You lack discipline oh foreign knight! The Arthur Thread

It isn’t super clear what actually went down. Both players expressions were priceless though:

Not a classy performance by arthur :frowning:


So here’s the scoop on my adventure in Devastation MvC3 Pools. I couldn’t use the PS3 HitBox controller I’ve been practicing on because I stupidly forgot the tournament was all on 360. I was able to borrow my friend’s Qanba Q4 arcade stick, but my inputs just weren’t as clean. I dropped a lot of combos I shouldn’t have. I only made it as far as I did because the other opponents dropped even more combos than I did. As for F. Champ, I just got lucky.

See for yourself:

JediJay - @50:45
Filipino Champ - @39:55
Ekim - @7:40

That’s why I’m not exactly proud of my performance. But in the end, I blame only myself. It’s my own fault I didn’t prepare better and dual mod my HitBox to avoid this from happening. But hey, lesson learned! I’m hitting up the SRK Tech Team table to discuss dual mod options today. No excuses!

As most of you can tell, I didn’t do anything new. At least, nothing new to the Arthur forum here : p In fact, a lot of the stuff I’ve picked up comes from this Arthur forum (as well as another local Arthur player named MeanMeanPork).

So… thanks! I’ve got a long way to go. I know I got lucky vs. Champ. But it’s cool! I’ll keep playing and studying Arthur and hopefully someday I’ll really show off what Arthur can do : )

EDIT: got dam why did SRK delete my old account. I swear I’ve been lurking since 2004.

  1. in that game that you won against ekim, you xfactored and then gold armored… you know thats not as good as gold then xf right??

but hey it worked, just future knowledge.

2.OMG… why’d you press that button!!! LOL marvel is to hard to not press buttons in… also i wondered why you were going for time out anyways… i thought you were faking the run away strat to get phoenix to open herself up easier by coming to you… but you actually just ran away… you could have easily killed her early on in your run away strat before she would have turned dark…

but hindsight is as hindsight does. good stuff beating flip.


mailorder! son i am disappoint that you didnt win by timer!!!

  1. Definitely did not know. Thanks!

  2. That was the biggest heartbreaker for me right there. Since I was playing on the Qanba, my input came out wrong - it was supposed to be a whiffed air throw : ( No excuses, of course… my HitBox is being dual modded now. I decided to run away the entire match because I had played Ekim in casuals before and I felt I could do it - his Phoenix wasn’t close to Champ’s Phoenix. But… yep : p


Arthur’s level 3 is a good anti-phoenix super because Phoenix can not interrupt Arthur. It’s a true block string that will expose anybody trying to buffer into a super. They can only XFC to avoid chip, and Phoenix’s fireball super will get her kill. If Arthur XFC out of the level 3, he can go for a high/low … the twist being that Phoenix can’t tell if Arthur is going for a high or a low. Arthur basically has a 100% guaranteed 50/50 on Phoenix.

It’s not really luck that Mailorder won, rather than Champ not knowing the matchup.

I’m pretty sure that if Arthur XFC during Fire Dragon, he can be push blocked to prevent any mix ups. He has to switch out to another character to negate the pushblock and actually get close to Phoenix for a mix up. Kind of like how Trish’s Round Harvest hyper works.

I don’t think Fire Dragon lasts as long as Round Harvest, so I’m not sure if it’s worth it… but then again, it only takes one combo. I’m wondering if it’s best to just XFC after Fire Dragon and go for a chip damage kill. If Phoenix is blocking airborne, she shouldn’t be able to defensive XFC. Well, at least not for the remainder of vanilla MvC3!

I believe you have a small window for a mix up before Fire Dragon ends, like 2 low or high attacks, but that’s really it. Though, I would think it would be worth it on Phoenix since one correct mix up is enough to finish her off.

Also, I’ve been trying to use Arthur as anchor but without relying on Golden Armor. I’m saying that because once the Golden Armor breaks, Arthur is just free afterwards most of the time from the knockdown, and in some occasions, it’s literally a timer bomb against some characters (XFC Gravity Squeeze/Dark Dimension = Dead Arthur). I’ve been having some success, plus it’s actually nice to spend some meter on Goddess Bracelet to shift the momentum back to Arthur.

Yeah, if golden armor ends, you’ll surely have some problems.

You have to maximize the usage of golden armor, I tend to never activate golden armor randomly, just do it when your opponent is trapped, when blocking daggers for example so you can be sure he’ll at least block your first xfactored golden lance and then you go from there.

Also, don’t activate “Dark Arthur” if he’s alone against an entire team, wi’ll have to be VERY lucky (or your opponent would have to make a stupid mistake) to kill 3 characters with anchor Arthur before golden armor breaks.

I’ve been using normal armor for some time with anchor arthur before turning golden armor on with a higher success rate than I had when I just activated Golden armor in the first chance I got and I think you’re probably in the right path by training normal armor Arthur.

For me, Golden Armor X factor does a pretty good job getting rid of two characters though.

good job rikir and mailorder.

I played in Seasons Beatings but I didnt get out of pools and none of my matches were streamed T_T. I had some good non x factor comebacks too with Arthur.

Sorry to hear that : ( I also had a match at Devastation that had to be played off-stream (the dude’s controller converter wasn’t working and needed extra time to fix it) which resulted in my team timing out his Phoenix. Was pretty awesome, I wish that was on stream : /

I just watched Flocker’s interview with Mike Ross and he was pretty much saying how he played at Evolution, Devastation and other tournaments but didn’t get far. But finally at Season’s Beatings, he was able to shine. Just keep on playing and going to tournaments and you will have your moment!

In the interest of having the UMvC3 character threads be as awesome as possible, I am posting here to offer up my current Ultimate Dormammu Thread as a base skeleton to anyone who intends to manage a character thread, or something similar, in Ultimate. It is currently stripped of information, and will remain so until about a week before release. I am not attempting to toot my own horn, but rather offer to others what took me quite a bit of work to do, so that those who would rather not spend the time on such things do not have to.

I have received a lot of compliments to-date about the structure, and a few people have requested permission to use its structure for UMvC3, so I thought I would go around and make the offer to others who might not be aware that someone out there has already done the grunt work for them (haha). Because I am posting this in all the character forums, and this is time consuming on its own, I have not taken the time to check for how developed the thread I am posting on current is. Thus, I ask that no one be offended at my suggestion if your character forum is well constituted already - I mean no intrusion upon your methodologies!

Here is a link to the thread blueprint:

You can get an example of what it looks like when filled out here:

You are of course entirely welcome to change whatever you like if you want to incorporate this structure into your own thread. I have all of my posts saved as Word documents on my computer. If you would like these documents instead of having to copy/paste from the main threads, please feel free to PM me your email address, along with the character thread they will be used for, and I will gladly send them.

Highest Regards to All,

That looks amazing, thank you very much. Your hard work will do wonders for the new Arthur in Ult. Marvel.

Karsty youre ama-zzzingg!

Haha, does that mean one of you two gentlemen will take up the mantle come Ultimate?

Arthur changes from Capcom-Unity UMvC3 changelist

  • Health increased to 850,000.
  • Changed falling speed of j.S.
  • j.S can OTG.
  • Added startup invincibility to Heavenly Slash.
  • Increased untechable time for first hit of Hellbound Slash.
  • Additional hits can be added to Goddess’ Bracelet through rapid buttons presses.

I’m digging the j.s OTG buff. Full combos off air throws and an OTG that can work easier with gold arthur in corners with assists?

I hoped for more significative buffs… Arthur will still suck if that’s all.

We needed at least some faster startup and recovery for projectiles, specially the ones done with qcb + atk…

well, let’s see how this turns out… if Heavenly Slash has A LOT of invincibility I’ll be a happy man.