You lack discipline oh foreign knight! The Arthur Thread

Not as bad as you think. There are some arthurs that aren’t in majors, but are in small streams. There are some hidden knights.

Situations like this are kinda why I like tiering and matchup discussions based on teams since using Single characters has far to many variables.

I know what you mean, it’s not like a situation like this would ever happen WHY CAPCOM U MAKE THE FUN CHARACTERS SO BAD :sweat:

The reason I love Arthur so much is because of how capcom characterized him (sorta like Super Skrull with the “unorthodox-for-marvel” motions and disrespect) and how real he is to GnG. However, you can characterize a character without making the character so bleh.

He’s a blast to play though

In other news, I came up with a new Factor infinite.


Looks fun to pull off, although taking for ever to kill lol.

Yeah gotta save it for the last character lol.

Given that gold XF Heavenly Slash is part of that combo, and that Heavenly Slash itself would loop (and kill) much faster, that is basically a taunt combo.

Hey Rikir, somewhat irrelevant, but are you going to SB? If so you should try to get on The World team for USA vs. The World and rep Canada.

Hahaha I can barely get on the Canada vs US team for T13 lol. Im not going to SB this time. Megabus doesnt go to Ohio and I dont think my dad wants to drive me again like last time. Also Im back in school so If the tournament isnt on a holiday weekend I probably have to miss like 1-2 days of school.

The most likely candidate for SB would probably be NickCam anyways, I recall someone telling me that the Canadian that placed the highest at SJ would recieve the spot. :P.

Yeah I was thinking it was gonna be NickCam but IMO you’re the better player, plus you play Tron and Arthur.

Also I’m gonna be at SB representing Arthur unless someone snaps him a lot. I played against a guy at my local (which I placed 3rd in after finally dropping PW) who repeatedly snapped him in, and it was really messing with me. Not because I rely on XF3 Dark Arthur (I usually do Lariat XF combo to kill problem characters with Haggar instead), but I just ruined my team order when he did kill Arthur. Not only that but my assist don’t really complement Arthur at all aside from Haggar as a GTFO assist. So I think if someone keeps snapping in Arthur I’m gonna pick Hawkeye or Sentinel or some assist where the character can do more on there own

Lol thanks. Anyway, I think you should try to construct your team in a way so that you can play it in any order. That way getting snapped isnt as traumatizing. Hawkeye works pretty well with Arthur. So I think he would be a good teammate..

For me, its something to prove. Was so thrilled Arthur made it into the Marvel 3 series and was pissed to see how weak and underrated he was, with everyone saying he was crap. Most that did pick him were posers, only using the character for assist+XFC3 fluff and not really LEARNING the character, match-ups, and what he can do.

So i made it my mission to fly the Arthur flag on the front lines since i got UMVC3 on launch. Always the first on the battlefield.

Not true. Ghost rider along with Nemesis, is one of those particular characters that Arthur runs a train over in this game. Being that he’s a taller, slower character with a large hitbox, once theres a little distance he can easily be locked down with air Daggers and theres not much that can be done. Throw hidden missiles or other good assist into it and he’s helpless.

If he does manage to get close, just stay calm, push block, etc and once you get away, resume the beating.

The other characters you mentioned aren’t much of a problem for a good Point Arthur either. Phoenix Wright’s are always funny, they think i’ll just sit across the screen and allow them to build evidence? No sir. Thats when i flex Arthur’s deceptive rushdown muscle and squash the buggers(not that he’s that much of a challenge even in courtroom mode). Most players get the message that its a bad idea and quickly tag him out before Arthur Wrecks him.

Tron is in question though, but only because there aren’t many Tron’s out there to learn match-up experience against. Still, My Arthur regularly steamrolls characters that are arguably more threatening than her, so it shouldn’t be much of a problem once i learn tactics.

Arthur’s mobility is not bad at all. The only thing he lacks is a standing-dash. Otherwise he has great attributes that more than make up for it. His double jump and AWESOME J.S have numerous applications and are awesome in the hands of a good Arthur.

record screeches to a halt

And i don’t think its emphasized enough, but Arthur’s jumping S can be just as overbearing and intimidating as any other divekick type attack used in this game. I didn’t realize this until i played against another Arthur player that 1 time(lol). When used right a lot of pseudo rushdown pressure can be put on the opponent.

Teleports in this game are nothing when you realize their glaring weakness: They all rely on the opponent being idle! The secret to combating such characters is just to stay mobile at all times. Their assist+teleport spam become nigh useless if you’re constantly on the move and they cannot trap you. Plus Arthur has Fire bottle which when thrown in the air is awesome.

My point Arthur uses Vergil’s and Dante’s for target practice all the time.

Seriously, get the word out people. Teleport+assist= Almost useless against a constantly moving opponent(only strider throws a spanner in this).

His speed is not bad at all compared to most characters, perhaps a tad slower but not by much. Otherwise for seasoned Arthur players its no big deal. What he lacks he makes up for with his amazing jumping S which helps movement a lot when used right.

Slower projectiles can be better because they stay on the screen longer and fill space for lockdown, and timing throwing them is not as tight.

And Arthur’s Lances on the ground are very durable(as is Axe). Lances x2 beat win out against most projectiles in this game. Only Hawkeye’s electro arrow, Modok’s beam, and Chris’s magnum beat it.

Otherwise, Iron man, trish, doom, deadpool, magneto, Ryu, etc. Lose to lances big time.

re-uploaded with better quality


As an Athur player since day one of MVC3 and a continued Arthur player in UMVC3, I appreciate your positive view of our knight.

My personal persepctive is that like any character, Arthur takes time to learn how to play properly. This includes learning how to move, how to defend yourself and learning combos and mixups.

As much as I love Arthur, I am far from being the best Arthur out there. But I have put enough work into playing him that I have won against a lot of characters I probably shouldn’t have. This is due primarily to the other player not respecting what Arthur brings to the table.

Against rushdown characters, his instant overhead j.M, j.S XX whiffed QCF+H, land, cr.L is a great combo starter that not a lot of players are used to defending against because most Arthurs try hiding across the screen behind walls of daggers.

For mid-range characters match-ups, the aforementioned walls of daggers due a lot to screw up their game.

I haven’t lost too many projectile wars with Arthur. Of course, that may be in part to my playing Arthur anchor, and in lvl. 3 X-Factor, a projectile war with Arthur is like throwing a nuke at somebody. Sidebar: playing Arthur as anchor is a great way to learn how to play him, in my opinion. X-Factor only lasts so long, and Golden Armor is relatively unreliable due to it placing you in hard knockdown. So, in anchor, you gotta learn how to move and defend yourself or else you’ll probably be toast.

The only matchups that give me pause are against teleporters. But you brought up a good point. Teleports are only useful against stagnant players. If you are continuously moving, teleports aren’t as effective. Still, it throws me off my mental game and I panic some times.

Arthur isn’t an easy character to play and learn. Sure, he has some bad matchups, but with a fair amount of effort, he can stand on his own against a lot of characters.

At least, that’s how I see it.

I disagree. By the time Anchor Arthur comes out, the opponent’s team may have already suffered considerable damage(or you have), and the match is nearing its end. Not a lot of time to gain experience. Also in his XFC3 Armored state he is nothing like regular Arthur, since he’s so fast & over powered and can get by with a lot less.

There is no substitute for the experience gained by having Arthur on point at all times headlining a team and learning match-ups. For example learning how to successfully evade post-match attempts by overbearing characters like Hulk or Wesker to get in early, and without having a GTFO assist like haggar or frank to help out. And you can’t call any other (non-gtfo)assists because they’ll just get caught in the barrage and destroyed. So for the first whooping 5 seconds in EVERY match your Arthur is solely on his own with the opponent in his face trying to not die. What do you do?

And just general match-up experience. Since dedicated keep away is so weak in this game, each character requires a certain approach to deal with successfully or else Arthur dies horribly. Everybody has to learn match-ups but that goes double for Arthur since it seems like everybody in this game has tools to get around keep away.

Arthur is easy to pick up. As long as you learn good projectile patterns and what does well against what its pretty easy. His combos are piss easy too.

Dark Arthur just seems so… not smart. Your just running your X-factor on a smaller timer, and when that timer runs out you get fully punished and probably killed. I mean he is one of the best characters Anchor vs Anchor, but against full teams when your being perfected he cant do much. If you are fighting someone who can just stay at the top of the screen Arthur can’t do much in anchor. Assists help arthur monumentally. It’s crazy how much better arthur gets when you put him with assists. Hidden missiles, meter building assists (Goddess Bracelet loops, and best level 3 in the game if you just call an assist? Yes please.), Projectile assists, assists that hit super jump height etc. all cover Arthur’s bad match-ups.

I see your point about how by the time an Arthur anchor comes out, the fight is almost over one way or another. I didn’t think about it that way.

However, I still stand by learning Arthur, or any character for that matter, by having them in anchor. My main reason for saying that is short of the anchor character getting snapped in, when your anchor is out, there’s no safety nets. There’s no GTFO assists to save Arhur from rushdowns. There’s now beams or projectile to augment Arthur’s own projectile output. You purely have to know how Arthur works.

If Arthur is on point, you can call Haggar/Strange/Tron/etc. to keep rushdowns off of you. You have the ability to call for help if you need it. And while that is clearly an important part of this game, I don’t think it’s the best way to learn what a character can or cannot do.

For example, say an opponent and I are down to one character each. I have my Arthur and he has Wesker. I can try the keepaway stuff for a while since Wesker only has his gun to fire back. But if he inches close enough, he can threaten me with a teleport mix-up, or maybe just wavedash in to try a cr.l. With nobody to back me up, I need to know everything that Arthur can or cannot do in that situation. I would need to know how to move around using j.S. I would need to know how to crossbow cancel j.S in order to continue the hit into a combo on the ground.

If Arthur was on point facing Wesker, I could just hit my panic Haggar button to get out of the situation relatively easily. Or maybe have Doom’s missiles backing me up, so no matter where Wesker lands, there are objects flying at his face. No advanced tactics necessary. Optional, definitely. But not necessary.

That was the only point I was attempting to make. I do appreciate your style and point view, though.

I agree that Arthur is easy to pickup. I would disagree with the statement that Arthur is easy to play well.

Picking up a character can be as easy as just finding one tactic that works and spamming it. Hulk’s s.H, any character’s dive kick, and the like make their associated characters easy to pickup. But just because you can mash s.H doesn’t mean you play Hulk well.

I would say the same goes for Arthur, too. Wall tactics are easy. Wall tactics backed by Doom’s missiles are even easier. It’s effective, too. And his combos, while I wouldn’t say are piss easy, are relatively simple compared to the bold move cancelling Dantes need to learn. Or the execution nuances Doom players need to pickup.

But I would say that learning to maneuver with Arthur, learning how to nail his more advanced tactics, and learning how to overcome some certain matchups takes practice and player awareness. Maybe I’m just a little stunted and don’t learn things as quickly as other players, but those qualities have taken me time to develop.

Playing dark Arthur may not be smart. Hell, I don’t think playing Arthur is smart. But I think he has his perks on anchor, and I will freely admit he has his perks on point, too. Even the second slot is an ok place for the guy. It just comes down to how you like to play, I suppose.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post.

What are these advanced tactics? Maneuvering with arthur is something that does not exist. He is a rock in terms of movement. He has super slow walk speed, and a double jump is his only special thing, and even that is not that special.

Thinking of pickup arthur but I don’t know who works well with him

I meant tricks such as super jumping toward the opponent but changing the trajectory with j.S and then firing the scatter crossbow for projectile coverage. There are times in Arthur play where you need to take the fight to the other character, and this is just about one of the safest ways he has to move. His mobility definitely sucks, but there are ways of making it better.

You should understand that I am not saying that Arthur is a deep character. I am saying that he is deeper than jump back + call Doom, air daggers, land, lance toss, repeat, though. However, to each his or her own play styles.