We should pay marling pie to find it for us
o rly? What do you normally do?
I have but its extremely difficult. I’ll have a vid posted soon, and maybe y’all can find a way to make it more practical.
I was messing around and all I could get was landing j.H to trigger it, was pretty difficult as well.
As I said in the description, its way harder than it looks and is easily the hardest of all the TAC infinites I’ve tried. After 3 hours of practicing it the most I got was 6 reps, but of course I wasnt recording at the time. Maybe y’all can find a way to make it more practical. Good luck
It’ll definite work from all 3 TAC direction but I didn’t find time to make a simpler version due to rayray sending me a invite. =/
Back to the lab.
Got bored (and frustrated) but the last thing I tried before going back to making Morrigan/Strider tech was trying j.L,M,M > Soul Fist H > Flight AD j.M,H > unfly falling j.H xN. I think it might be doable but I’m done. lol
So, I’ve been using a Morrigan bnb that invloves shadow uppercut off the ground, fly/unfly, and soulfists. But its pretty inconsistent because sometimes when I go for the super jump after my launcher, i end up on the other side as i hit my opponent. Can anyone explain what I might be doing wrong in the combo? (I’ll type out the combo if you need to know). I’ve also considered learning a new bnb that I might be able to do more consistently (doesnt necessarily have to be easy). The BnB combo #1 from the original post is the only BnB with a video, so I thought I’d start there. So, why do I miss the second shell kick? The first time around, the air attacks work well and the shell kick only hits once like in the video. But I miss it the second time around and I dont know why. =/
sorry i didn’t have time to look at the videos, but i had a question i wanted to ask in this thread.
I was playing with morrigan in the lab one day i was working on my combo mid screen and at the end of the combo i did fininshing shower with random directions, and random mashing with both of those combinations i connect morrigan’s lvl 3 into the combo at midscreen. does anyone know the specific motions during finishing shower that connects into her lvl 3?
shadow blade M and H have forward momentum, so they might be carrying you to the other side of the opponent if you launched them when they were too high in the air. give me the combo you’re doing so i know for sure.
BnB #1… the annotation doesn’t match the video. either way, i like my BnB much more than that one:
st. L, st. M, cr. H, f+H, forward jump, air M, air M, air H, air S, (land), st. M, cr. H, f+H, forward jump, air M, air M, air H, air S, (optional cr. H), st. S, super jump, air M, air M, air H, shadowblade H, finishing shower.
can be used anywhere on screen, and i can even do that in moderate lag. the trick is to delay the air S after the air H. you can also drop the second rep if there’s just too much lag. in this combo, all three hits of shell kick should land.
are you asking how to land morrigan’s level 3 after a finishing shower?
i am asking how to land morrigan’s level 3 after finishing shower while being midscreen
honestly, i haven’t played around with that too much.
i’ll hit the lab in a minute, but it might be better to just go into level 3>shadow servant or shadow servant>xfactor>level 3.
After watching Darchon’s new video, I came up with this Phoenix kill combo: s.:l:, s., c.:h:,:s:,:h:, Soul Fist :l:, Fly, ADD,:s:, Soul Drain, Shadow Servant.
Husteen, I forgot to mention that I did notice the delay (thats why I said I got one hit with shell kick the first time around). Also, I know that the annotation was wrong, I just went by what happened in the video. But dont worry, i figured out that I wasnt doing the M,M,H off the air fast enough. The first hit didnt come out right off the ground, so the shell kick delay happened naturally but only for the first rep. However, should this really be my BnB? Idk, it just doesnt seem right to me.
And about my current BnB, here it is:
s., c.:h:, Shadowblade:m:, Fly,
:h:, Soul Fist:m:, Unfly, Dash Foward, :h::s:, (Land), :s:, (Super Jump),
:h:, Shadowblade:m:, Finishing Shower
The crossing over problem happens before I even get to uppercut. In fact, crossing over prevents me from uppercutting. Basically, after the super jump, as one M hits, I cross over and miss the second M. Usually, the problem I have is that once I do the first shadowblade, the rest of my actions (even the first Fly) cant be too slow or too fast. If its too slow, the launcher wont connect. If its too fast, the shell kick before the launcher will whiff because the opponent is juggled too high up. Do you think that I might be hitting some kind of timing where the problem occurs after I launch the opponent rather than during the shell kick or during the launcher?
yeah with f+H, you can start the air chain either right as you’re jumping, or you can wait until morrigan reaches the peak of her jump. took me a while to learn that in vanilla lol.
BnB #1 seems very weird to me. i don’t like how her air shell kicks only hit once because that tends to cause awkward placement; although, the damage might not scale as much. morrigan’s loops have tons of variations, just make sure you’re sticking to the general rules like replacing st. H with cr. H. it really depends on what you’re better at doing.
i also have a variation of the second combo you gave; it’s really fun. first of all, make sure you’re canceling the shadow blade when she’s at her highest point. when i do my combo, she usually gets to “shadow” before i fly. at the latest, she’ll say “shadow blay”. i did your combo a few times, and i did get some crossovers. mostly, the dummy was floating too high, and i was scared the combo would drop. i think canceling the shadow blade like i said and maybe slightly delaying the H after the forward dash might get it to work. i think that M after the fly and before the H might be screwing with things as well. also, make sure you’re doing a straight super jump instead of up+forward after morrigan’s launcher. you should also be able to use her H shadow blade at the end of that combo instead of M.
here’s my version of the second combo: shadow blade M, fly, air H, air soul fist M, unfly, forward dash, air H, air S, (land), shadow blade M, fly, air H, air soul fist M, unfly, forward dash, air H, air S, (land) st. S, super jump, air M, air M, air H, finishing shower. it took me a long time to learn, but i so got it now. this is a really good combo to use when you hit an airborne opponent with a shell kick, because it’s sometimes difficult to use st. L in that situation, or when you’re pressuring a blocking opponent and land a shadow blade.
how do you use the LMHS symbols?
Ok, I’ll try that stuff out.
And as far as the symbols, I just copied and paste, but if you move your mouse over the symbol, it shows that it’s just the letter with colons around it. : h :
Why not level 3 into Shadow Servant?
I just wanted to know how to connect Morrigan’s Finishing Shower to Morrigan’s lvl 3. I already know how to do a shadow Servant after her lvl 3.
I learned that Morrigan’s Finishing shower could connect to her lvl 3 midscreen when i did random motions & random mashing during my own custom combo.
i was asking that question from before so that i could learn how to connect all her hc while being mid-screen.
Combo that i was practicing
j. H, cr. H, st. S, (super jump) j. H, fly, j. H, unfly, j. H, (touch ground),
j. M, j. H, Qc. M, fly, downward dash, j. M, j. H, Qc. H,
unfly, cr. H, St. S (super jump), j. M, j. H, Dp M, Qc HC, B.Qc HC (lvl 3)
I guess a person could end with shadow servant, but at the time i was too amazed with how the Finishing Shower HC connected with morrigan’s lvl 3 because it came out on accident and connected.
ohh you mean you were mashing for more damage on the finishing shower and accidentally connected a level ? an air finishing shower into air level 3, i’ve never ever thought about that before. let me go try it out.
i wasn’t able to do it once. are you sure it actually comboed?
i am sure, but with finishing shower i mashed and rotated my joy stick randomly. i have been trying to figure it out forever now.
[edit] you have to make sure that the last missiles connect.
[2nd edit] i went into training mode again had two of my characters ko’d, and did my combo with morrigan. i mashed as hard as i could as i rotated my joy stick counter clock wise. the Finishing shower connected to lvl 3 again. i only could manage to do it 2 out 13 tries though @_@