What chomp said. Raw tagging is not usually recommended.
I usually save Arthur for an anchor unless their point character is an advantageous matchup for Arthur. One of the downsides of using Arthur on point is 1) low life means the opponent won’t have to use as many resources (meter/XFC) in order to kill him early on, meaning they can save that meter/XFC to kill Hulk. 2) tagging him out with half health or less means he is more likely to get killed off as an assist.
Also I’m not really a huge fan of using GA assist, unless you use the fire bottle or the opponent has a projectile that normal dagger assist won’t beat. I usually like to save GA for when I know I can inflict a lot of chip and/or lock them down, usually with XF lv3 and towards the end of the match, or to DHC trick into Arthur.
I still think he works best as an anchor. With 5 meters and lv 3 XF he is very dangerous.
So I went to UFO last night for Ranbats, my first time ever playing again another live opponent.
I went 1-2 and Arthur on anchor saved my ass. I ended up keeping him there during my three matches, I don’t remember what happened, or how I lost the first match, but on the second match I had Gold Amour XFactor with about three meters. He came in close and I nailed him with a Goddess Bracelet.
… and then on the final match I accidentally mashed out XFactor on my first character and it went down hill from there. Arthur came back on Anchor and made it close, but no XFactor and meters made it too tough for him.
I feel like I just need more non-CPU experience with Arthur. He’s a lot of fun to play with because he’s so different from anyone else in the cast. I feel like there’s an art of “spamming” projectiles intelligently and waiting for opponents to get close to hit with some close combos (Arthur does have some good range on his :d: and :h:). So I want to get better, I feel like he can catch a lot of people off guard who don’t know how to play him, or rather defend against his antics.
One of the first things you need to do is find out what mistakes you often make and how to correct them. If you’re to nervous/excited during your matches to remember what happened, it might be a good idea to record them. Knowing how/why the opponent or even yourself has won a match/round is key to winning, as it allows you to correct your mistakes and avoid your opponents strengths.
Arthur definitely has an art to using projectiles. Just throwing out random projectiles will usually result in an opponent using a hyper to go through them and hit you. There’s already a lot of info in this thread and the matchup thread, I would suggest doing some reading.
yeah I have a few ideas of things that I need to do better. I wish there were more Arthur play in tournament videos, but there’s only like three videos on FADC. Hopefully more players take the plunge and start using him more at more tournaments.
Did “discover” (for myself) a neat Deadpool DHC Arthur combo this morning.
Deadpool: :d::h::s::u::l::h::s::dp::h: > Cutting Time Hyper >
DHC Arthur G.Amour > :s: :u::l::h::s: > Bottles > Spears
So that takes two meters doing 600+ damage, put on Goddess Bracelet there at the end and it’s just shy of 900.
The problems with this combo: it seems that the Gold Armour bottles don’t connect in the corner, or it’s character specific on big characters it will only hit. The bottles always seem to go over them, meaning this combo must be done mid screen? Of course I could also tack on an XFactor after Arthur puts on the gold armor and starts the Air Series for extra damage.This mostly seems like a safe way to bring Arthur in with Gold Amour if the opportunity arises with Deadpool.
While in golden armor, instead of going for the knockdown with j.:s: at the end of an air series, do j.:h: xx :qcb: for a golden scythe, which will allow you to either do a relaunch or juggle the opponent with Heavenly Slash xx Golden Bracelet.
Its seems like Arthur is having no success in this game with all of the teleporters and all…
I’ve been messing around with his scythe and been have some success with especially with jumpers and jump forward fire bottle has been getting some work in as well.
Any more insightful ideas?
I put a ton of effort into it, but I’d like to make it better and bring it around SRK. Not sure why I threw it to eventhubs, but I guess I figured all the information was compiled here already. If it helps anyone, awesome. If anyone wants to give me advice to improve it I’d love to hear feedback. It always helped me to get my ideas and concepts down into text so I was hoping it might help someone else learn Arthur by reading it.
That was nice rundown of Arthur. Learned a little something from the guide, thanks.
I’m just going to buckle down and get the hang of Arthur on my new team.
Arthur really just takes buckling down. It’s hard to think of him in that sense, given his projectile-heavy base, but he takes practice just like every other character. Lots of in-game time to get used to patterns and the like.