You know what crossover I'd like to see? Melty Blood vs Arcana Heart

Or Melty Heart (Arcana Blood?) if you will.

Of course, it would be an all-female fighting game, and if they use every female Melty Blood character (since there are fewer of them than AH characters), barring “clones” as a base, then they’d have 14 MB characters. Then they’d throw in 14 AH characters to match for a nice-sized roster of 28.

I think the engine should be based on Arcana Heart though, since it feels a bit more solid than the MB engine. I’m unsure of how to apply the Moons/Arcana into the engine, though. Also, should it be 1vs1, 2vs2 or 3vs3?

Of course it’ll never happen, but I think it’d be really neat if they did it.

Mugen money matches

Is this mugen?

Uh, why bring up Mugen? That has nothing to do with this thread.

anime fighting game mashup = Mugen

I was of the opinion Guilty Gear or Blazblue would work better for stuff lke this…I’m STILL wondering how they’ll make Tekken X SF workcool game that it is Marvel I can buy that deals with alternate timelines,dimensions and universes all the time…But Tekken?

yo whats acana hearts?

heard it mentioned here n there

You know what crossover I’d like to see? Shitty thread vs FGD.

Oh wait, OP already made that.

You know what crossover I’d like to see?

Your dick in your face.

Harsh man, real harsh.

While Mugen is a cool way of doing this, it’s real disappointment comes from character imbalance or changed sprites/stats or some other bullshit the host decides upon releasing as they consider their version their “definitive”. I’m not really into the scene, but I’d like to know more about places to go where you can get characters who remain authentic with the games they’re copied from.

Uh, no. They’re both very legitimate fighting games. And neither of the series have an anime, BTW.

You know what I’d like to see? A thread without trolls.

Oh wait, HBRD just ruined that.

How childish.

Mugen is garbage and you should be ashamed for even suggesting it. I’m talking about a real crossover made by the companies that make AH and MB.

What do you honestly think the response to a thread like this would look like? Like “gee what a great idea we have so much to discuss!”?

gee what a great idea, we have so much to discuss!

It’s not a suggestion, it’s a bastardization. I’m right in believing it’s nothing short of accurate when it comes to character files or the system itself.

Smash Bros VS Capcom: Millenium Mashing 2011

GUYS what if my anime fanfic was made into a fg…think of the possibilities

ive got the framework all outlined and ideas engineered. if these developers listen to my song - ah it makes my arcana heart bloody melt <3

You know what crossover I’d like to see?

The catfish tacos my dad is making tonight vs my mouth

saotome kaneda vs srkfgd 2010

you know what crossover i would like to see i would like to see a cross over between super smash brothers mortal kombat halo call of duty and gta because i was born in 1996