Yooooo Dr. Swag!!
amazing stuff. Keep it coming. I’m getting it little by little. M Denak after an S giving me a bit o problems ~
:h: xx Impact Palm ~ Grace of Hoggoth (2R) ~ Flames of the Faltine -> Impact Palm ~ Mystic Sword :l: -> [j.
:h: xx Impact Palm] x2, j. :h: xx Impact Palm ~ j. :s: -> land Impact Palm ~ :s: -> sj.
:h: xx Impact Palm ~ sj. :s: -> land,
Daggers of Denak xx Spell of Vishanti (approx 785k)
After reading through these combos, the thread should be named IMPACT PALM! lol. very good stuff
Damn I found the Mystic Sword loops and was gonna come in here and post them but you guys had already beat me to it lol.
Found a little extender for his combos if you’re playing strider, (end of combo where you would do denak > vashanti) Call Strider > Vashanti > Strider Hits > Denak > Vashanti.
Puts us up to 900k-ish =D
Optimal combos from teleport mixups (so far):
**Daggers / 2Y Flames **(note: for 2Y flames you can’t have the orbs too close to you, otherwise there wont be enough time for you to get in and start the combo. also try not to place them directly atop one another. if you find you can’t get the dash s.MH xx Palm for w/e reason, try doing c.L s.M xx Palm instead.) -
dash :h: xx Impact Palm -> Grace of Hoggoth (2R) -> Flames of the Faltine -> Impact Palm -> Mystic Sword :l: -> [j.
:h: xx Impact Palm] x3 -> j. :h: xx Impact Palm ~ j. :s: -> land Impact Palm ~ :s: -> sj. :h: xx Impact Palm ~ sj. :s: -> land
Daggers of Denak xx Spell of Vishanti (approx 800 / 835k)
3Y Flames (you may not always have enough time to set up Grace of Hoggoth 2R during this combo, depends on how close you were when the beam hit I guess. Being able to recognize when you can will come with time, I’m sure) -
c.:h: xx Impact Palm -> Mystic Sword :l: -> [j.
:h: xx Impact Palm] x3 -> j. :h: xx Impact Palm ~ j. :s: -> land Impact Palm ~ :s: -> sj. :h: xx Impact Palm ~ sj. :s: -> land
Daggers of Denak xx Spell of Vishanti (approx 756k)
Grace of Hoggoth (2R) -> Flames of the Faltine -> Impact Palm -> Mystic Sword :l: -> [j.
:h: xx Impact Palm] x2 -> j. :h: xx Impact Palm ~ j. :s: -> land Impact Palm ~ :s: -> sj. :h: xx Impact Palm ~ sj. :s: -> land
Daggers of Denak xx Spell of Vishanti (814k)
Get your hitconfirms down, gentlemen.
Yeah a friend of mine tipped me off on this last night. Works w/ Doom/Hawkeye too.
nice stuff, do you think c.l to start instead of s.M would be better because it’s 2 frames faster? Also have you tried doing a TK Faltine so as to get an air impact palm before the ground impact palm… I’m wondering if that messes up the hitstun scaling too much.
also your sig/quote is godlike
You can start w/ c.L if you want, you should still chain to s.M in combos b/c it makes it easier to land Palm.
Edit:I got it lol.
Were you having trouble getting that part or something?
I should note that, for things like that, you want to delay the J.S for as long as possible. Do it too early and they’ll tech. You can leave it out if you want.
Yeah, I did it too early and they tech.
Good stuff on the combos man.
his combo’s are so pretty, having trouble with the H impact palm S land impact palm part tho,
I like the combos, was in the lab a while trying to get the hang of strange and his movements, he feels hella heavy and his wave dash seems like ass, maybe theres a way that i’m not doing it right. still got to get use to his teleport combos but that normal jump loop looks like it can be a really good bread and butter. i’ll try that out thursday… school sucks!
wow… i’ve been converted to a strange player after seeing all these swag-like rom combos with impact palm @_@.
Alzarath I think you should make another video if you get the time to.
Been trying to mess around with Strange’s flames. I don’t know if this has been posted, but you can do something like from midscreen, :h::f:+:h: xx Grace of Haggoth x2 (2Y) >
:h::s: SJ j.
:h::s: > Flames of the Faltine xx Vishanti.
The 2Y Flame will hit at the end of Vishanti causes what seems to be a hitstun ignoring soft knockdown allowing you to follow up with another Vishanti or something else to your liking. Now I’m positive there are more damaging ways to get this effect. This is the simplest I found just so you could get the idea, and it seems to work best if Grace of Haggoth is set up a little under half screen away from the opponent by the end of the combo.
You can also set this up by doing a combo involving (2Y) and ending in s.:s: > SJC > Flame of Faltine xx Vishanti. I’ve been trying to get something to the effect of:
ground combo xx impact palm > Haggoth(2Y) > launcher > air combo xx air impact palm xx teleplort to switch sides > [Impact ROM] x N (until appropriate distance) > s.:s: > SJC > Flame of Faltine xx Vishanti > Vishanti
However I haven’t found the right combination of buttons yet if this even works at all.
I look forward to seeing what you guys can come up with.
Ahhhh I knew there was SOMETHING I hadn’t thought of.
Lol. It’s funny how I was messing w/ 2Y flame combos when I first hit the lab, and now here I am again. Guess I’ve come full circle.
For this you need to be close enough the corner so you get the knockdown, and the orbs have to be far enough that the flame hits AFTER the super has completely ended.
I don’t expect to see this in play for awhile until people learn to judge the proper distances.
(midscreen, at least .3 meter to start)
:h: xx Impact Palm -> Grace of Hoggoth (2Y) -> dash c.:h: xx Impact Palm xx Mystic Sword :l: -> [j.
:h: xx Impact Palm] x3, j.:h: xx Impact Palm ~ j.:s: -> land Impact Palm ~ :s: -> sj.:h: xx Impact Palm ~ sj.:s: -> land Flames of the Faltine xx Spell of Vishanti (flame hits after) -> Impact Palm ~ :s: xx sjc’d Spell of Vishanti (891,900)
I think I can stick one more normal in there before the second super. Failing though, lol.
If you REALLY want to be an asshole and blow your entire load on their face, you can land a lvl 3 after the flame hits them back down, before doing a 2nd vishanti.
Real talk, this guy has too much swag for his own good.
That was a fast find lol. I just tried this combo out and loving it so far, thanks man. I wonder if there’s a variation that works at 3/4 screen and further
alternatively, you can also achieve a double spell of vishanti by calling strider’s vajra assist right before you do the first vishanti. they will hard knockdown and give you plenty of time for a second. in the corner you can use this to relaunch after a vishanti if you have hoggoths out.
edit: also not getting this jump loop to come out. I do the first two reps fine, but in the third mmh palm they fall out around the H.
edit#2: was in the corner and was pushing buttons too quickly. if you hit MM too quickly, you’ll drop the input
This is a strictly corner combo, right? Wasn’t workin mid screen for me.
What are you guys using mid screen for bnb combos atm?