Your Top 5/Bottom 5 Alt/Swap Costumes + Costume Discussion

That Asuka alt is my favorite. It’s definitely a “must buy” for me.

Chun-Li swap was just a complete waste. Panda suit? Seriously Capcom? I actually bought that shit too lol!

Top 5 Best Swaps/Alts

Raven(Alt)-Looks sick as fuck…makes me glad I play him =’(
Nina(Alt)-Schoolgirl Nina!!! Once again…makes me glad I play her
Chun(Maid outfit when or if it ever comes out)…Please come out =(

Honorable Mentions- Poison(Some sick colourization can be done with that)

Bottom 5

Bob-Adventures of super fat man outfit
Abel(Alt)-Failed Seth clone???
Sagat(Alt)-Looks like he took a day off from fighting to hit the beach…yuck!
Steve(Alt)-Can’t wait to fight Willy Wonka online
Bison(Alt)-Yes we’ll just make a ripped clothes version for Bison’s alt because nobody has ever seen that before >_>

Top 5:
Guile Swap- Freakin Robot I love it
Bison Swap- Bryan and Bison are two crazy bad guys!
Sagat Alt- I love the speedo haha its random
King Swap- I like the alex hairdo on king
Ogre Swap- Its Gill nuff said

Bottom 5:
Ken Swap- I don’t like how Lars looks
Ryu Swap- Reminds me of Evil Ryu to much
Kazuya Swap- Boring to me
Kuma Swap- Something is just wrong here
Rufus Alt- My eyes are bleeding…

That Guile swap is absolutely horrendous. Anyone who likes that needs their head examined.

Best Swaps

  1. Sagat as Dragunov
  2. Ogre as Gill (would be much better without the hair)
  3. Jin as C. Viper
  4. Yoshimitsu as Dictator
  5. Kazuya as Air Force officer (Guile)

Worst swaps

  1. Guy as a Kazuya (come on his hair was fine, what is with Capcom and their inability to do right by Guy)?
  2. Julia Chang as Chun-Li
  3. Poison as the Devil…Gene? (Horrible design and trashy…fits Poison to a T but still so ugly)
  4. Rufus as Angel
  5. Guile as Jack (Who thought this crap jived with Guile’s sense of style)?

The only Alts that look remotely useful are Cody’s and Balrog’s. Not enough to make a list.


  • Yoshi, Akuma, Raven, Poison, Kazuya, Guile, Gill, Ibuki, Rolento, Jin, Cody, Guy, Lili - Alt 1
  • Chun-Li, Bob, Akuma, Zangief, Yoshimitsu, King, Jin, Balrog - Alt 2


  • Rolento (2), Steve (2), Chun-Li (1), Cammy (1), Sagat (2).

I wish Heihachi would have a Dr. Wily Alt costume. :smiley:

I can’t wait for this one :slight_smile:

I also can’t wait for the Ibuki and Julia’s alt :smiley:

My Top 5 swap costumes:

#1: Ken
#2: Yoshimitsu
#3: Kazuya
#4: Vega
#5: Sagat

I don’t really have a bottom 5.

Surprised no one has mentioned Juri’s alt as being horrendous. What is it supposed to be?

A lot of the alts for the female characters are pretty bad, Juri, Cammy, and Nina’s being the worst :frowning:

Boy was i wrong. I’ve been rocking that Bison swap for awhile now :slight_smile:

This this this this I want it.

I also love Guile’s Alt, going for the civil war theme.

My Guile x Julia team is going to end up being Team Historical Reenactment Group

Im buying Nina’s pop star looking alt. Recolor it and your set.

Are the Alt’s coming out with v2013?

Oct. 30 I think

I hope so. Looking forward to my… uh… trashy dress Cammy?

Er, anyway… yeah that outfit, Nurse Juri, Monkey King Law and Julia Hood. <3

WHAAAAAT? I can’t speak for Nina’s, and I’ll give you Cammy’s (though for some reason I like it lol). But Juri I’m pretty sure is supposed to be a nurse. Pretty sure. Like 51/49 sure.

…whatever it’s hot :razzy:

Dude, I’ll get Cop Cody, you get Nurse Juri, we can tag up and be team Stripper Outfits

LOL Oh gawd I didn’t even think of that. Team Chippendale’s x Christie’s.

Nina’s the worst? Juri’s nurse outfit? I’m sorry, but you, my good sir… Have bad taste.