Your Match Videos


JR Rodriguez vs Necro player at EVO…

'Anybody else gonna get in on the analysis thing? (With any luck, I should have matches up later in the week…)

Guess who that necro was? im not going to try and hide it…

I would make excuses but i cant even be bothered. Well done…:lovin::lovin::lovin:

YOUR AKUMA IS GOOD! … :wgrin::wgrin::wgrin:

Sorry i’ve been so quiet guys, just moved into uni halls, a bit distracted at the moment.

Thanks to Mr Rock for the content. When i get my computer going i will get some real long posts going :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Pedram! That player at Evo was YOU? Wow…kinda looked like my play style, although I still consider myself 1 of the weirdest Necro players out there (a freak among freaks, ‘if you will’).

It’s my pleasure to add some feedback. What I wanted to know is WhereTF is everybody suddenly? :cries: I thought my commentary was crap or something and scared everybody away, but I’m a paranoiac (real word?), so that’s how I think lol.

‘SPEAKING of being a freak AND neurotic, I’m freaking out cos that specific Akuma player (JR) recorded matches w/ me on Sat. night and he said he mailed it on MONDAY to our friend uploader via next-day mail :stuck_out_tongue: and just NOW I think JR’s “secret fan” was asking me where the matches are. PLEASE don’t lose the mail, you DAMN U.S. P.O., or I’m gonna be REALLY PO’ed :’(

I’ll update later IF I have any reason…~Nick/Protectobot/RT

HEYYYYYYYYY everybody! Pikachu put the 1st of my 5 matches online. It takes a while to load, though. Don’t expect much cos it’s a warm-up O_O :cries: [media=youtube]odgfHA1SQsY[/media]

finally some vids!
i will analyse them as soon as i get my cpu up and running (using a friends atm).

Did i meet you at EVO? i really hope you didnt see my group stage matches…they were so embarrasing! My casuals were a bit better (will try to find the vids).

Hey bro :slight_smile: naw…JR obviously met ya but I’m too cheap and lazy to go. What does that say about a yank who lives SORTA close to Evo yet you are half way around the planet from us and still showed? haha.

HEYYYYYY everybody! Match 2 is here: best of 5! [media=youtube]OYoqbnCDcTQ[/media]

I’m waiting for the other 3 matches to be uploaded but Pikachu has TONS of matches to upload lol.

I did BETTER here, but I didn’t win ANY of these matches, btw: I was also taking a quick break on a whim so we could record them. I MISSED a chance for a perfect cos I had trouble getting the stick to work, OR I was nervous and in shock about the round. 'So in match 1, I miss 1 of my 2 FAVORITE combos, which I NEVER miss (b+hp, db+hp, XX SAI), and in match 2, I miss the OTHER one (corner grab, XX SAI) :stuck_out_tongue: but later in the set…

Too bad I won later that night at a different arcade :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe I got nervous cos I NEVER played while being taped :open_mouth: :sweat:

I’m still trying to parry too much but at least I can parry JR’s dive kick more often now. Either I’m getting better, or he’s taking it easy on me cos 1 of the BEST things he does compared to other players is CONTROL the match, and as Mike Z said, he’s good at not getting hit. He IS a friend, after all LOL.

HEYYYYYY Y’ALL. Matches 5 and then 3 were added, so that leaves #4 of 5, which was my BEST match. 5: [media=youtube]160HhHXxPlo my final match and I had to leave for work :stuck_out_tongue: (excuse) I did TERRIBLY, BUT, watch JR do a niiiiiice parry and punish at :28 on the vid (only part worth watching) and 3:[/media]

'No rush to critique my matches :smiley: but “be gentle cos it’s my first time” ONLINE, I mean :tears:

I’m actually on camera between matches and was sorta embarrassed but hope it’s funnier still cos of that!

I’m not even DRUNK like the other Necro players :stuck_out_tongue: but guess what I thought you meant when you said “UNI halls”. ‘Yep: that’s right :blush: Pino’s still my fave’ JP Necro though…


WOOOOOOOOO! Match 4 is on youtube somehow. I lost :cries: but this match was hot. JR, thanks for almost letting me win a recorded match. [media=youtube]MfA1laa2-4A[/media]
PLEASE watch this match if you think I have any potential (now all I need is to keep the MOMENTUM) O_O

Where IS everybody? I think I mighta…well…missed the POINT when I analyzed play-by-play style. I hope it was helpful somehow, still. I think some talk should be done about overall strats, as well as details. I STILL occasionally see stuff that confuses me–even though the game’s so old O_O IT happens once in a wild blue yonder.

RockTakane, analyse both players for this vid

'thanks lol. Here’s to hoping I get something started.

I’ll see what I can post while I’m still at work O_O

Round 1: 12 might be THE king of long-distance zoning. The 12 player starts out w/ the usual aerial rushdown, followed by a whiffed jumping poke into a landing for the throw set-up. Necro got a parry and did a cr. mp but probably was going for the b+mp? [I HATE it when I get the wrong normal w/ Necro, on a side note ;)] It looks like 12 was going for another throw, but wound up having to tech instead, cos Necro’s throw animation came out first. 12 is basically keeping Necro away w/ long-distance pokes and back throws. Necro has to find a way in, for once. It looks like Necro was going for a throw set-up toward the end w/ a whiffed poke, and the 12 player just walked backwards. Necro didn’t go for the throw cos it was possible a fake on the throw attempt. A dash-in at the end results in Necro getting KO’ed before recovering.

Round 2: This time NECRO is tossing around the opponent: while 12 is going for more aerial attacking/whiffing, Necro first throws 12 to the left corner, applies corner pressure, and then tosses “it” back to the other side of the screen: the Snake Fang (right name?) can be pretty scary when it helps get an opponent to the corner fast and they can’t roll after it. Necro pushes it/him into the corner w/ dashes after the Snake Fang, and tries to keep him grounded w/ more poking. Necro jumps back w/ mp to finish the round. Necro met 12 in the air and outpoked him in the air as well as on the ground.

Round 3: DAMN…it’s kinda hard to say, but both players are trying to keep each other out of the air…it all went so fast.

In this match-up, I’d say both characters can take a lot of risks because it’s hard for each character to punish the other w/o meter, but in 12’s case, it’s hard to punish for much damage in general.

Since I’m mostly analyzing from Necro’s perspective, however, I’d personally try to build meter for SAI and focus mostly on b+hp and hp electricity/denpa when 12’s airborne: as demonstrated in the match, there’s a good shot of trading hits w/ the b+hp in Necro’s favor. Hp doesn’t necessarily get all the hits and do as much damage (no follow-up st.hp/, but it’s safer, should 12 air-parry and cross-up while parrying, but I suppose this is obvious enough. If 12 stays grounded more (which I hear should be kept to a minimum for 12?), I’d move in w/ drill kicks and be wary of those ground punch things (that can reach near-full-screen and dig underground: name? :P).

'Well, I hope this helps. I’m bored :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re right about building meter, having SAI ready to go in that match-up helps Necro a lot. It rarely connects for full damage on an aerial 12 but mostly importantly, it’s a knockdown that 12 can’t tech-roll from, so Necro can then start setting up his wake-up pressure (which is quite scary for 12 as he doesn’t have a good wake-up move). It also teaches 12 not to fly around too much when Necro has SA1 ready to go.

B+HP is also a good anti-air for Necro - it’ll often trade but 12 is often hit enough that Necro will recover for the d/b+HP juggle anyway. And because 12 takes so much damage, it’s not worth the trade.

I’ve also thought st.HP would be a good move for Necro too, because there’s no real threat to him throwing that move out there. Not something to be abused but something to remind 12 that Necro can do damage from distance as well.

Match-up dependant. 12 doesn’t want to be flying too much against Urien, for example :stuck_out_tongue:

lol. What’s funny is sometimes moves that don’t seem that useful in general can become quite effective in certain match-ups. Urien’s vertical projectile is what you’re referring to in this case, I take it. Necro’s st. hk is best against Hugo cos he’s so slow and a big target (I think he has weird ways to punish it too, though). I think Alex’s cr. hk is worth using more against Chun except when she has meter cos I think she can reversal it! O_O blah blah blah, etc. haha

I see a whole lot of white text and not nearly enough Yellow. Lemme Yellow it up for ya one time. These go from chronological order of to least recent to most recent.


Note: In retrospect, I think sa3 is such a better super vs Yun…