Dimps X good fighting game developers
they’re the same game
AH characters would always lose because their breasts are too heavy. Not like that’s a bad thing…
No no… there are 10 year olds without big breasts too. They would win automatically because their opponents will be labelled a pedophile for the rest of their lives.
I’m actually kind of amazed at how utterly childish and rude you all are being.
It’s pretty sad to think that people like you are supposed to represent the fighting game community.
Dunno about those guys but
I’m waiting for a classy Saotome Kaneda closing post.
There is absolutely no reason to close this topic. If people would stop trolling and try to have a discussion about my idea, then maybe this topic could actually go somewhere.
Except a thread like this was closed just a while ago and the reason was ’ this is FGD, not “make shit up and talk about it” ’
We are discussing fighting games. How does that not fall under “Fighting Games Discussion”?
what would any discussion get you, you aren’t going to get examu or ecole to make a game based off an internet thread.
I’d personally like to see
dicks vs. ass
voltron vs. power rangers
the man show vs. the view
sailor moon vs. arcana heart
I’ll stick to dicks vs. ass (coughcoughatleasticanwininthatgamecoughcoughfraaaaaaaaycough)
Which FGs are we discussing? Or maybe it’s FG mechanics? Ooooh no I get it, this is a like one of these wishlist threads where you can just fanwank about the retarded crossovers you’d like to see and that’s it
Wait what?
Tsukihime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And don’t give me bullshit that that isn’t melty blood. It is.
Dumb thread, dumb OP. close this shit.
For a serious answer, FGD is for discussing real topics or actual fighting games. That may sound elitist to say “Real Topics”, but there is a difference between threads made to discuss actual games, companies, releases or mechanics, and topics made to discuss things you, or any of the other thousands of visitors and members to SRK, think would be cool to see.
If everyone made a thread discussing what they would like to see, or how they “feel” about games, or would-be-games, there would be limitless numbers of threads being created and dying, and nothing relevant or useful would be discussed.
You would do better to create a “Cross-Over Discussion Thread”, where the topic of Cross Over games can be discussed and ideas could be thrown around. Your idea would not be the main topic of the thread, but that is part of having an open forum, and the problem with creating a thread around your idea. This board is a resource for people to come to and discuss and learn about fighting games, and your idea doesn’t need to have it own thread right on the main page for everyone to see and respond to.
That being said, I would consult a mod before creating a Cross-Over thread, or possibly try to resurrect an old one.
They’re mad because this is a forum to discuss fighting games not everyones fantasy bullshit. I’m mad because this is why there is hate towards newer members, because they usually just say DUMB SHIT.
Tsukihime is what MB is based on, but there is no anime for Tsukihime.
And sorry bro, this is a pretty good example of a shitty thread you’d see in Gaiaonline or something.
No I don’t think so idiot