You lack discipline oh foreign knight! The Arthur Thread

How could that team be strengthened against Skrull?

Josh playing Marn now, Arthur look godlike.

lol some dude just rage quit on the teamspooky stream, and he sent a message, fingers crossed hoping nerdjosh shows the message on the stream.

EDIT: lol dude called him a coward for playing keep away with a keep away character, all you arthur players better prepare yourself for the salt storm.

I can’t wait to get hatemail for playin arthur. Keep it real.

i allready got hate mail from arthur beat the guy 3 out of 4 times and he sends me a message saying that i only won becuase i kept throwing daggers. i responded with not true haggar larriet help too.

lol honestly we might need a thread just to chronicle all the hatemail he is gonna get.

Just played my first Batch of Netplay with team Arthur/Storm/Sent. Prepare for people to rage quit lol. I had 3 rage quits out of 13 games. On my 10 win streak all Arthur OCVs pretty much lol. He’s too gdlk.

I have a question for those with some tangible Arthur experience.

Specifically, can you offer advice on the drawbacks and advantages of Arthur’s Dagger Toss assist versus his Fire Bottle Toss assist for the purpose of providing cover fire for a heavy grappler like Haggar or Tron Bonne? This would be both with gold armor and regular armor assists, if it matters.

Edit: Additionally, how do you feel about those assists on a team consisting of Tron Bonne (point/main fighter) and Zero as my secondary character (Ryuenjin assist)?

After messing around with him for a little bit, I can say he will be a sleeper character definitely not as bad as people may think.

Been using Arthur/Dante/Sent. It is really really strong so far.

Use Daggers and Lances with drone assist mainly.

j. QCB Medium is really strong. It stays on screen for a long time and is huge. Just gotta time it right. Like koogy said, when low on HP DHC him out with armor. Overall he looks really strong. Just dont get hit.

i use dagger for assist with my hagger hulk arthur team if one dagger tags you can have your way with them by doing huligan luancher or violent axe to rapid fire punch knives usually cover really well takes out most projectiles


You can combo Bracelet 5 times in a row one right after the other. If you want to know the timing, it’s 130 beats per minute in 4/4 time for the musically inclined. 2 bars is the length of the super, so:
SUPER-2-3-4 | 1-2-3-4 | SUPER-2-3-4 | 1-2-3-4 |

Sorry for the goofy explanation, it’s the only way I know how to describe the timing. Arthur is the new Cable, which is why people have been using Arthur/Sent/Dante, it’s the new Team Scrub.

I´ve played a lot of arthur yesterday, mainly playing deadpool/sentinel/arthur. Sent seems to be very good with him (or any team, really), but imo arthur will requiere an excellent meter management if u plan on using him other than assist with gold armor.

The main weakness he has is his meter building, its AWFUL, so you need to have at least 2 bars if u plan to use him in gold armor mode. Also if he is your last character he is pretty screwed because he needs assists in normal mode and you cannot build enought meter for having normal armor back if u powerup (so u better win in the time you have the super up or you are done).

Gold armor is godlike tho, there are characters that are locked down forever and cannnot do shit about it, qfc+C it´s very very good as it´s fire bottle if u combine it with good assists. Wesker and doom were giving me trouble tho because doom flight can runaway pretty well and you cannot damage him a lot and wesker teleports and pressure are a pain for arthur (and he kills you in 1 combo)

I’m really liking Arthur (Fire Bottle) / Sent (Drones) / Dormammu (AA - Premonition, I think)

I’m only quoting this because of how HILARIOUSLY ODDBALL IT IS! I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone come up with such an obtuse way to explain combo timing… ever.

how are you guys dealing with teleporters? i have a hard time against teams full of teleporters like dante wesker phoenix and the like. it makes me not want to play arthur cause its really hard to deal with… remember spiral versus cable? with so many characters that have moves that come straight down on top of other characters it seems like arthur really has his work cut out for him.


It’s how I learned the timing and it’s the only way I know how to express the absolute perfect timing for the combo. I’ve heard some people say they watch the combo counter, but it’s specific to where you are standing in relation to your opponent, so this is more precise.

I appreciate the way it was explained. Though it would be pretty funny playing you locally and I see you mouthing/humming/doing something that makes it obvious you are tracking a beat.

If I don’t have a metronome I try to tap it out on my Hit Box to time it right.

5 Goddess Bracelets in a row? Holy hell, that’s awesome. Any vids?

Also, Arthur is now a scrub character? Why is it all the character’s I’m interested in are getting that label? /Sadface