You lack discipline oh foreign knight! The Arthur Thread

lookin forward to that vid,
also what are some uses for his lance charge, i cant seem to find it useful.

I don’t think fuzzy guard setups are that useful for Arthur. Instant j.S is already plenty fast… the more pressing issue is that people have very little incentive to ever hold back or downback against Arthur, and will hold upback in any situation where they are unsure.

Arthur desperately needs a) a low-hitting slide move to discourage upback or b) the ability to convert solo airthrows (e.g. j.S ground bounces when used OTG, or footdive-ish hitstun after airthrow so he has time to land and throw fire bottle).

Agreed on fuzzy setups. He can instant overhead with j.S, j.M, and sometimes even j.L normally.

He actually has a pretty difficult method to solo convert air throws (land, sj.S, special cancel, s.LS). I’m terrible at it and I don’t know if anyone can do it consistently.

what can arthur do against morrigan? i seemed to get shutdown when astralvision starts, or when she runs away and fireballs

Gold Arthur can use DP+L to reflect fireballs (front and back), and his projectiles will cut through hers pretty effectively. Gold axe can work pretty well to clear out the front and punish any assist calls, but you have to be wary of the clone fireballs and get a reflect out. (The good thing about reflecting is that the reflected back FB will cancel out the next clone FB, so a reflect buys you a window to throw out some stuff.)

When she’s not in astral vision, just throw stuff at her. Gold can shut her down with axe and crossbow, but silver should be able to do the same with air axes and well-placed lances.

I’m going to assume you’re playing arthur on anchor. The typical strategy is you want to get her before AV starts. But Arthur is too slow to catch her for the most part so she will get AV activations for free. He’s actually strangely good at avoiding fireballs with just his floaty superjump and doublejump. You just can’t j.S to projectile during AV because you will land on soul fists. You will be stuck waiting/avoiding while AV is up and attempting a projectile war when it’s not. The main thing you want to keep in mind is using your level 3 to XF to snipe doom assist and even morrigan with the right timing.

It’s when she’s in the air I have trouble, Playing arthur on point, since I think he has a better chance there. And yea gold armor pretty much Is a bad idea since she’ll have doom.
Arthur seems shut down when she’s I the air. Since i think he wins on the ground.

AV is one thing (very few characters can actually deal with Morrigan during AV) but outside of that, she can’t zone gold Arthur (really, no one can). If you throw gold axe->crossbow, what is she going to do? Axe will clear out anything in front (and immediately above) you while suppressing assist calls. Gold crossbow cuts through soul fist spam easily.

This might be more of a fundamental problem than a character problem, but one issue I keep getting with Arthur is that I don’t seem to get c.L when using it after either 1) landing from a j.s attack or 2) coming out of blockstun. I seem to go straight into c.M.

I’m trying to get it to come out right, even to the point of mashing the L button, but it doesn’t really work out for me. Any advice?

Press L at the time you normally press M.

Arthur is one of the secrets to fighting morrigan imo…

Highly unlikely. How so?

Let’s humour the discussion. Without astral vision, Arthur can go toe-to-toe with her quite comfortably, either overpowering her in the ground game, forcing her to make a risky approach, or jump up high and throw projectiles there. With astral vision, Arthur can bide for time with a double-jump, or don king’s armour in a bid to lock her down - king’s armour lasts about as long as two astral vision hypers if they’re done one after the other.

Also kings armour gold dagger assist is huge in this match , if you can safely get it out. I like to utilize it with dormammu and doom v morrigans. It does incredible damage to doom assist + goes threw point char also.

That’s nice but it only tells me that Arthur has tools to sort-of fight Morrigan and doesn’t tell me anything about Arthur being a potential counter, which is to me what Jijikun sounded like he was hinting at. I’m no Arthur expert, does he have an answer to a Morrigan nailing him in the face with Shell Kicks?

Key word “if”. :confused: But yeah, I can see it making MorriDooms think twice on Doom calls. I don’t see a lack of being able to call Missiles hurting Morrigan that much, though, but I guess that depends on what point character she’s facing.

Duly noted, but again, sake of discussion. Let’s say she goes for a shell kick; if she does it from close by then Heavenly Slash will keep you safe quite comfortably; it’s an invincible grounded uppercut, so you only have to worry about not whiffing it. If she’s going in for it and there’s enough space, throw out a weapon like daggers or lance. Heck, even a j.H might work if Morrigan doesn’t cover her approach with soul fists, and that can lead into a combo with a scythe.

Alioune is playing morrigan without any sort of anti air assist, and phoenix is on his team. Alioune is an amazing player, but any success against a morrigan without the ability to spend meter, and only a disruptor assist(sometimes) is meaningless to the discussion of arthur beating morrigan+doom. The “something there” that you’re running into is that you’re beating a handicapped morrigan. Maybe he beats morrigan with no assist or meter but Arthur does not beat morrigan/doom. He is nice and floaty and decent at avoiding soul fists, but he cannot press anything in the air against morrigan doom or he is taking some serious damage. He wins the projectile war in front of him, but has nothing to say to projectiles behind him. He cannot pressure morrigan at all, and as such she can set up for free. If you’re human he has no solo throw followup. If you are a machine, he can do 50% at best off a throw. Air throw follow ups are very important in a matchup against a character that lacks a useable ground dash. Your only real chance in this match is a well timed level 3 to XF3 to snipe doom or ideally both of them, or if morrigan has absolutely no meter.

Heavenly slash is fairly useless in this match. She wins the zoning war and has no reason to rushdown. In flight she can bait the dp and punish it, and if she blocks it you have to waste a bar to keep it safe. If you do land it, you get one super if missles don’t come down and break it. Arthur jumping forward and hitting H isn’t going to accomplish anything. Even if this was a good option he is severely less mobile than morrigan and should never even be in the position to attempt this.

… nvm