WWL Season 2... Back and better than ever Baby!

I have the 14th off from work and the wife will be busy so I signed up for the tourney! Good timing, LOL.

signed up, but i can’t make it this 14th, have work till 8:00pm pacific that day.

I’ll be there. Get hype!

I signed up, but I might not be able to make it because I’m going to a local SSF4 tourny the same day. If the bracket is uneven feel free to kick me out. Also if I don’t show at around 9:10 just kick me.

If I make it by 8:00pm pacific, can I still get in?

Is there a PSN WWL?

No. Since I do not own a PS3 and from what I hear the Online experience is of noticably less quality on the playstation network, there is no PSN WWL and there are no plans to launch a WWL league for PSN. Thank you

So barring anything unforseen I should be able to make it tonight. Where do I go when the tourney starts? Chatroom, website, etc? If it’s a private chat group on XBL, my stick doesn’t have a mic, so hopefully that won’t be a problem.

No, tournament starts at 9:00 EST, you should be in the chatroom 15-30 minutes before. You can find the chat link through the WWL website. Use your XBOX Live Gamertag as your name on the chat.

I don’t really think anyone should be thrown by this, but the website announcement for the tournament has both times listed as EDT rather than EDT/PDT. I just thought I’d point that out on the off chance someone gets confused.

I’m supporting Blitz on this one. C’mon man, show these non-Ken scrubs what’s up.

Hey, not all of us can pull off those fancy circle motions! :sad:

Edit: I can’t get into the chat room. This is just as well, since my son has decided he is not sleeping and I will be holding him all night.

I’ve been trying for awhile and can’t get into the chat room either :frowning:

seems like Dalnet is maxing out our webirc host’s connections, so either use a regular IRC client or another webirc like http://webircclient.com/

server: irc.dalnet.com
channel: #WWL

These grand finals are getting familiar! Congrats to GeneiJin87 for once again taking me out in grand finals!

One of these days, I’ll crack the code, I swear!

Good games to mad possum, Lofobal, pncntigger and Thelo. Great tourney guys! Many thanks to Thelo for running it, and good games to everybody I played. Congrats Genei! Thelo, I’mma have an answer for your Slaps next time. Good stuff. = J

Okay – I think we have a solution to the crying two-month-old problem. Are any other events on the horizon?

I’m sorry I have been super busy over the weekend, I will update the standings and make another announcement tomorrow. Congratulations to everyone who participated last Friday!

I checked the league website today and got a ‘Do you want this domain?’ message. I can still get there via the freei.me URL, though.

Yeah. I am aware of this, I didn’t think it a big deal yet. I’ve been working on a rewriting of some league procedural stuff and doing some more interviews and some other things so be sure to check the site every once in a while. We’ll also be announcing the entire summer schedule (June - August) in the next couple days so keep your eyes out!