www.JasensCustoms.com - Panzer Fight Sticks, ADCAP SuperGuns, EZ MODs, and more!

Thanks for all of the positive comments and insights everyone! Its humbling to hear great comments like those above.

Please don’t hit your friends with your Panzer. I’m quite sure that getting hit with one in a fit of rage will do more harm that concussion from an old NFL injury!

I’m slowly working on a silencing kit for the case. I have it in my mind on how to do it… just need to actually implement.






I used some 1/2 in acoustic foam around the edges of the top panel and it turned “dong dong” into a solid “thump thump”. It took surprisingly little of the foam to almost completely take the ring out.

Brothers in Arms. These fraternal twin Panzer Fight Sticks are headed out west to live with their MK48 cousin. The White/Red Stick has a custom etched aluminum dust washer courtesy of www.paradisearcadeshop.com.

Both of these sticks are wired up so they may be used on a NEO-GEO, SuperGun, and modern consoles courtesy of the DB-15 and USB Jack (via PS360+).


Hey Jasen,

Finally finished the joystick. Looks good!





Morpheus PCBs land tonight! Cut the cords, maximize compatibility! Morpheus works with NEO-GEO/SUPERGUNS/PCs/PS3.

PS3 Compatibility is in beta testing mode as of this writing but it will be available within 2 weeks as we work the bugs out. Video Demos coming soon!

$59.95 for the system. Transmitter Batteries not included.



I will follow this ^

Big potential for some of my personal projects.

Congrats for the development Jasen!

Thanks! The mass compatibility and the flexibility is huge with these boards. Just the fact the RX board can be turned into a PS3 wired solution is a huge plus!

I have to thank the community and those who support JasensCustoms.com with purchases and sharing of my products etc. The word of mount advertising and sales of Panzer Fight Sticks, Control Panels, Graphics, and now Buttons, Joysticks, and such all play a huge roll in developing and investing back in the community. As I have mentioned in the past, every penny is reinvested in new things for the shop, basically the more stuff that gets sold the more cool things I can invest in, help develop and bring to market. Sometimes these are simple additions like off-the shelf items such as GamerFinger buttons, but more often than not they are new Control Panels, Additional Fight Sticks, and new PCBs.

That’s a really cool idea, congratulations on the release.

Thanks Pres!


Here is the Wireless Stress Test I did using the Morpheus setup and some beta firmware that supports PS3. The results are pretty nice! Please note that as I clacked away at buttons RYU starts doing some moves so the button inputs were meaningless since he was in the middle of a grab or something. Watch the left part of the screen and you will see that inputs are still incoming :smiley:

That’s really cool. Would this be able to be used in a tournament? Does it pair and stay paired?

What technology is it using, IR, Bluetooth, something else?

  • Not sure if it would be tourney legal. Do they let wireless boards be used at all?

  • It works via one of 4x 2.4Ghz RF Channels, so theres no “pairing” to deal with. Plug the RX in the PS3, and the TX is in your stick. The RX can be flashed to use as a PS3 device, a PC device, or a NEO-GEO/SUPERGUN device.

Yes. I would really like to see an install video and a little more of a description of how it all works and looks once installed.

There coming tonight! Install is stupid easy :slight_smile:

I been following the Morpheus project on the neo geo forums, I believe its RF

Here’s a couple of videos. I’m not a TV Star nor a radio host, so please go into this understanding I’m much better at driving submarines than making videos :smiley:



Im in for two when ther are commercially available.

@Chananigans‌ - already for sale!


One of the reasons wireless isn’t tourney legal is because of pairing and unpairing issues.

I suppose if that isn’t the case for Morpheus then it should be tourney legal. The only other issue would have to be if there would be cross talk between receivers.

Really good stuff, Jasen.