Plus online hates keepaway.
Inbox me all of the ragemail you get.
Plus online hates keepaway.
Inbox me all of the ragemail you get.
It all revolves around j.s xx 236L. You can use that to go for overheads or empty into low.
I agree with Doom being good for Arthur because of missiles, but I find beam hypers a big problems for Arthur and Doom unless Arthur has 3 meters stocked up, which is unlikely for me since my Arthur/Doom team are meter hungry.
Beam supers suck for Arthur/Doom. Thankfully the best character with a good one is Akuma. I just throw alot of air daggers and not call assists when they have meter and try to bait it. Other than that I can just pray.
You have to train yourself to not get trigger happy around beam users. When they are out and they have meter, they’re in control of long range. Accept it. Any attempt to retaliate will get you punished hard.
Instead bait there supers and use mindgames. One thing i like to do is call Doom missiles while immediately jumping over head. Then laying down fire or trying to open them up with jumping S. Dooms on the other side shooting missles so they can’t punish, and if they try anything, they get hit by missiles opening them up.
Anytime you go up against a beam user with a keep away team their first thought is always to punish and or mindgames to lull you into a sense of security(or they’re just waiting for you to call your assist they can have a two for one deal lol).
Why does j.S into qcf.L do anything? I’m having trouble imagining this.
I’m DHCing from Ghost Rider, and his bike leads into a wall bounce followed by a hard knockdown. I can position my opponent into the corner or mid-screen, so everything seems pretty flexible. I’m pretty sure the first thing to do is toss Fire Bottle out, but I don’t know what I should be doing after that?
Got a video for me?
I feel like Hidden Missiles is best on characters who can establish momentum easily, or hold onto it permanently. Arthur…doesn’t seem like that kind of character.
Sorry, nobody came to casuals yesterday.
And Arthurs whole game is momentum based. He is a lockdown character and hidden missiles covers up the angles he cant get perfectly. The second spot is the real trouble, though. You have to choose a rushdown character that is anti-anti-zoning. What I mean is that you need to have a character with a good assist for arthur that can deal with teleports and shitty matchups.
Everyone’s game is momentum-based, but there are characters like Morrigan and Dormammu, and then there are characters like Chris and Arthur, if you follow me.
Do you play on PSN? Or could you play on XBL and camcord some stuff for me? I’m deeply curious about your team because I tried Arthur/Morrigan and failed horribly, so I want to see what you’re doing.
I have XBL and Arthur is momentum based in the sense that if you block one of his projectiles from fullscreen he can keep you in blockstun for many seconds. Unless they have a super that can clear projectiles off of the screen.
Yet, I still feel like missiles is one of Arthur’s best assists. Out of the anti air assists, missiles are the best to cover Arthur’s main weakness, which is characters just super jumping up and simply laming Arthur out imo.
By cancelling j.S into qcf L it eliminates some of the recovery from the j.S making it easier to convert off of it. The qcf L doesn’t actually have to come out either. Try converting j.S into a combo and then try converting j.SxxQCF L into a combo and you’ll see what I mean.
I think realpolitix would like to speak with you.
After not touching Arthur at all in Vanilla, I’ve spent about 200 matches with him the last couple weeks and love him. Is there a quality “how to” video that can catch me up on everything I should know about him? Optimal combos, tricks and tips, etc.
I’m leaning toward taking an extended break from Dormammu for the Ghost Rider team. I’m just enjoying it more right now.
Nope. We should make an arthur thread like your Dormammu thread, though. What team you running?
I’m glad to provide the source documents for the Dormammu thread if someone wants all the formatting done for him/her, and I know I’d contribute.
I’m running:
Ghost Rider (Chain of Rebuttal)
Arthur (Dagger Toss)
Strider (Vajra)
I mostly rush with Arthur while calling Vajra to keep people grounded so I can land j.S overheads.
What I’d love is a good combo for Arthur to do off of a hard knockdown in Gold Armor. Here’s my typical combo with Ghost Rider:
j.S + Dagger Toss, s.HH, dp.L, s.HHS, sj.MMS, Vajra + qcf.L, dp.AA…H, qcb.AA
Basically, I end with the Spirit of Vengeance wall bounce into Gold Armor. I have enough time to OTG with the buffed up Fire Bottle and raw tag back into Ghost Rider, but I suspect there’s more I could be doing off of the OTG.
I flip Arthur and Strider back and forth via DHCs based on matchup and health. The buffed up Dagger Toss pretty much lets Strider have his way with the screen, it’s some good stuff. Dagger Toss even leads to full combos when called at the same time as Vajra H, which I usually use just to get in there and start applying pressure.
When someone gets in on Arthur, I’m not very good at getting him out of there, though. I generally try to superjump out and mindgame my way into a j.S off the double jump, but it doesn’t always go well. So, I’d love advice on that situation.
I’d also love to know what Arthur’s best blockstring is. I just do s.LMH, f.H, daggers right now because I don’t know any better.
My Arthur bnb is just your general s.LMH, f.HS, sj.MMHS, qcb.L, qcf.AA combo - I haven’t researched anything about his combo abilities. In corners I do the basic relaunch from Fire Bottle, but I don’t know what to do when I have Gold Armor on because Fire Bottle whiffs in corners.
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Oh, and sorry for the double post, but here is a nice tip.
Are missiles ruining your day? Are you trying to throw some damn projectiles when a bunch of missiles come raining down on your head? Well thanks to Arthur being so short, you can just call the longest lasting assist you have (as long as its not Rocket Raccoon) and let your assist be a human shield.
it sure is nice getting full natural combos out of vergil’s rapidslash with the dagger assist.
Thanks for the tip. I don’t really have trouble with Hidden Missiles, though. It’s hard as hell to get a HM call off against Ghost Rider with his crazy reach.
I play every character to the matchup. When Marvel first came out, no one believed me that Dormammu is a monster at rushdown until MastaCJ proved the point. I’m not saying Arthur is a master rushdown character, but I sincerely believe that every character in this game can rush to some degree. During XF3 with Gold Armor, I find rushing much more profitable than getting piddly chip damage when I need to kill 3 characters (I’m aware of the Lance infinite).
I DHC into gold armor because the upgraded Dagger Toss is incredible. 15 projectile hitpoints and it gains piercing, so it’s like a super slow beam that completely dominates the screen. It’s very difficult for Ghost Rider to lose control of the screen once Dagger Toss is upgraded, and it means I can convert happy birthdays into full combos.
I will sometimes DHC into Goddess Bracelet if the character I’m dealing with needs to die. It’s all match-up based. If a character needs to die and I have 3 bars (very common), I’ll DHC from Spirit of Vengeance to Gold Armor to Legion, which will still OTG in time for the kill, and now I have Strider backed by a wall bouncing chain and the best projectile assist in the game.
I fully understand the dangers of Gold Armor. I’ve experienced them and benefited from them (I main Dormammu, so it’s a free Purification -> Chaotic Flame for me when the armor breaks). I’m good at judging how to go about balancing its usage, and if he’s anchoring, there are safe ways to make the armor break that I am willing to use.
What about canceling Arthur’s blockstrings into the scythe? It bounces back, so does it let you loop a blockstring until pushblocked out, or…?
Can he really triple relaunch in corners? I’m only able to do 2.
Thanks for the combos. I’ll mess around with them.