x mania europe

Amateur player impressions

Boxer, Dhalsim and Chun Li super versions look OK to me. As they are clearly strictly worse than the new versions, barely anyone plays them in tournaments (but Inro and when rules enforce more than one character).

I would just have the bold characters qualify as low tier. Maybe O.Fei as well. But certainly not all of the O.Characters sans the Shotos, Sagat, and Hawk.

Anyone want to pay for my ticket?

Absolutely, but you pay for two of mine.

What about O.Boxer? He is listed in ratio 2, but why? Against shotos and Guile he does look strong, is it the lack of super or some 10-0 match-up due to getting safe-jumped to death? All I noticed is he needs the super against Old Sagat. Also, I thought O.Fei would have issues due to not having the rekka kicks: they give him too many BS comeback wins, lol.

I actually play quite a bit of O.Boxer, and I would agree with that ratio list, in that he is noticeably worse than his N.Counterpart. He’s lots of fun, but he has some seemingly minor differences, differences that force you to play him way differently than N.Boxer would be played. O.Boxer has no Super, which is a massive loss for many reasons, and he can’t soften throws, meaning you get knocked down and safe jumped all day if you aren’t perfectly careful. He also has no low rush punch and no low rush upper. No low rush means that you cannot score a knockdown from full or midscreen with a low attack like a sweep. No low rush upper means you lose out on the whiffed low rush upper into either throw or headbutt mixup. One of Boxer’s strongest mixups is gone.

His upper rush punch is done with back, forward+punch. Meaning if the opponent sees it happen, an upper rush punch animate, they know that you can only threaten throw, normal attack, or block. N.Boxer can threaten throw, headbutt, delayed headbutt, block, or attack. It’s a big difference in the long run.

O.Boxer’s only real gains are that his straight rush punch is a special high. It hits both ducking and crouching opponents (so you can’t duck under his high straight rush punch). The other is that his hold does two more hits by default for slightly more damage.

Another difference is that N.Boxer’s fierce straight rush punch knocks down and his jab straight rush punch does not. With O.Boxer it is switched, the jab straight rush punch knocks down, and the fierce version leaves the opponent standing when it hits. So you need to adjust during combos if you want to knock your opponent down. I think that neither Boxer’s strong version of the straight rush knocks down.

O.Boxer gets mauled by Hawk and Zangief and all his matches are downgrades.

Man, I’m shocked. Not only did I not recall Boxer did not have a low rush in Super, I actually “knew” it did! I am positive last time you picked him against me I made sure I crouched so as not to get hit low, but thought you sticked to straight rushes due to the knockdown and it hitting crouching targets. You are right, and it does make a lot of sense to have O.Boxer in that tier, “ratio 2”. Thanks!

Perhaps if it wasn’t in france…I’d rather it be in the uk, spain,germany etc etc.

what’s wrong with france?

He’s just jealous that the US will never have as badass of a military unit as the French Foreign Legion.

It sounds too much like “pants”.

The real issue here being that THEY ARE NOT HARDCORE ENOUGH.

The french live there.

Seems like morons live on earth too. I still can stand living there.

How are you guys going to promote this event? Articles? Interviews? Video trailers? Tournaments leading up to the event?

Everything is being recorded and streamed? Will there be a DVD? YouTube?

Online sign-ups and registration? Just show up and get randomly paired with a team?

i wont be there


What kind of parts are on the cabinets? LS-32? JLF? Sanwa or Seimitsu buttons?

LS-32, seimitsu buttons.

The PS-14-GN screw-ins, right? I don’t think anyone (besides HRAP EX-SE and Sigma TB owners) can stand the flat PS-14-G snap-ins.