How is arthur´s chip damage while golden armor is active?
Im a bit worried about arthur being too dependant on the armor super, wouldnt it be a bit contradictory to put a timer on a pure zoning character? I mean, cannot they just turtle the full duration of it and then just rape arthur (that´s why I ask if his chip is scary enought) ?
im not planning on playing as arthur myself but i can already tell im going to be visiting this sub forum often just to find out his weaknesses… Damn you Arthur!!!
What are you guys gonna do about Super Skrull? Arthur/Sent looks like a solid keepaway but that upwards airdash into that crushing overhead is crippling to Arthurs lack of AA.
thats one of the problems with NJ’s team… no AA assist.
however there are theoretical ways to deal with it like using arthurs dp move to absorb the teleport, as well as only throwing one or two daggers to bait the teleport. and arthurs firedragon super (lvl 3) was used to counter skrull as well.
basically we will have to play smart.
i should be gettingthe game in a couple of hours so i can check some stuff out. arthur is looking so sick, im so happy one of m first choice characters is actually good/decent.
Skrull does look nice. I like the TS stream it gives you actual movement not just a megamix of magic series combos. The game looks so much more lush with two adequate players.
Wonder why Art player never used powered up assist.
Hey guys. I got to play the game last night, and after about 2 hours of messing around, I ended up getting a 40 game winstreak against local players. I used Arthur / Taskmaster / Sentinel for the most part, sometimes swapping Arthur for other characters. It isn’t the best gameplay ever, but I did explore some theories I had.
You can DHC immediately out of gold armor into another super, which makes Arthur 100x better, because you get powered up assists. Hopefully it helps you guys out until you can get your hands on the game also!
I should also point out, I did NOT practice any combos before hand, or anything else. I just played on intuition. So, you will not see huge phat combos. You’ll just see me exploring the characters in my own, messed up way.
i was playing today and…i think hulk is a really good assist for arthur why you ask? gamma wave pushes them back to the other side of the screen even if the block so they will have a really hard time getting in on you i literally wrecked this poor guy today just sitting back throwing knives and gamma wave assists and when ever he got in hagger assist to goddess bracelet i felt really bad about how cheap it was.
It is really worth get a DHC chance and swap arthur because of golden armor assist? I’m still testing some stuff, and actually pull a bracelet hyper after sword slash > fire bottle > scythe > bracelet > sentinel plasma storm, it goes over 500 damage.
Yes, espescially if you have a character with an awesome dash or teleport. It gives you a lot of time to cover any sort of escape route or to put pressure. His Gold Armor assits are really underrated, and he also doesnt run out of time. You can keep him there forever with gold armor. As long as he isnt the main one out, he’ll never run out the gold armor clock.
From what I’ve played so far I’d be happy to say that Arthur’s golden assists are the best in the game. Gold Powered fire bottle is about the best I’ve seen. It just goes on and on and on.
NerdJosh has been showing that Arthur plus Sentinel drones assist is so strong. Add in a strong anti-air assist and you’ll have a ridiculously solid team.