useful Things
Phoenix Kill Combo
s.:l:, s., c.:h:, :s: (super jump), j.:h:, Soul Fist :l:, Fly, (ADD) j.S (land), Soul Drain, Shadow Servant
Thor Kill Combo
Misc Combos
These are combos that are not fully optimized, only work in specific scenarios, or just don’t fit in the other categories. However that does not mean there are not some useful stuff in here. Go ahead and give every one of these videos a look. They may just give you some ideas.
Morrigan Mission 11
Morrigan Double Fly Cancel Loop
Morrigan H Shadowblade Follow Ups
In the Lab With Morrigan
Morrigan Finishing Shower Loop is Still There… sorta
Morrigan Midscreen Soul Fist Loop
Morrigan midscreen combo
Soul Fist Loop Combo (Big characters, corner only)
Just a Couple Morrigan Combos