You lack discipline oh foreign knight! The Arthur Thread

Can someone list arthur’s pro’s and con’s can the list be non bias and legit please

Add me on PSN for Arthur matches. I’ve been dying to see what everyone else is doing with him.

I like the combination of Arthur and Haggar. I play keepaway games and only use Haggar for GTFO assist. It also knocks down and you can confirm fire bottle to Golden Bracelet real easily. As for my anchor it varies with how I’m playing. I like Tron, Sent, Doom, Dorm. I’m trying to put together a really good chip team, but just can’t seem to nail it down.

PSN - MisterDynamite

Edit: Almost forgot, super jump forward + fire bottle is great against non beam users. I cross up a lot of people using this, but it’s mostly in scrubtastic ranked matches.

Damn, you’re right about those fire bottles. They are so good when people get in. My Arthur has leveled up dramatically since I started using them. Good stuff!

@Gammadynamite I’ll add you later I haven’t really played against any arthurs yet lol

@Bronzefist I use plenty of Lances and Axes vs. Sentinel. The pushback is essential to keeping him at bay. Having a ground assist and doing a superjump Axe is good at keeping a jump happy Sentinel grounded. The trick is actually not having him get close to half screen. I’m starting to use Lances a lot more than Daggers just for the spacing it provides.

@Nageki Pros: Above average assist (excellent in Golden Armor), excellent keepaway, and a very good anchor.
Cons: Weak health, Golden Armor is temporary, susceptible to mix-ups when coming in, and has little options up close.

Golden Crossbow is also good against Sent for locking him down.

Im sorry if this question has been answered before, here it goes…

I run a Viper/Arthur/Doom setup, i wanted to know what are the DHC glitch options for him. I tried Burst Time > Golden Armor right away, but i couldnt pick up the oponent.

Is it possible or its hyper specific?

Thx for the input!

Okay I spent a long time yesterday trying the DHC glitch from Spencer to Arthur, and couldn’t get the timing down for landing hits after the DHC (was trying to do s.H). When should you DHC out of Spencer’s hyper, and what is the timing for Arthur’s s.H to continue the combo?

Also, I tried doing Spencer hyper, DHC Golden Armor, then Goddess Bracelet, but that didn’t seem to reset the damage scaling - GB only did about 200k damage, I’m pretty sure I landed pretty much all the hits. Does that not work?

I tried it and it’s not too hard. Just wait until the last hit of Bionic Maneuvers and DHC, walk forwards to give the opponent a split second to fall into st. :h: range, and go for it. I don’t think the walking forwards part is vital but it might help make it more consistent.

I tried this also and I couldn’t get a DHC Trick-like spin when DHCing out of any of Viper’s supers. Can she actually do it or am I missing something here?

I’m fairly sure that burst time isn’t a cinematic super, so it shouldn’t work with that. A far as doing Spencer to Arthur, I can guarantee you that it works, I usually skip the H and just do S into the axe loop for two reps, then end with bracelet if needed.

There is an idea I’m toying around with that I think might be REALLY useful for anti-airs, but this is theory talk.

Kara cancel St M -> Heavenly Slash. St M as we know autoblocks high/mid attacks, and Heavenly Slash has invincible hitbox duration.

Also I’d like to hear some opinions about Arthur’s combos. Is building meter more important, or is going for raw damage more practical? I’ve been practicing maximizing meter on my Arthur combos, since I feel Arthur is a character who is very good at using meter. Building meter is tough for him mainly just because his damage output is really low, so you have to make up for that by landing more hits.

After launcher, I’m in the habit of doing air :l:, :l:, :m:, :m:, double jump cancel, :m:, :h:, :s:.

The main disadvantage with this combo or doing the double jump cancel in general is your opponent seems to land farther away from you, which makes it harder to follow up with the bottle + scythe unless they’re closer to the corner, but this is the way to land the most hits with an air combo. On larger characters like Hulk and Sentinel, it’s a little easier to fit in an extra air :m: in there. If you’re going for damage, then remove the air :l:s from this combo.

Also air :m: is a fun instant overhead. Especially against Hulk and Sentinel where you can do air :m:, :m:, :s: xx crossbow/lance. Against everyone else either get an assist behind air :s:, or jump away with air :m: and cancel into fire bottle for spacing.

Any good tips against Dante? I feel like I get eaten alive, for free. I’d rather not run Haggar or Tronne (I’m running Arthur/Dorm/Doom) if possible.

Anyone give any advice on landing Bottles OTG > Goddess Bracelet?

I just cannot get this shit down to save my life. I’ve been doing :l::m::h: in the Air, because I’m too scrubby to get :m::m::u::h::s: to work in the air.

I’m looking for an “easy” combo to start with so I can get down the muscle memory of doing a high percentage combo in an actual match. I’ve seen videos of people doing a Ground Magic Series, finishing with :dp::h: to Goddess Bracelet… is that a pretty reliable low risk combo to use when opponents are up close?

you could always try cr.m st.h heavenly slash> bottle> Goddess bracelet

I was able to get that going this morning. The timing on heavenly slash > Bottle is a bit weird. Like you have to wait until the Heavenly Slash animation is fully complete before you input bottle, or it won’t come out. I guess this is because the moves don’t cancel into each other, you have to link them, correct?

Anyways, I’ve found that using Deadpool OTG assist is helping me out because I can’t do S.Air > Bottles > Bracelet to save my life. Now I just do Air S > Deadpool OTG > Boomerang > Bracelet. I can do it pretty dependably every time.

Yeah you have to link them iirc

and I was trying the deadpool assist also for a bit. I found out you can do Air S>Deadpool OTG> Axe>Bracelet for 500 damage

Yeah but you have to get the correct Magic Series, like using :m::m::u::h::s: to make that Doeadpool OTG work.

The easiest way to air combo is :m::m::s: (double jump cancel up forwards if you like into more :m:s). Adding :h: makes the combo a tad more spacing dependent.

As long as you can hit confirm before your :h:, grounded magic series to Hell Slash is pretty good since it’s definitely the least iffy way of setting up the bottle combo. I wouldn’t use Goddess Bracelet though unless you know it’s going to KO. Saving meter for Gold Armor upgrades later on is more important imo.

So I have a question, how do yo use Arthur on your team?

I’m going to a Ranbat this week and with the PSN being down I’ve not played one live opponent since owning the game! I’m very nervous. My team is Arthur, Hulk, and Deadpool in that order. Typically I play keep away and spam projectiles until Athur is a little past half health, then Gold Armor Hyper and hold A2 to immeidately tag out after the Armor. Is this safe? I know it’s better to DHC, but if I’m across the screen is it okay to just hold Assist to tag out after Gold Amour?

I typically want Arthur as my anchor because of his XF and Gold Armour… but I’m still not sure where I should keep him on my order.

From full screen it is, but if they are close you should probably throw a golden bottle or axe and then switch while they are blocking.