Yang Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

Although I’m still on v2012 (Steam player here), I sometimes activate Yang’s super when I have the opponent in the corner, and they are near death or I need an extremely clutch comeback. Once activated, I mix things up with low block strings into overhead. Main priority is to land overhead and combo into Ultra straight from there. Works almost every time. This really gets in the opponents head and thus, tips the all-important mindgames scale in my favor.

I don’t know what I’ll be doing with RFC. I would spend the 2 bars on Mantis xx FADC ASAP once I build them and the opportunity is presented. However, a full bar can lead into something like EX Mantis > reset > RFC combo. Will experiment once Steam recieves Ultra in about a week or so.

Hey. I’m new to playing Yang In ultra. I decided to try and learn a second character, so I thought I’d go with Yang seen as I play him in 3S. I have combos nailed down pretty well. However I seem to be having trouble getting in, and safely applying pressure on my opponents. Any tips?

Yang has great footsies, gotta learn to utilize them.

The only setup I know of that is somewhat useful is in the corner after a throw: Dash, walk forward a little, jump forward lk.divekick. I think it was an unblockable setup. It doesnt combo though so its more to confuse the opponent/ make dp’s whiff.

Try neutral jumping, delaying divekicks and getting used to his footsie tools. If you walk in and neutral jump just inside their poke range you can easily whiff punish it with a divekick. If you switch up neutral jumps with (delayed) divekicks it’ll be hard for your opponent to react. Add footsies to the mix and you’re basically in full control.

Safe pressure: Blockingstring ending in rekka. From there you can delay a 2nd rekka, go back to footsies, cr.lk/c.mk xx rekka, divekick in, neutral jump to see how they react…basically whatever you want.

@OSD Ok thanks. I have some of that down as well. I usually do a few divekick strings, then neutral jump in heavy divekick range. And then go for a light divekick, baiting an anti air. As stupid as this sounds it seems to work pretty well for punishing.

Does anyone know the frame advantage for Yangs dive kicks below the waist on block? Would be really helpful, because i find yangs dive-kick to be really risky to use on block!

-2 at worst. They can’t be reversal SRKed below the waist.

I retract that.

Below the waist, you’re positive.
On the abdomen, you’re usually even at worst. (These were tested via mirror/jumping dummy)

Around the chest and shoulder is where you wander into -1 territory and worse (This was tested on Zangief, who can’t get free super until you start hitting him at the shoulders or higher.)

Never touch someone in the head with a divekick.

On crouchers though, you’ve gotta make certain to hit as low as possible - hitting a crouch blocker in the head is as, if not more deadly as hitting a standing blocker in the head.

Where is there a list of options off of his close st.mk?

I imagine he has great resets.

training mode

My goodness, thank you so much because my divekick game with yang is ASS. It is such a blessing to sign up on here for the first time and ask a question to get some knowledgeable insight as a reply, thank you very much sir.

So basically anything below the waist on block we are at positive u say? I knew it was safe below the waist, but never sure if it had frame advantage. I only knew it had frame advantage if we hit them on the foot/ankle, but never knew we had advantage at the waist.

Around the waist, yes. It might only get +1 or even, depending on character, but yes, you are typically safe at the waist.

If you want to get a much better idea, boot up training mode. Pick your opponent’s character for Player 1, then use Yang as the training dummy.

Record the dummy to divekick you, then hold up so it jumps as soon as it can.

Replay the dummy, block the divekick, then hold up as well. Whoever jumps first has frame advantage.


Does that still work? I always crossup :\

It’s character and corner dependant

Simple question: what do you guys think of Yang’s new alt? I actually think it looks pretty hype!

Also, after getting bodied by the likes of Decapre, Hugo, and Gen for simply NEUTRAL JUMPING, I decided to follow suit, I find myself picking Ultra 2 in certain matchups that I didn’t before where characters like Sakura and Gouken (or maybe it’s just the players) spam that shit like no tomorrow. I’ve had varying amounts of success; you gotta be UBER quick to do it the farther away you are.

I’m hype for a lot of the new alts. Like Seth getting more clothes.

Yeah some people just do it regardless which character they’re up against. I personally don’t watch for neutral jumps so much as Yang unless by happenstance I whiff dive kick in their face as they’re jumping, or dash in to that also. I think people do that mostly because it’s defensive/low risk and it can lead into beefy damage, and in lag it’s kind of good. But I rarely rarely ever do just raw slashes or something that’ll get busted by neutral jumps. Anyway, if I’m under the neutral jump, I just go for MK launcher combos. Raw U2 has let me down too much that I don’t take the chance even when it could be a good idea.

my favorite thing is killing neutral jumps. i find U2 and normal roll kicks unreliable tho. EX roll kick is the way to go.

when i dive kick and someone tries to neutral jump and start pressure only to land on a dp, or when i go for a throw and they neutral jump and land on a dp, or when i do delayed crouch tech on their wake up…

all of those things give me a stiffy

Does Yang have the best walk speed in the game now? After the buff I don’t know how it compares to other characters. I wanna know just for the sake of knowing lol.