Hit it right on the spot. People want to think that the answer to Morridoom is some low tier character who would direct counter it, but the chances of that actually happening are low. Not saying there isn’t tech out there that we haven’t found out yet, but Arthur is definitely not the answer. Saying Heavenly Slash will be useful in beating shell kick is no different than saying any DP can beat any air approach. Why not then say Ryu’s DP can beat any tridash from Magneto or Doom? If we’re reacting to air dash in’s with full dragonpunch motions, then I guess Ryu and Akuma can beat anyone in the air.
Another thing is why does Morrigan have to go in? Since Morrigan should be in the air constantly since she doesn’t have any ground movement, how is Arthur gonna hit her? j.S will only be a nuisance that’s just asking to get hit by a soulfist. If we’re talking about hitting Morrigan with a j.H (which I’ve rarely seen happen), then might as well switch Arthur with Dante or Vergil, characters whose j.H has longer range and can actually to damage reliably off that and kill. Arthur may beat her in the durability war, but Morrigan can chuck plasma a lot more faster than Arthur can, meaning Arthur will get overwhelmed eventually. And its once MorriDoom gets that momentum is when you see people buckle down to soulfist barrage. Also Morrigan can hit Arthur at angles that Arthur can’t fight back. Air L-soulfists (the down-foward one) hit Arthur right over his head, while Arthur doesn’t have a projectile nor the means of movement to fight/avoid it.
I’m sorry, but that is just ridiculous. There are only a few characters in the game who can “force” Morrigan to do anything, and if you want to put Arthur on that list, I don’t see the reasoning behind it. Making Morrigan “jump up high and throw projectiles there” is making her do something she already wants to do. With Astral Vision on, Arthur is nothing more than a sitting duck. He can’t throw projectiles on the ground or nj. height since he can’t immediately block after it, and sj. projectiles will … do nothing. It would be miraculous if you hit her with a crossbow arrow, but fortunately, she has a fireball traveling behind you to cover her. King’s armor won’t fix ^those problems of not being able to block after a projectile, and his floaty jump is just asking to get juggled by soulfists.
I’m pretty sure we are all clear of Gold Armor Arthur being a gimmick at anchor, so activating it just for an assist isn’t going to shift the momentum in your favor. How many times do you see a Morrigan hanging around on the ground? She excels in the air, and anyone knowing the durability of gold daggers would know to stick to the ground game.