x mania europe

No, ganelon, wolmar is wrong, i think he was tired when he wrote that ^^.
That will be with seimitsu sticks LS-32 and SANWA BUTTONS

I was a bit skeptical about the japanese presence when I first heard about it, but I saw then the Mikado blog post, and it still sounds as a superior european event than has normally happened

Hopefully I’ll try to be there

(Cheap) airplane booked. Until exceptional problems I’ll be there.



Swedish Government: PAY US 1381 Dollars (according to google)


Will this get an official website or are there any new updates ? I want to book but need moar infos.

Site is supposed to be opened tomorrow.

Sweeeeeeeeeeeet, oh congrats on winning STUNFEST btw wolmar. :slight_smile: good shit !

Thanx dude, I’m glad I made it.
X MANIA site is now available.
X-Mania Europe

wolmar, congrats. so you beat tokido, etc?

Do you have the full results for ST and other games?

Stunfest XI, Jour 3 - Team-aAa.com
Tokido decided not to enter. MOV played a nasty claw though. I had to face among others kenpachi, a very skilled ryu, Ryan hart, RF, who got a surprising sim, and cuongster, a ken I consider to be one of the best in europe.

So will some of you guys will come from the United States in Europe for xmania ?

Congratulations, Wolmar.

me and r-jive are booked.

wooooooooooo ima root for uk’s lui kang lol. jivster got a fine girlfriend.

just spoke to Kaosflare tonight after he shot me an email 2 hours ago. dude had some issues but is booking tickets tonight he said.

looooooooool, I will pick gief as one of my characters. Shout out to joles and all.

Wow! Kurahashi is the guest Japanese player.

nd now Kusomondo is confirmed too :slight_smile:

some vids up here: