I made and Arthur combo for the Wesker must Die thing. Its a TOD starting at one bar. See if you can beat it!
Ironically, Arthur’s best assist is Shuma’s Ray. Missle’s is out for FAR to LONG and prone to getting bopped.
Shuma’s Ray allows Arthur to deal with Characters at Super jump height, but either way he’s still pretty damn ass.
Yeah, but its attached to anchor shuma with no assists. So that’s a nono if you want to play online.
Oh please. I play Jill and C.Viper online, the fact that it’s online is irrelevant.
Sorry. Just ranting about lag over here.
Arthur really has only 3 flaws:
[]Poor Mobility- I don’t even know what Capcom was thinking with him. It’s like they removed his dash and forgot to give him something to compensate for it. They eased the pain a little bit in Ultimate with the buff to his j.S, but his lack of mobility really, really hurts him.
[]Teleporters- Next to Phoenix Wright, Arthur suffers the most under teleport pressure in the game. Without a proper GTFO assist, Vergil is probably a 9-1 matchup in Vergil’s favor, for example. But then you realize that the GTFO assists are attached to Doom, Iron Man, and Haggar; none of which are good anchors and Doom is the only good second out of the 3, but you lose access to Missiles when you pick Rocks.
[]Speed, or lack thereof- Arthur is just too slow in some situations. His jump is a bit floaty and, once again, he doesn’t have enough mobility to do much other than jump around and fire. His projectiles are a bit slower than Hawkeye’s to start and aren’t that much more durable when they are out.
On the bright side, he does have 3 good things:
[]Hypers- Arthur does use meter very well. His keep-away also builds a decent amount of meter in the process. Compared to some other zoners, his hypers help the team out a lot more than Hawkeye, Chris, or Morrigan’s.
[]Synergy- Does Arthur need a team built around him? Yes. Can he help other characters without being a team’s main focus? Yes. Daggers alone makes him a good backup, but his DHC’s in and out are icing on the cake. Gold Armor gives any hyper a 20 frame invincible startup for an extra bar, and sometimes you can DHC into Goddess Bracelet to set up his Goddess Bracelet loop.
[]Buttons- Arthur’s normals are a mixed bag. His st.M auto-guards, his cr.L is a mashable low, and his cr.M and both H attacks are sword normals. On the other hand, everything he does either has no range or slow startup. He does edge out here because of Heavenly Slash. It is one of the game’s few true reversals, and doesn’t cost meter or health, putting it on par with Jill’s Somersault.
That’s why you only play 5 bars, if not just make your combos tighter to match the lag. Hell worse comes to worse, just mash out your inputs to match the ass-ness of online.
Arthur meter usage is meh His install is mediocre because it punishes you with a HARD KNOCKDOWN later on. PB loop is extremely meter intensive. His level 3 is legit though.
Button wise, his normals are friggen awful. Don’t even compare Jill’s somersault to Arthur’s Heavenly slash, there not even in the same category.
Honestly, I think Arthur’s best position is point. He’s pretty bad on Anchor and only works if your opponent isn’t a dumbass and doesn’t Xfactor. Hell, even if your opponent xfactors, they can still lame you out.
You are now my favorite poster in the world.
Ok, but Goddess bracelet loops are crazy good. If you have good timing, you can potentially punish any approach they make on the ground.
I fucking LOVE my team. Arthur/Morrigan/Doom is so godlike, whenever I feel safe I just call morrigan, and now I almost ALWAYS have a level 3 ready, and now I can punish anything. I can make Magnus’s Level 1 spiral super (forget the name) with SRK M - Gold Armor - Sista sista and do a full combo. Funny how Magnus players think Arthur is completely free, still a 7/3 matchup in Magnus’s favor, but magnus doesn’t exactly wipe the floor if I call missiles properly.
I think Arthur is best at 2nd imo for several reasons. He should have some meter if the point character did some work, he’ll have access to an assist once the point character does down, and the point character also can use Arthur’s assist which is really good. XF2 Arthur is also something you can’t sleep at, and it can even be more dangerous than XF3 Arthur if he has the proper assist. Problem with starting on Arthur is that the opponent will be right on Arthur’s face at the start and Arthur has trouble building meter.
You said it. Arthur has more or less no way to handle rushdown besides his Terrible Shoryu- Heavenly slash which isn’t safe on block. His incomming options are terrible,even with his double jump So the chance of Arthur living passed the incomming mixup are extremely low. Also, Arthur seems to be one of those characters that needs two assists to “work”. One for Super Jump height (Mystic Ray, missles, Purification), and one as a mid-range gtfo (eye of agamotto, lariat, jam session),etc. I’d much rather take my chances with the start of the round gambit, then a heavily layered incomming mixup.
Arhur can somewhat work on Second though, mainly because his assist is just so damn good.
You are right about the incoming mix up problem, but I still prefer Arthur 2nd since I view his assist very highly. I might be sleeping on point Arthur since I hardly ever tried it out and I’m just thinking theory stuffs with Arthur’s shit movement, but missing out his assist is a pretty big loss. Though, using Arthur on point shouldn’t be a bad idea if the opposing character can’t really rushdown well.
I also agree with the assist choices. Beams also works nicely to clear up projectiles on the ground.
Sometimes I like switching Arthur to second if they pick any top 8 character. That’s depressing. Now that I think about it he has a really really shitty time with all bad matchups.
Zero can walk all over his face with canceled lightning, Magnus can trijump and he cant do anything but block, Viper can guard break him all day and when he tries to counter she can just cancel into burning kick for a full combo. Vergil is way to fast and he has a teleport, and arthur, sadly, has no good option selects for teleports behind you. If your trying to use lance, Axe comes out, if your trying to throw daggers, bottle comes out. If your trying to throw out a crossbow, Scythe comes out. I just woke up so I’m really tired, and I don’t want to even look at that blasted tier list thread again, so I’m just going to stop here.
Thankfully, Arthur has really good matchups with alot of Mid-Low tier characters. Felicia can’t do much but super jump + Delta Kick, and IIRC that doesn’t hit high and can be countered, and is beaten by Heavenly Slash. All the giants I don’t even have to talk about, really. He has a really bad time with M.O.D.O.K and other characters that can stay at the top of the screen and shoot shit.
Not really.
Tron beats Arthur Clean due to her Projectile Destroying properties,
Ghost Rider can just j.S Arthur 24/7 and there’s little he can do about it (along with some HH in there),
H-Ko can abuse gong until Gold Armor, but then you have to add Rimoukon into play and the matchup is about even.
She Hulk’s in his favour, but it’s really not as skewed. Shulk, once in range, completely stops Arthur from doing anything involving his jump, thus cutting his momentum in half alogn with the fact that her 22S–>4/6 is a decent way to move across the screen.
Phoenix Wright is completely in Phoenix’s favour. Maya cuts down any Zoning he may have, and in Courtroom Mode his Zoning> Arthurs. Same goes for in TM when he can rush your shit down or zone you out.
Replies in bold.
Tron’s H, j.H (which can be Dash canceled), Gustaff Fire, Bandit Boulder, and j.S (which can be Dash Canceled into).
Er… I think youre a little mis-informed there or im misunderstanding something. None of Tron’s normals are dash-cancelable in any way (outside of maybe plink dashing but thats something totally different). Also you left out 5S from that list.
Anyway Ive been playing both Tron and Arthur since Day 1, and theres no way the matchup is in Tron’s favour. A few projectile nullify normals are great yes, but those normals also have a pretty long startup. If she doesnt have room to startup theyre pretty useless. You have to realize that she may be able to break your first few projectiles, but then shes stuck in her recovery animation and you can already throw several more to punish. Even in a one on one Arthur should be able to zone Tron out just fine especially considering that shes big and fat so even the most basic Arthur patterns should lock her down. In fact Arthur’s Daggers take up the entireity of Tron’s airdash and ground dash (which both have recovery btw so shes unuable to block until the dash is over) space leaving only the super jump height to avoid projectiles.
Whoops, I meant you can use it during the dash. I’ve used tron and Arthur on Day 1 as well (since Jill wasnt available day 1 for me)
One v One, I guess you can chalk it up to Arthur but especially with Assists, it’s in tron’s Favour. In the Air, Tron can somewhat bully arthur by Dash back–> H/Dash S from about midscreen to a close proximity., which works wonders with assists. Tron can also Gustaff Fire some of his projectiles and cancel that into her Drill. The problem with Tron in the matchup is that once Tron gets in on Arthur, she’s going to bully him into staying there and limit his options. Tron’s going to limit his options up close so much that she’s going to bait the Heavenly slash and punish it. From midscreen, Tron can use a nicely spaced Dash–>j.S to punish an attempt at throwing arrows.
Oh yeah you can IAD with those normals if thats what you meant. But yeah anyway, once Tron gets in she is going to be a jerk about it. But with Arthur, I feel like you can still keep her full screen and not let her get to close for that to happen. Thats where I think the matchup is in Arthur’s favour.
Its not like it matters anyway, no one but us plays these characters so its a rare matchup T_T.