Xbox One PadHack Thread - Calling the goons "Toodles, Gummowned, Phreak and You" Do it for the Kids

One thing to try out and verify is that I believe a couple tournaments earlier in the year banned Cronus usage after reports in pools of it causing the opponent to have some sort of dropped inputs. It was a weird report, but definitely something to try out.

Since it requires the original pad it’s not a bad option, but a padhack is still more versatile in stick setups.

Im ready to do this. I did a trial run on a sfxt fightpad and it worked and it was a great learning experience.
I have a few questions.
Do you have to use a micro usb cable or will any usb cable work?
If I dont use the triggers and dont remove the analogs do I not need resistors?
How would I wire up the xbox one qanba and an imp for a dual mod?
What awg wire is best for sticks?


If you don’t use the triggers or remove the sticks, you’ll be fine without resistors. For your other questions are trying to only use on usb cable or two. I asked because you mention usb cables and then wiring with and imp.

Thanks for the reply. I would like to use one usb cable if possible. Does the imp work for dual modding with an xbox one, ye?


get a cronus max. /Done =]

$50 Cronus vs $60 XB1 controller

Official Reseller

Guys - this thread is about PADHACKING. Not converting a pad input using a laggy, non-tournament legal peripheral. Furthermore, this thread isn’t about the pros/cons of using a converter or a padhack, or a debate on the performance of the Cronus. This is simply for crowdsourcing the best way to padhack an XBox One controller.
Thank you.

Well if we are going to crowd source, the crowd should explore all possibilities and alternatives as possible.
The Cronus just happen to be a alternative, not a very good alternative but it still an alternative.
Yes much of what we know of the Cronus device is prior knowledge, causes other players to lag, drop inputs ban at tourneys, but now this thread can say without a doubt we explored that aspect of Xbone compatibility.

What I am really waiting for is the waves of 3rd party pads that come out the next few months.

Ok, is my pad behaving like all inputs are active…all the time!!! Please help

Need pics. Chances are you soldered everything to ground

This is tech talk we don’t needa crappy converter when we are able to use the best method for fightsticks.

I realized I used 100K resistors and not just 100 ohm resistors. I hope I didn’t blow out the triggers by doing that

so I picked up 10-ohm, 1/4 watt resistors to try and solve this random left analog thing. Correct resistor?

Left Analog points would 9-10, 9-8, 13-12, 13-14 that I need to connect with resistors. if this doesn’t solve the problem, would I need to remove the Analog nub?

I really don’t want to see yet another thread about XB1 controllers just because the Cronus is available for XB1. Those things suck. I’m sure that will be the general consensus here. Let’s move on.

can someone do this for me plz am in nyc bk

I know this is slightly off topic, but what’s with the Cronus hate? I have never used one, but I remember when I was at EVO FChamp was extremely angry that his opponent was trying to use one in pools. Do they mess up your opponent’s controls or something?

Cronus converters are notorious for making additional USB ccontrollers lag.

Can someone plz show me where else i can solder to the left trigger. I burnt the pad and now i cant map the buttons. I decided to jus use 6 button because of it but without it,i cant map. Plz. Thanks

When mapping in KI press the start button to leave thing unmapped. Im six button and it works fine for me and many others


10K == 10 Kohm == 10 kiloohm == 10000 ohm, NOT 10! Installing a load resistor that is 1000x heavier than what it should be can definitely do damage to the resistor if you’re lucky and to the board itself if you aren’t.