My bad, I just fixed it.
It’s weird, it only takes you to the site if you put www in the url.
That’s probably just a DNS cache thing, both and should do the same thing.
Please be aware, we’ll be updating the summer calendar hopefully today and we’ll be uploading our latest interview so please feel free to take a look in a little while!
Good stuff! Not sure what the B2B events are though, business 2 business? Back 2 back? Back 2 Basics? Also wondering what that “Master’s Exhibition” thing is all about.
About GoldenArch “giving up SF”, yeah yeah I’ll believe it when I see it. I’ve seen very often gamers “retiring”, then they find out that they still love the game too much, and come back again and again anyway.
(Which is what I hope ends up happening, at least!)
For next Monday’s pool play, I’ll be out of town, so you guys finally have a chance at the top!
Oh yes. This is an excellent opportunities to announce some really cool new additions to our line up of events.
B2B - Back to Basics. This is an opportunity to live out a small piece of Street Fighter history by playing in Classic Mode instead of Remixed Mode. It’s nothign too crazy, but some of the small changes I think really change things and can provide some excitement for some events.
I’m very excited about the Master’s Exhibition. I will invite some of the league’s best players to play first to ten or first to five sets so that we can get more high level videos of certain matchups. We’ll make these exhibitions front page fodder on the website and we’ll try to figure out what matchups people might want to see and find people to play those matchups at a high level. While we don’t have our first players set yet, I’m hoping to send out invitiations as soon as I get some feedback on some of the matchups that people want to see, but maybe don’t see that often. (If you want Rog v. Honda for example, just go check out the grand finals of our last three tournaments…)
League Action 06/07/10
Good games to all. I need the practice for the upcoming tournaments.
Stiffpeter(Sagat) vs Xurkey(Blanka)
Stiffpeter(Bison) vs Geneijin87(DJ/Balrog)
Stiffpeter(Bison/Sagat) vs Thatkidporet(DJ)
Stiffpeter(Guile/Sagat) vs Kacom(Honda/Blanka)
I miss HDR, i miss WWL, & i even miss you Honda players!
YES!!! I’m coming back to XBL everyone. Prepare to lose next tournament!!!:nunchuck:
Where do I sign up?
Welcome back Jiggly. I’m itching to take that number 1 spot yo. LOL
Quick Reminder. We have our Back to Basics (Classic Mode) event on the 13th so sign up today!
Also, I’m very excited about our 2v2 random pairings tournament team tournament on the 18th.
If you haven’t registered yet, please feel free to do so.
After much waiting, I finally got a wired connection set up at my home, which means I’m back in action on XBL. I’ve just signed up for WWL, and I’ll hopefully be able to join the majority of events from here on. I haven’t played ST for about six months now, and haven’t played HDR in over a year, so I am going to be fairly rusty for a good while, I expect. But no better way to catch up than playing good folks. I’ve been debating whether I should stick with my former main (Dee Jay), or use the fresh start to work on someone else I’ve been wanting to pick up (Sagat).
What time of day is this back-to-basics event? I’d love to jump in on that, but unfortunately my Sundays are pretty well booked. I probably won’t be home until after 8PM Hawaii time, which is three hours behind PST, and 6 hours behind EST.
All events start at 9:00 EST That might make it difficult sometimes depending on work I know…
Hey sorry for not participating but the website was blocked on my computer until recently because Norton said it had a virus lol. Apparently Norton and WWL are cool now because it doesn’t block it anymore or come up with an error message. I’ll definitely start participating now (plus it’s summer).
Yeah, that will make it difficult, but hey, can’t be perfect on everyone’s schedule, eh? I’ll participate in the events I’m able to show up for, but yeah, won’t be able to make some.
So far we only have two confirmed entries for this Friday, June 18th.
hey silver rain i would like to to try 1 of your tourneys if u dont mind. ill be playin a scrub ryu