You lack discipline oh foreign knight! The Arthur Thread

I used Arthur in vanilla when he wasn’t a bad anchor too (no one knew how to stop xfc3 lance chip). He was bad on point then after week 1, he’s slightly better now, but still bad. Every position he plays he can’t keep up with the competition. Hasn’t gotten far at all in tournaments on average and doesn’t scare jack anyone. He lost that fear factor when the lance shit died. That was the only thing that really made him scary at all.

But I’ll stay faithful to him since he’s just about the best possible third I can find for my team, and he’s pretty fun to screw around with. Surprising how much his new j.S did for him, for mobility and in combos.

Regular Arthur depends on AA assists. Biggest downfall of point Arthur imo. Deadpool’s AA isn’t great either (His actually EXISTS) but he has the mobility to make up for it. Arthur doesn’t. Magneto dances on his face.

I stick by Arthur on point. IMO he is best there because while a beast in xf3 he can still go down in one combo. Having him on point I can do a similar lame game to morrigan(obviously not as good) but with doom missiles, well its super annoying. Also with him on point it’s basically free damage, cause lets be honest, he is gonna die.

I play around with Arthur a lot on my team spots. I have him on point when I feel that his unique style is most appropriate, I have him in second when I want to focus on my other characters (Ryu, Amaterasu), and I have him on anchor as a threat against popping X-Factor.

By the way, is it me, or are a lot more people getting really good at pushblocking Ancthur’s lance-lock? I’ve really had to manage it well against a lot of people in just the past two days, and it’s starting to get a little close for comfort.

Arthur is always my starting point character, and there are ways around all of the above. Wish i could record & upload videos of my Point Arthur in action but lack the equipment.

Teleporters? Pffft i use Vergils and Weskers for target practice.

Captain America’s however…grrrr…

if people start pushblocking the lance lock you just have to adapt…
throw some daggers or arrows to mix and force them to eat some chip and restart the pushblocking.
some people get hit while trying to pushblock if you just delay your lance toss a bit…

anyway, if I’m locking anyone, as soon as I see 1 or 2 pushblocks, I´ll throw something else and start jumping forward… don’t waste your time throwing lances at their pushblocks unless you feel like filling a meter or 2 in exchange for that lost time.

In fact most of my Dark Arthur comebacks are from rush and not from lance tosses nowadays.
people are used to evade lances, then you just use it to scare them while you get close and do high-low mixups for the kill :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking of Cap, I’m off to my first ever tournament tomorrow, and one of the better players happens to use Cap quite thoroughly. Wish me luck!

Cap is so tricky to play keep away against. Since he’s Mr. Reaction super, he’ll be waiting and trying to bait your zone game. When he’s close throw NOTHING out or assists. Just focus on evading, push blocking, and being defensive.

Don’t try to shoot anything unless he is far away. Also since Capt’s are always trying to bully their way in, and won’t expect aggressiveness from someone like Arhur, don’t be afraid to try to mix it up with jumping S. I’ve had decent success on lulling capt’s into a false sense of overconfidence, only to nail them with jumping S and into an air combo super.

All this assuming you play Arthur on point like me.

I do. I might have Ryu on point with Arthur as assist, but this advice is just as valuable then!

I disagree. Meter is nice but i can also wreck a character just on good keep away.

And my Arthur chugs meters and i rarely find myself without one. A good Arthur is going to be consistently laying down a projectile offensive, resulting in LOTS of hits on the other player. Does not matter if they’re blocking most of it, it still builds meter.

Often times i’ll throw out a goddess bracelet just for the hell out it lol. There’s more where that came from :wink:

Tonight I learned the virtue of Rushdown Arthur. A friend of mine was playing against a Spencer I just could not keep away from. He was being almost reckless with his offensive, so quick and high-priority it was. So I started jumping in on him, double-jumping around. Use crossbows to close the gap, lance-charge and toss a bottle, the works. It started giving me the momentum.

Dang guys, Arthur’s got the moves!

Forgive the double post, but I bring stories of my Arthur’s exploits!

I’ve come back home after the tournament yesterday that I was talking about, and I had an absolute blast. I’ll try to avoid the “first-tourney-ever” description to focus on my Arthur experience. I don’t think anyone there had really fought an Arthur before, so some of the cast didn’t realise the matchups.

I feel really proud of how my Arthur performed, often single-handedly carrying matches. I often had him on point, but I put him into second or anchor when I wanted to focus on my other characters instead, or if the opponent would pop X-Factor. They even gave me compliments for my defence, too. I wasn’t on-par with things like punishing hard tags or getting great combos in, but people found it really tough to beat my neutral game.

Regardless, it was all enough to carry me into third place in the tournament. I even beat that Captain America player I was talking about, 3-2, to make into Winner’s Finals. At that point, though, I lost momentum; tournament fatigue began setting in, I began worrying about making it in time for my vital bus ride home, and I was up against Lythero of Phoenix Wright fame; I reckon Phoenix has a good matchup against Arthur, and his Joe was no joke either. He beat me, and then the Cap player got his runback in Losers’ Finals, and the tourney organiser was nice enough to drive me up to my bus so I’d catch it in time.

I know that two of my matches were recorded, so I’ll post them in the Video thread once they’re uploaded to youtube.

Hey man, I remember seeing you do a normal axe relaunch combo with what I think was a j.L and a double jump in the air series. Can I get notations for what you use midscreen?

Of course.

LMH> 6H > S > j.L > double jump > j.MH xx 214M > land > 5H xx 623H > 214L > 214H > 214M xx 236XX.

if you dont want to use the hellbound slash, you could also just relaunch into another basic air combo if youre close to the corner.

Following Revelations’ bracket right now, Realpolitix is there, and he’s won three matches - one of them against Viscant.

Dare we dream to see him on stream?

f00000k. I wish I had not messed up so bad with Deadpool vs. KillerKai, would have had a real good chance at Top 8. Hope you guys like a lot of the Arthur tech vs. MoTempest, but till next tournament I have a lot to work on.

any archives to watch this match on?

Don’t know if this is well-known (I always seem to be behind where tech is concerned) but I just found out Arthur can go for an airthrow after Heavenly Slash (normal) after messing around in training mode. Combine that with assists that let him continue the combo after OTG j.S and Arthur can reset into an airthrow combo after Heavenly Slash. Plus, they are forced to choose between blocking and teching because you can punish attempted techs with another Heavenly Slash (dem invicibility frames) until you feel like going for a throw or just creating some space. I’m probably missing something important (won’t have access my copy for a few days) so please tell me if there are any holes present so I can see how to deal with them.

Match starts 8:06:00

It was happening quickly but did I see you connecting j.S into arthurs < - H? I’m rewatching now, it looks awesome!

Yeah, after air series I do a b.H > SJ > j.S to pick them up and launch again with S. If it’s in the corner I do M Heavenly Slash loop after the j.S for a quick kill.