You are big fool!

hes just got that Birdie mouth :wgrin:

What did you use for The eyes on it?
They look pretty cool, Like… It’s shiny.

looks really good. for the balrog one, you should give him a bigger nose. his nose just seems too small to me

bigger nose is in the works. They both pissed me off this eve so I stopped for a bit. Painting Gen, and getting Balrogs armature right really got under my skin. Must be a lack of sleep. Anyway, Bland asked to see a painting. I started this a bit ago.

oil on canvas/wet on wet. hopefully be final in a bit. well, except for the BG. Take it easy on me. haven’t touched that shit in 16 years lol.

Dawg update. Gen is still gettin under my skin with the painting shit. rog’s forehead is huuuge and will be fixed lol.

haha i’ve never seen such an ape-like balrog =P
and them be the biggest man boobs on a statue yet.
in all seriousness it looks like it’s comin along great. and that painting is rad, so far. i like how you did the hair.

yeah, his pecs are quite huge. was goin for an exaggerated look. if it doesn’t come off right i’ll just dremel them down.

that Gen sculpture is awesome!! my fave chara from the Alpha series

his pecs are fine as long as you add a ribcage. they’re all by their lonesome so they really stick out to the eye.

Is Gen done?

Yeah, I haven’t messed with the lower torso yet so I think the pecs will pan out.
As for gen, yeah, he’s done and I decided against giving it to my friend since the painting process pissed me off. I’m not too keen on painting them with brushes. would be a lot more comfortable with an airbrush. I’ll throw some pics up tomorrow. Had a rough weekend and feel like crap. too much beer while playing some Tatsunoko :confused:

gen update. I thought I was finished with him but added arms etc… more to come.

bottom of beard cracked during last bake so gotta fix that. final shots soon.

Oh shit hes coming alive, looks good! I was excited to see him painted though.

hey seantree if you don’t mind I’d like to offer up some critiques. I’ve taken the liberty of altering the Gen bust you are working on. Hopefully it will help. this is what I see that could be fixed on the bust. Just compare the photos. if you have any questions I’ll try to answer them if I can. I’m really busy lately but I see all the cool sf characters you are making and would really like to see some of them completed. one of the biggest pieces of advice I can offer is to take your time with each sculpt…making something look really good takes a long time…it can take anywhere from 1-2 months of full time work to finish a sculpt to completion…I’m talking for about a 12 inch figure…a bust takes a considerably less amount of time depending on what it is.

also, feel free to check out my work on myspace or send me a friend request on there. last name is vierra for the security question.

Hater evilninjachris -.-

I think gen looks sick.

balrog im not to sure about yet o.o

thanks for the paintover but really wasn’t going for that look. I really detest A3 artwork. I kind of just throw my own spin on the characters while tryin to maintain the key features. I appreciate the feedback though as your stuff looks good!

its looking really good i think i want one. Nice work

if you want one it’ll be that one as I haven’t learned the casting process yet. perhaps he’d be a good one to learn on? I guess a bust is easier to cast then a full size statue. We’ll see what happens.

Sorry dude, I’m not hatin on anyone. I just saw that seantree has been sculpting up a storm and wanted to offer some assistance…he posted that pic of Gen over on another forum and I just figured I’d give some critiques to how it could look more like that… hatin would be more like sayin this is garbage, you need to make it like this. believe me, my intention isn’t to piss seantree off.

Thanks for the compliment, like I said above, I just figured you wanted Gen to look like the pic you posted on statue forum. now I realize you said you just wanted the pose from that pic. anyhoo, I think Gen is looking sweet…if I do say so, your best work yet…please don’t take offense to that. its my own personal opinion and all it means is that you are learning and getting better every time.

yeah, still learning for sure. I do appreciate the feedback! So you hit the sculpture forum eh? cool stuff. I also think it’s my best piece so far. That is probably what drove me to revisit it and attempt to polish it up some. Hope to have him finished soon. Thanks again for the crits man.