Your worst personal match ups

Claw seems to be pretty easy match up, once he’s in the corner he has no answer for makoto MP mix ups, just don’t let him out the corner once you get him in there because you might waste most your life getting him in there. As far a Ken goes good mix ups should get the job done on him. Gief is a bad match up, I’m probably like 35% against Gief.


Oops sorry you meant bison, yeah he’s a tricky match up. I do good against him even if there highly rate, but I usually get exposed after a few sets.

Lol poor white gun got shut down by that yun player earlier…

Offline white gun is free. I’ve lost like 1 or 2 matches against him this weekend. I’ve been playing a lot with cuongster so I’m getting really solid. It’s good to know I’m not free against tournament players. Cuong played him in 2 sets of first to 5 and he took one round off cuong. Team Canada 2 was a disgrace. I’m so salty about not being on it. That’s all I have to say about that right now. On a side note I’ve only been bodied by Alex Valle ang vangief.

Any idea if we can get a video of that set? The Yun player was so good.

Edit: Never mind, found it if anyone’s interested.


T.Hawk, Gief, Ibuki, Balrog.

Instasadness when I see these characters picked.

What a Paul Pierce :confused:
Guys,thx Dhalsim is no more a problem, I was just too impatient. Now I need to learn more about Rufus,it’s difficult to find that mu around.

For some reason, I struggle a lot against T-Hawk. I just can’t beat the man.

Rufus and t.hawk are both problems for makoto. Hawk in particular is annoying cause I think makoto wins the match up. He doesn’t really have a safe way in so just sit back and punish him for trying to get in. Learn your poke distances cause you’ll beat most of his clean and learn the distance you should be to dash in after a roundhouse from him.


Boxer. I know it isn’t a horrible matchup, but he destroys me.

For me it has to be:
T-Hawk, Dhalsim, Yun, Rufus, Blanka :@, Dan.

Someone please enlighten me on how to fight Dhalsim lol, everyone says its a really easy matchup but I find it damn hard.
Also Blanka is a b**ch.

Press and, EX Hayate your way in between pokes, absolutely murder him in the corner. Pick U2 to shut down his fireballs.

If really is easy when you realize what to do. I can count on one hand the number of matches I’w lost to Dhalsim since AE dropped.


I’m 2 and 8 against my Internet connection. beyond that it’s Guile and certain vortex playstyles.

Ibuki has become my Achilles hell as of late. It’s so formulaic and yet I fall for the same bullshit every time.

Right now Hakan has been giving me problems >.> Part of that has to do with my roommate being retardedly good with him and knowing me (we’ve been playing for years). On the other hand hes doing oil parry which shuts down all of my setups :frowning: I hate it. You shouldnt have completely invulnerable normals. I hope they fix it

T.Hawk, Guile, Dhalsim. Probably in that order, too.