So I just watched X DOFP Rogue Cut and it was good; some things made sense, allot of good scenes and dialogue for the mutants. However there are still some issues with the movie that still didn’t make sense to me.
I hope somebody can explain this question in regards to the plot.
Shadow Cat (for some unknown reason) manages to get the power of sending the conscience of people back in time, right? So in the beginning when the sentinels invade their hide out, she runs with bishop to send him back in time to warn them about the invasion. The moment when she was already in the process of transferring Bishop, a sentinel manages to break in and throw a spit laser… the laser travels in the direction that would hit Kitty in the head but she luckily managed to time warp herself and bishop out of there before get her head blasted off. The room becomes quite and clear, both her and bishop managed to escape. So this is where my confusion comes in: 1st, it’s not just her and Bishop that disappeared but the Sentinel also disappeared, so logically the sentinel must have time traveled along with them, so they should still be in some shit… now that’s not the biggest problem, because how they hell did her and bishop physically transport back in time? I thought she can only transport the conscience of the person not their entire bodies, that was explained in the beginning during the meeting with Prof X and Wolverine. So since she is able to do that, then why did they disappear? If they followed the plots shown in their script, then she still should of eaten a c.fierce into probably a rocket punch because she and bishop would still be in the room.
I haven’t seen the movie in a while, but hadn’t she sent a message back to herself warning them that the Sentinals would be there? I thought that was how she got out of there. She didn’t warp Bishop away, the present that they were in ceased to exist. Or something.
Im assuming that when Bishops mind goes back to his days “younger self” , the “older” bishop mind takes over his body (like wolverine in 1973).
He tells Kitty and the others that A sentinel will attack X day around X time so lets move to another location. thus the mutants are not at the base when the senitnel attacks.
That was how I interpreted it.
But When wolverine was transported to the past, his body remained in the present with Kitty. In the beginning, both Kitty and Bishop transported together and then later on during the meeting, it was addressed that she just transports Bishops conscience back in time to warn them.
sorry to get picky but that just bothers me allot, however the Rogue Cut is still great and i highly recommend it. It shows what happened to Azazel, Pixie and the rest of the mutants that where in DOFP and other cool scenes.
Ok, this my last input on that. It’s still problematic, because they (or the timeline itself) just vanished instantly, just the very second that Kitty’s time warp powers fully activated while with Wolverine, there was still time needed. If you remember during the later parts of the movie, kitty was struggling to keep her hold on Wolverine and the Sentinel’s where about to kill her if it wasn’t for the timeline completely changing. Thanks for the clarification anyway.
I wish team movies wouldn’t suck so much.
Remember reading a Spider-Man story as a kid with the Blob or something where the guy mourned the death of a friend and refused to move.
Could’ve made a movie out of that story alone.
Whenever you got a team movie they tend to shove too much shit into it and the individuals do not get enough screen time.
Same goes with solo movies sometimes. I tell you, you could recut Spider-Man 3 into a decent movie if you just let the Sandman story in it and cut all the Venom/Evil costume bullshit out of it and reshoot a proper Peter Parker subplot.
That film got assfucked by fanservice and demand.
I just think 120 minutes is not enough time to do all characters in a team movie justice.
I don’t like the Avengers that much. I thought the films were entertaining and that’s it. I’m just not a fan of the characters to be honest. Didn’t like 'em as a kid either.
Rather read X-Men and Spider-Man cuz those characters were tons more easy to relate with than thunder gods, rich playboys and boring people shooting arrows.
Yeah, because a guy with spider powers who has the ability to fuck up his own life ad infinitum and people who wildly different and wonderful powers like shooting eye beams, telekinesis and teleportation are MUCH more relatable…
You forgot about them being teenagers in situations people actually know in their own lives.
I don’t know what it’s like to be rich fuck with a heart disease, a super scientist, a guy shooting arrows, an alien of blue blood revered as a god or a Russian spy.
I know what it’s like growing up with your grand parents and how weird it is to get into puberty.
Having normal people with a power fantasy side to them is different than having weird people with a power fantasy side to them.
Those people don’t have characters I find interesting in the slightest. The Avengers is like a team of 5 or more Supermans to me.
Sure there’s people you find cool even though you don’t know anyone like them like Han Solo or some shit, but fuck even Han or Darth Vader are more grounded than those snobby Avengers fucks.
So they’re punished because you didn’t see them as tortured teenagers?
Are you a closet Dawson’s Creek fan or something?
No, I don’t know their lives either. They have fucking super powers and hell, they’re extraordinary even without them. I don’t have Peter Parker’s intellect that could allow him to essentially head a Fortune 500 company if he so chose along with the ability to basically date any fucking woman he pleases. I don’t have a boarding school that teaches me how to harness supernatural powers and prepares me and funds my life to succeed well into my adult life.
You’re telling me that’s what you can relate to? That’s a joke.