If you said that Arthur cannot make 1 vs 3 comebacks without golden Armour I’d maybe agree with you.
even so, against some characters, puting golden armour on, equals to puting a timer by the end of which you die if you haven’t won… like Ghetto Pandora (from that game no one plays… lol)
Even during golden armour + xfactor period, if your opponent actually knows what’s being thrown in his direction, he’ll just RESPECT Arthur, jump back, super jump, waste time until your Golden Armor + Xfactor is gone…
against this kind of opponent there’s not much golden armor can do that regular armor can’t, in fact, against people that respect Arthur, I find regular arrows to be actually better than golden arrows keeping them where I want them to be.
Golden Armor creates a lot of free wins against people not familiar with the matchup and sometimes can create really hard situations even for people who know about it, sometimes it’s your only chance.
But it’s situational… sometimes it’s just better not turn it on.
I’d say, today I’ll turn golden armour on about 50% of all matches Arthur is the last man standing… the other half of time, it’s just better to stick with regular armour and play safe instead of puting that death clock upon yourself for a power boost.
More often than not, I’ll try to survive until the last 11 in game clock seconds with regular armor, and then activate golden armor + xfactor at that time…
so Golden Armor breaks together with the timeover… lol
Well put. This is exactly why Gold Armor is a liability to Arthur than an actual benefit. That hard knockdown bull is stupid. IMO, it should be a soft knockdown, but the falling speed should be equal to Arthur’s normal jump speed, so that the opponent has a chance to punish it, but then you have a chance to cover yourself like with the Gold Axe. Against a “smart” opponent, aka someone who takes marvel a bit seriously, they would know just to run away cause its a ticking time bomb for him. I love Arthur as a character, he helped me win my first local tournament, but looking back at it, none of them knew what to do to counter dark Arthur. They kept crouch blocking in the corner, and let Arthur’s j.S clean up entire teams.
No offense, but that sounds like the problem is you. Yeah Arthur is a bit of a gimmick character, but that doesn’t mean you can’t play smart with him. Be more mobile in the air with SJ’s and j.S, have them come at you, his j.S has good priority, and is pretty much his only good normal. & with Arthur being Arthur, with no dash/airdash/teleport, you’re going to have to accept the fact that he’s gonna have some seriously bad matchups. He does have good ones, I personally believe him vs Doom is in his favor, but matchups is all theory. It’s how good you play that really determines the match, because once you get that first j.S, all that theory goes right out the window.
Of course you can play smart with him. I’m saying the reason why Arthur is bad is to become at his full potential he has to completely gimp himself by risking his LIFE for it (using gold armor) in certain situations where you can’t cover him. It’s hilarious.
I honestly think there aren’t many Arthurs that play him to the best of his level and there aren’t even that many to begin with AND he sucks in the first place.
Arthur as an anchor is pretty irrelevant now too considering everyone knows what he’s capable of and respects it. Especially since you don’t need to fear his lance shit anymore. And 3rd is really his only place. It’s like RR, playing him on point for too long is damn suicide even without King’s armor.
King’s armor is the only time Arthur can keep anyone out of the air at all by himself, this is why anti-air assists like missles are so great with him. SJ anything is a terrible idea unless you j.S before it and that’s still not very safe.
Compare Arthur to Phoenix. Both risk their lives by trying to become at their full potential, both NEED to do so to compete with the bullshit the rest of the cast has. One completely changes the game to fit around her while her weakness is getting to actually touch her teammates (Phoenix), while one simply makes it a boss battle to avoid the things he throws until he’s vulnerable (Arthur). Arthur can play the same role that Phoenix does in the way that she stays as the third on your team and becomes super-powered there of his own accord (not by means of xfactor) but you must level him up before then and if snapped in his armor will eventually break anyway. If they choose not to reach their full potential they get raped by anyone who isn’t crap. Like in MvC2 if you eliminate the best characters Arthur is actually really good King’s Armor-less now that he has faster horizontal movement.
I always thought they were similar in this aspect. And they could have been even more similar if Arthur’s armor either didn’t break so damn fast or it just breaks, no knockdown involved.
But that’s how YOU play him. YOU play him by getting Gold Armor and hopefully chipping them out until or you die. That does not seem good.
But your basing that whole paragraph as if we all agree that you need gold armor to win, which you don’t. Point Arthur’s whole game plan is to control just above jump space down, keeping them locked down with assists and not letting them make an approach, then if they get through your wall of projectiles and make an approach, use your decent normals to reset them at fullscreen again. For reference, my team is Arthur (Daggers), Chris (Gunfire), Doctor Doom (Missiles), and yes, I do believe that you need to base your whole team around Arthur if you want to play him on point, but thats just how low tier characters work. You can’t just slap them onto a team and call it a day (Like Wesker) or use an assist that helps everybody (Like Drones) because he requires assists that control super jump space and horizontal space. That doesn’t mean that your team is extremely limited with changeability, but I would say that you need Vajra / Missiles / Vertical Arrows / Mystic Ray and other than that you can use Sentinel (Drones), Rocket Raccoon (Double Shot Blue Ball thingy), Iron Man (Unibeam), Hawkeye (Triple Arrows), MODOK (Beam Assist), Tasky (Horizontal Assist) , Akuma (Tatsu). And I know I’m probably missing alot, but anything that keeps them in blockstun for a while and has good projectile durability / negates projectiles, you should be fine.
The Gold Armor break is nearly irrelevant. Compile a list of characters who can easily punish a fullscreen armor break. OK, got your list? Now remove everyone who is going to walk over an assist-less silver Arthur anyway. (You can start with anyone that has a teleport.)
Who does that leave? Magneto? At the very worst, silver XF3 is a decision that you make against a specific character.
But what I mean is point Arthur sucks. And has always sucked. Even now. His best position is one that STILL has him sucking it up, but I wanted to talk about gold armor because it at least gives him a chance vs non-shit characters. Silver and armorless aren’t enough, you’re going to get eaten by anyone who can just stay in the air unless you bring two specific assists, and even then you’re really pushing it.
Still…I don’t get some things about Arthur that CAPCOM went on with. Like how his level 3 is UNSAFE ON HIT.
I said decent, doesn’t mean it will beat the likes of magnus or wesker, but I have beat out quite a few people with his sweep and S.H before. What I’m saying is that he is NOT ass up close and he is NOT ass on point.
I don’t see how he isn’t. And his normals are pretty shitty. He has a sword and his normals are slow. That combination is usually pretty bad, ex. Yoshi in SFxT, except his just had no hitboxes on the tip AND some were slow as hell, ha.
No. Comparing Shuma to Arthur is the worst comparison ever. The only thing they have together is that they both need assists and they both have really good assists. Arthur is a lockdown character. Shuma is a rushdown character.
But he does not suck. It depends on the match up. If you have a character with a teleport, its 7-3 in the teleport character’s favor. If you can properly not give them any room to press buttons or do anything, you have a successful point Arthur. Just use your assists and Daggers, Scythe, Lances, and the occasional Crossbow to keep them locked down.
Arthur is quite good on point against a fair portion of the cast, as long as you aren’t starting him at the beginning of the match where the opponent starts out in your face for free.
Teleport characters rape him (assists or no), but against non-teleporters, he can fight just fine as long as he isn’t being asked to make a comeback. Storm is a big problem, but against most of the others, you can whittle them down with enough time.
Arthur’s level 3 is frustrating. It should be 30 hits (at 1/3rd damage) instead of 10; maybe then you wouldn’t have characters randomly falling out of hit or negating all of the damage by pushblocking.
Furthermore, the fact that his armor doesn’t break until after it’s over is just… retarded. Capcom should change the armor break window for LV3 to ~30 frames after it starts. Right now, if you land LV3 and run out of gold armor in the process, the opponent gets up just in time to punish your armor break.
The main problem of point Arthur IMO is that he has a hard time filling up the meter that he REALLY needs.
about people in your face for free, if you just start the fight with Heavenly Slash xx Goddess Bracelet then it doesn’t matter they are in your face…
at worst you’ll be far from them, at best you’ll be far from then and hit a super.
If you don’t misstime it, nothing beats HeavenlySlash anyway.
still, I agree playing Arthur on point is not really recommended as he has a very good assist, decent DHC ins, Goddess Bracelet lasts for a long time enabling nasty mixup games for some characters with fast supers from THC, he has insane xfactor and desperately needs meter… he isn’t a point character by any means
Premise 1: Arthur needs meter
Premise 2: Arthur has a hard time building meter
Premise 3: You should use up the 1 meter you start with in the first half-second of battle
I covered it in the same post right after my statement.
I was just showing some option he has against anyone that tries to be at his face for free at the start of the match, but surely point isn’t a good place for arthur to be.
I’ve been playing anchor Arthur since UMVC3 came out, and it’s really fun because I make him switch styles depending on character matchup.
Everyone has lauded that “Dark Arthur” rises with X-factor gold armor. Does anyone else play him rush-down style on level 3 x-factor when the time is needed? I usually try to kill whatever character I’m facing through zoning (dependent), but as soon as that character’s dead, I go to the extreme corner and throw 1-2 firebottles and wait for the incoming character. I then start going nuts on the instant-overhead j.S and c.L, trying to mount an offense that would rival Magneto. It’s one mixup after another, and it gets absolutely ridiculous.
Even better if they’re put on blockstun through Goddess Bracelet, X-factor in the middle and try to mix them up. Nobody expects it.
I guess I have the advantage of nobody knows the Arthur matchup, or nobody expects Arthur to actually trying to rush a character down. It’s very unorthodox, but it works.
You sound new to Arthur point usage. When i first started playing him i thought the same and spammed golden armor. Yes his projectiles are definitely better however, with enough playtime i learned that his normal arsenal is very effective also. Now i rarely use armor in favor of Goddess bracelet instead.
Gold still has its uses though and i’ll occasionally bust it out, especially if i’m doing well. There are ways to avoid the hard knockdown punish also when it breaks, such as throwing out an axe or fire bottle +assist right before i does.