How are arthurs assists? I seriously see arthur as an awesome battery. Start him on point, zone out to build meter, Gold armor, DHC/tag and have boosted assists for the rest of the match.
Answer to the above is likely super jump, smart push blocking, and having assists to help you with that. If you’re playing X-23 make sure you have a way to cover her approach.
So far using golden armor seems like a bit of a waste besides finishing off someone’s last character. The armor breaking causes too much of a headache, and tbh arthur’s golden armor assist while good, is nothing gamechanging. Anyone have any arguments to that?
These are just ideas… But at the start Super Jump over to Arthur, or maybe Teleport to him. You could also try using a fast, long range Super as your first move. Use your imagination.
I don’t know if anybody has posted this yet, but if you want to cross up you should try j.S xx j.crossbow, then cr.M xx daggers xx Golden Bracelet. Seems to work pretty consistently so far.
I love Arthur; he’s my new point man most of the time. Fighting beam happy Iron Mans is a little tough, but I can make his wall of weapons work against most other foes. Paired with the right assists I think I’m making a lot of opponents tear our their hair.
If you really want to get a crap load of hate mail look no further then Arthur. Last guy just called Gold Armor “fucking king of bullshit armor.” Which I am totally going to start using.
I have never gotten so much hate mail as I have from playing Arthur and Sentinel today. Granted, I agree it’s cheap as fuck, but it’s easily countered with a character with a teleport. It is pretty damn funny watching someone try to navigate the gauntlet of the Sentinel Force assist and Arthur hopping and throwing daggers and spears though.
couldnt you just try and anticipate when they are going to use a sent assist and then throw out a hyper that goes full screen, severely damaging sent in the process? i think a lot of arthurs would be too busy spamming and leaving themselves open to beam hypers etc…
Absolutely, I have been ROFL stomped by many that had some common sense and didn’t just try to run head first into the wall of projectiles. Teleports, hyper beams, etc. There are plenty of strats out there to beat it, the gimmick has a very low ceiling of success.
I will admit that it’s pretty hard to get a hyper beam off sometimes with that many projectiles coming at you, patience is key though.
The main problem im having with arthur it´s proyectile hypers, since they seem to beat our proyectiles and are pretty much safe on block if they miss. No spam against that hypers I guess, but then they have it much more easier to close distance.
Also, gold armor fire bottle seems to be godlike. Still trying to figure what assist are the best with art (other than sent). His otg slash isnt bad either, gotta try dagger toss yet.
Anyone else like pairing Arthur with Doom’s hidden missle assist? That shit locks you down forever. I’ve jokingly called my team of Dom/Arthur/DrDoom Team Ragemode. So far it has lived up to it’s name.
i like this midscreen bnb: c.a, c.b, c.c, 623 c, 214 a, 214 c, 6c, s, b, b, jump, b, b, c, 214 a, goddess bracelet. This does like 550k with no assists for 1 meter, pretty good. In the corner you can modify it by taking out the scythe toss and going straight into the launcher after the bottle hits (since it only nets 1 hit otg in the corner) doing a bit less damage.