You lack discipline oh foreign knight! The Arthur Thread

Is the Firebottle assist as good as the hype surrounding it?

What projectile did you find yourself using most and did you notice exactly what was powered up about the lances (since in Gold Armor mode he can only throw 1 instead of 2)

Did you settle into what you think will be a BnB combo for Arthur when he gets an opponent in a combo?

Are his A normals (especially crouching A) pretty much worthless?

Can his dagger spam beat out sentinal’s/iron man’s lazer?

The fire bottle assist was really good in that it stays there for quite a while, and stops opponents from approaching from the ground easily. I was using the dagger assist more though as a sort of ghetto drones assist so that my IM could get in and tri jump.

I was the only person using Ironman, so I didn’t get a chance to see if his daggers went through it, but I remember it beating Deadpool’s guns, and I think it beat Modok’s lasers.

Yah his A normals I didn’t find much use for mostly due to the fact that if people are in close you want to focus more on pushblocking them out as opposed to trying to mash a jab through their strings. I thought his A attacks were average at best.

My BnB mostly was B, crouch B, crouch C, launch, j.B, j.B, j.C, ground bounce, hit the ground and then bottle, canceled into punching fire super. Was pretty easy, and his B attacks have good range. After you can KFC into another super, or DHC. I’m sure there’ll be better stuff than this probably, but it seemed to work well enough and nets decent damage.

His projectiles are all really good tbh. You will find yourself using the dagers the most a la Spiral in MVC2, but they are all really useful. Particularly dagger, big circle axe thing (lol his qcf+B move), and of course the potion. Covering the floor with an assist and super jumping to throw a bottle or dagger depending on what your opponent did was pretty effective. I cant remember much about the powered up lance other than I think it may have been faster(?), but I could be wrong. On the whole, the powered up projectiles tend to have better hitboxes etc as you would expect them to have. Powered up potion is pretty sick though due to the amount of space it can control in front of Arthur. Can be used to stop people tri/air dashing over his stuff.

Thanks a lot for all the info, I’m really interested in Arthur, I just hope he is viable, I have a feeling that rush down is going to be king in this game.

I had not known who Arthur was before this game, but I am totally hyped for him; he looks like the most interesting character design in the entire game.

Torch assist is THE assist.

I believe the opposite.

Even with movement handicaps, his assists and range game is top notch.

Now I haven’t had the change to see too much of his bottle assist, but how is it his best?

I’ve heard that a lot and am trying to decide which assist I should use, Dagger or Fire-bottle with Haggar. (I’m mostly wondering if the fire-bottle can eat projectiles.

Gold Armor Torch Assist is MvC1 Colossus assist on steroids.

Huge blockstun, I’m guessing decent cheap damage as well considering and on hit almost any beam super/launch is free.

Overpowered assist IMO.

Ignoring calling it OP before release…it costs 1 bar to even start up, if Arthur stays in or gets snapped in for any reason, you’ll have to spend ANOTHER 2 bars to get the assist back.


The 1 bar cost is there and the snapback too.

There is also the possibility that you won’t be snapbacked depending on your defense (plus Arthur really helps a lot in avoiding that situation with the enhanced torch) and that Arthur won’t even see action because you locked down/beaten the opponent with your other characters while abusing his enhanced torches.

Fair 1 bar tradeoff if you ask me.

which, again, leads to not letting them get close…

Which is easily accomplished when having said assist at your beck and call anyways.

Not sure if this has been discussed yet or not, but does anybody know the recovery on his “Come Forth Knave!” (Lance Charge)

Though he doesn’t have a dash, if that recovers fast enough he could use that as a substitute.

so far i like arthurs gold projectile assist better than bottle, that may change, but dont sleep on “ghetto drones” they are quite good for having 3 of them come out… they take up alot of space, are easy to combo off of, and are faster than bottle.


Arthur was on the first team I tried, and still on it now

Right now he’s my favorite character to use, and I’ve gotten most my wins off of him (Even a few crazy comebacks)

I played against a lot of Arthurs at our recent mvc3 fight clubs.

He definitely needs a good assist as characters like Deadpool and Dante can get in just by teleporting right next to Arthur whilst being covered by their own assist.

Once Arthur gets hit by a big combo he’s done for, not to mention that a couple of DHC’s or the use of X-factor will kill him outright.

Seth Killian previews MvC3’s Arthur with G4TV : News :

I think after the game comes out the Arthur thread will need a list of “Get off me” assists that work well with him.

The lil’ guys a beast, but he can’t go it alone in game with so many popular teleporters.

Right now I know of Haggar and his Lariat Assist, any other suggestions?

Arthurs bottle assist powered up stops everything in the game even hypers that dont have a cinematic screen… Best way to deal with it is snap out the person and bring back in arthur…
My bro’s mains arthur and thats the only way I can stop the bottle of chip

i think i remember seth killian saying dorm had a captain commando-like assist. i’ll have to check the assist video to confirm that.

What I’m wondering is:

  1. If you can switch out with Golden Armor still activated, and
    (a) If you can prevent the armor ‘breaking’ (leaving Arthur in his boxers) by switching him out before the G.A. meter depletes.


(b) If G.A. is still activated when he’s switched out, and you can use his ‘powered up’ moves as an assist.

Thank you in advance.