1 light’s worth of extra damage on the health buff … and fixing some things that were flat-out busted the first time around (opponents teching between hits of hellbound slash). that j.S buff better be fucking amazing if that’s all they’re really giving him.
Thank god
I’m really interested in the new Heavenly Slash invincibility and the air S OTG changes. Does that mean that Arthur can go blow through any attack with the invincibility and able to combo from his air throw? I hope so. Also, his Golden Armor duration buff is not listed. I hope it’s just an undocumented change.
Wait a minute… so if J.S OTGs we can finally combo after air throws? FINALLY.
Yeah LMH>Lance Charge > Hellbound slash not working is just silly.
Also we really need to think about compiling Arthur tech into like a video or something at some point. I’d do it myself but I have no recording equipment D:.
I planned on doing this a couple months ago, but figured Arthur was getting too much new stuff to waste, and I’m waiting for Ultimate.
After I do the Zero thread, I’ll probably work on a full video tutorial for Arthur. I had a lot of it written, but now things will change.
That would be awesome, i think a tutorial is a great idea, and just what Arthur needs more of. Best of luck to you.
I keep arthur as second on my team because of his amazing dagger assist and the fact that Shuma is a meter builder, TAC’s passed to Arthur usually equate to death because of his OTG invincible level 3.
Was watching Maximilian’s capcom change log episode part 1. Arthur’s J.s looks so good, you can just keep spamming it all day. His otg from fire bottle looks way easier to do also. Can’t wait to play this game!!!
I’m hoping that Arthur can use it as an instant overhead and combo out of it. He already can in vanilla, but unable to combo out of it.
Anyone figure out if he can solo combo off air throws with j.S?
A friend of mine (Mister E) got the game early and he said the J.S OTG works just like Vanilla Shuma’s, so it doesnt really work. Also J.S sorta has a bit of a start up before dropping really fast. So the J.S OTG is almost exactly like Shuma’s since it causes the same ground roll after it. All in all J.S is useless for extending combos as it seems.
Something to note: X Factor LVL 3 lasts about as long as Gold Armor.
No one has confirmed that yet.
I managed to get two to test out Arthur for me. From what I have been told, this is what have been confirmed. Heavenly Slash completely blew through Ryu’s beam hyper, Arthur can use air S as an instant over head and combo into Cr. L, Heavenly Slash as an assist does not have invincibility for both non armored and golden armored versions, and lastly, Arthur can combo from his air throw with the use of assists (assist he used was Franks’s shopping cart). For the last two, a friend of mine streamed it and showed me.
I was planning on using Frank, good to hear they have some synergy. That shopping cart assist is sounding like it’s going to be one of the best assists in the game.
Things are looking good this time around. Has anybody noticed changes to b+f or the shield counters? Is the autoblock on st.m the same?
do the daggers come out any faster?
I can’t wait to abuse that J.S.
I didn’t here anything about the Daggers, so I assume it will remain unchanged, though I hope Arthur’s other items get a start up and recovery buff since I believe I’ve seen them listed as buffs before but they aren’t mentioned on the official capcom change log.
J.S only seems like it’s going to have the same use in vanilla for arthur purists: Covering his jump/superjump fall.
Aurthur daggers seem to have changed. i use them to reset in the corner with dorm and the opponent wassnt popping up for an air throw like vanilla…this makes me sad hpefully i was just doing something wrong
Lol found something silly but useless. Activate X Factor 2/3 and hold up forward at the opponent while pressing S. You can do like 5 instant overhead S in a row for like 397k.